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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. There's an Elephant in the room, though not a very big one
  2. @Discreet I saw some TOTP2 last night & this reminded me of something [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9ShxkcqUlQ[/media]
  3. A brief history? - interesting 3 minute read, "[color=#777777][font=verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2]There really is a Fender Bass for everyone"[/size][/font][/color] [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/article/4997-the-fender-bass-guitar-explained-.html?utm_source=Dolphin+Newsletter&utm_campaign=d5baf5ec83-Bass_week3_9_2012&utm_medium=email"]http://www.dolphinmu...tm_medium=email[/url]
  4. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1331316845' post='1571377'] Like these [/quote] I remember our singer/guitard turning up with a brand new H&H PA system one day, pretty good as I recall (at least he could sing 1 out of 2 weren't bad)
  5. In 73 IIRC I bought a Hiwatt 100 & a Orange 2x18 cab - monster! Then went back & got another Hiwatt 100 slave amp shortly after! Ah the good old days Wish I still had the amps Cheerz, John
  6. Welcome aboard Greg, another of similar vintage here, hope you've brought some pies Cheerz, John
  7. Maybe he got a question or 2 via ebay? To which he might have replied - "I am an honest seller - you are obviously a tyre kicker - I am happy to respond to any potential buyers questions, but please dont mail with your stupidity again or I will report you to ebay. BTW Mr Knowledge, Fender did not put a heel date stamp on most necks in 72/73" So if the seller is a Basschatter will he have the front to step forward?
  8. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-1972-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-GUITAR-FINISHED-OLYMPIC-WHITE-/330698670872?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4cff2d4318#ht_500wt_950"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-1972-FENDER-PRECISION-BASS-GUITAR-FINISHED-OLYMPIC-WHITE-/330698670872?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4cff2d4318#ht_500wt_950[/url] He says the neck is from a 73, don't know what the body is - then advertises it as a 72? I'm sure that's not a Fender head shape or the way Fender cut the top end of the fretboard, even though the neckplate serial # checks out as a 71, I don't believe the rest of it! Wadaurekon?
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1331223540' post='1569788'] Bah! Not a patch on the REAL thing. [/quote] 'Fess up Jack - which one's you
  10. [quote name='artisan' timestamp='1331219769' post='1569688'] i just took delivery of my new GK MB210 from Thomann but unfortunately it's come with a Euro power lead (suprise) I have a power lead that fits & i could use but that has a 13A fuse fitted,the GK manual states a 220-240v 10A supply. so can i safely use this lead or do i need to fit a 10A fuse (which i don't have of course) cheers [/quote] I think the GK manual is referring to the capability of the mains supply itself, as in 'the supply you connect it to must be capable of supplying 220-240V at 10A' Your 13A fused UK plug/lead will be fine
  11. Have you seen the additional family/band photo's added? They were certainly a bunch of wide boys!
  12. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1331161330' post='1568861'] I didn't see your edit until after I'd replied! So instead of having the wire that connects to the jack and is grounded to the tone control, it's instead grounded to the back of the volume pot? Along with the wire that goes to the underside of the bridge? [/quote] Yes & yes
  13. Very necessary, make sure the inner of the jack socket is connected, (black wire usually), that's where the 'ground' comes into your bass via the cable, some metal control plates rely on mechanical continuity but a wire soldered to the pot body is the best. Cheerz, john
  14. Jeeeeezzz Mrs KazOgon has got the ironing board cover to match your bedspread but I use it for tinkering basses on so I guess I'll have to let you off Nice collection BTW Cheerz, John
  15. Yes - what you're thinking is fine the black to the jack socket with the black from the pick up to the pot casing & the bridge ground wire too.
  16. I was just going to post - who do we know played a Wal like this?
  17. There's some strange wordiness in there, I don't think it's gonna be a straightforward sale.
  18. 1961? Hofner twin neck: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220969425850&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en#ht_647wt_934"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220969425850&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en#ht_647wt_934[/url]
  19. Yep - happens all the time, once you've paid 'em they don't give a toss
  20. The Green silks sounds like Fender strings to me, I've had them before, they're OK & at a reasonable price. Nice offer Jack they'll do some one a turn no doubt. Cheerz, John EDIT: Jeezzzz how slow is my typing
  21. I play for pleasure at home with an occasional get together with mates of similar age & ilk. Went through many bands - many years ago Self taught since about '64, always picked up tunes by ear, Kaz is still amazed when I hear a song on the radio, grab a bass & start playing along, then when it stops I'll usually carry on with a bit of extra freestyle thrown in! It's not just me is it? Cheerz, John
  22. Yeah well deserved & thanks for the pic Cheerz, John
  23. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1330778590' post='1562833'] It was fabulous. That is all. [/quote] Where have you been? That happened to me in errrrr 1967 or thereabouts, loved their music ever since & every time I hear any
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