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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1333550334' post='1603401'] Well... using ColinB's criteria (i.e. string fretted at last fret and measuring from top of pole piece to underside of string), I've got a gnat's cock under 3mm on the bass side and a gnat's cock under 2.5mm on the treble side. A gnat's cock being the internationally-recognised unit that's 'too small to measure'. I've got flats fitted too, but I doubt that makes a difference. Mark [/quote]I've always believed a midge's m***e to be "the internationally-recognised unit that's 'too small to measure", I think you'll find the gnat's cock is absolutely huge by comparison BTW mine are about the same height - pick ups that is
  2. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1333537255' post='1603017'] In the photo, it looks like the shield from your pickup wire is going to the end of the pot track (i.e output) and the central conductor is going to the pot shell (i.e. ground). Reverse those connections, and I reckon it'll be fine. On a Fender pickup, you wouldn't notice any difference as the poles aren't grounded, but the Delano must be made with the poles connected to the shield. So the poles which are normally grounded are now connected to the hot wire, causing a short when the string touches it. [/quote] Well spotted Sir Beer of the Bass
  3. Dunno the make, looks a bit cheesy but the body is definitely Emmental
  4. Could it be the coil windings are in contact 'electrically' with the pole/s? In other words a short in the windings?
  5. Active pick ups? If so I'd think there's a problem, sound like the poles are 'live' then shorting out to the string - which should be earthed. Passive - can't see how that would happen
  6. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1333467444' post='1602138'] My girls treated me to a set of D'Addario Chromes for my birthday a couple of weeks back and I decided to put them on my G&L this afternoon. All was going well until tuning up the G string. It wouldn't. It just kept slipping and popping out of the tuner. After a few attempts it got weak and end snapped off, tried again and it just won't have it. Not sure what went wrong, I didn't cut it any shorter than I normally would, infact did everything as usual. I'm wondering if it could have been a faulty one, anyone had a similar experience? I'm sure there's not much point going back to the shop, I'm guessing they will say it's out of their control, which is understandable but on the otherhand I've been changing basss strings since 1973 without incident, well apart from one occassion when I wasn't paying attention and snapped one. It's left me feeling really glum and hacked off and they cost my girls around thirty notes . So if anyone has a spare C'Addario Chrome flatwound G they can flog me it would be hugely appreciated. [/quote] I'd certainly have a word with the shop first, I would expect them to be helpful, had good service from Stringbusters (no pun intended ) when I had a dodgy LaBella. Cheerz, John
  7. That looks bloody lovely! A great bass for £250 but I just got a £440 energy bill GLWTS
  8. [quote name='BassBus' timestamp='1333453009' post='1601802'] This might be useful to you. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI9Y9MsmnEc&list=FL4vFv6-gg4sDK0K8YK770sA&index=11&feature=plpp_video[/media] [/quote] For a guy that's spent 45 years working on guitars I personally thought he was going at that like a bloody amateur! The damage done by a slip of a file doesn't bear thinking about
  9. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1333295906' post='1599665'] Having just taken delivery of a '52 TV Bassman, thought i'd post a pic of it with my '52 Precision, nice set, the original complete Bass Rig, all in remarkable condition. Thought I'd share, as I'm a happy bunny today, now i've paired these two together.... [/quote] What a loverly set
  10. The neck is most likely what it says on the head, a '98 MiM Jazz, the rest of it is anybody's guess, certainly not a '62 RI, just a lookalike.
  11. I like the look of this - better than my 'open stand' but measured mine & it's only about 60 cm long (yes it holds 5) is this really 940mm long? If so it won't fit my space Cheerz, John
  12. [b]Bargain [/b][b] & pictures please [/b][b] [/b]
  13. Sweet Lovin' the Roscoe with the Tort, sounds good to, TBH the camera mike did ok! Cheerz, John
  14. [quote name='mojobass' timestamp='1332920336' post='1594748'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-HM-Telecaster-Bass-very-rare-/220979525986?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item337367f962"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item337367f962[/url] Hw good are these? worth a punt? [/quote] So did you get it for £400?
  15. [quote name='Simon.' timestamp='1333118780' post='1597751'] Holla folks, I was just wondering if anyone knew how to get in touch with Fender Japan? I have a mid-80's MIJ P-Lyte which appears to have developed a fault with its pre-amp. It’s been in semi-retirement for a few years, and although it gets use a bit as a noodling bass, generally it never gets plugged in. However, I felt the need last night and discovered a very distorted sound coming out! New batteries all round, cables tested and different amps tried, all with the same result. So, as the fault is apparent regardless of pick-up selection, volume (unless at 0, obviously) or tone, I'm suspecting something has failed in the pre-amp. I'm quite happy to spend some time fault finding on it, but would like to have a wiring diagram and schematic to hand. So, does anyone have such a thing, or know how to contact Fender Japan? The only e-mail link I could find on their website goes to a dead page... [url="https://www.kandashokai.co.jp/fenderjapanmail/mail.php"]https://www.kandasho...anmail/mail.php[/url] Cheers, Simon. [/quote] So if you owned -let's say a 1985 Honda Accord & the radio packed up, would you want to contact Honda Japan for a circuit diagram?
  16. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1333088484' post='1597068'] And I shot this one for the LB30 yesterday... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjuLMqgk4Qk[/media] [/quote] Great vid/review thanks Gareth & I have to agree with all you say about the shift switches & tone controls. The bright switch doesn't seem to have much effect unless you have treble maxed & you might not get the change from a 15" speaker alone. I find it more noticeable (just) through my 1x12 + 4x8 stack. I think the LB sounds perfect with a P-bass & even better with a P-bass on flats Cheerz, John PS Could you stick this vid in the review section? It might be easier to find for future ref.
  17. KiOgon


    GHS Precision Flats for me, tons of depth but notalot of clang try GHS Boomers
  18. Lots of Tokai love here Lozz, that looks amazing & I'm sure it'll sound as good as it looks - beautiful
  19. Nice - but definitely needs to be seen in the flesh IMO, those fuzzy fotos wouldn't be enough for me to make a bid without hands on.
  20. I sold Andy a P-bass wiring kit, great communication & instant payment, a pleasure to deal with all the way. Cheerz, John
  21. [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1332858727' post='1594049'] 340 actually! And, I kid you not, the guy selling it thinks it's a Standard MIM with a replacement plate. So I could probably knock him down claiming that I want to get the 'original' one back on it. Edit - and only spending half my budget means the other half can be spent on women. [/quote] The 1&3/4" nut + the vintage style frets are what make these so good to play IMO, at that price buy it quick you can't go wrong. If you want some serious advise - don't waste the other half on women just get another bass or a cab, something you can rely on
  22. From 'tother side; [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/kjon51/Fender%2062%20Precision%20Bass%20American%20Vintage/15092011992.jpg[/IMG]
  23. I use the single screw options from Guy on my P's to avoid drilling extra holes, so they can be put straight back to standard. If you choose the normal 2 screw then it will fit back further towards the pick up. Photo of single hole thumb rest, Ebony from Guy, position on my AV '62 P-bass:-
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