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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1318113017' post='1398319'] EDIT: BTW, Ginger who? [/quote] Oops - another senior moment must've had Cream on the brain Mitch of course! Speaking of which, some of Jack Bruce's old stuff is all over the place Cheerz, John
  2. I like it - but don't need it - can't see why they didn't change the name? Fat Bastard or whatever - it won't replace my Little Bastard 30
  3. I remember seeing Jimi Hendrix band live when Jimi started playing, Noel thinking WTF's he playing & tuning his P on the fly while trying to keep up. [s]Ginger[/s] Mitch just carried on - smmmokin - regardless. You definitely don't get that today [color=#0000ff]Reason for edit:[/color] [color=#00ffff]A senior moment[/color]
  4. Thanks for the input guys, so maybe it's just a dream bass I'm chasing then The Stax/Volt 67 video is great, not seen that before. So if I was to get a '57 body resprayed CAR with gold plate & a '62 r/w neck, mmmm-mm, a winter project maybe Cheerz, John BTW - I definitely won't be breaking my AVs for the parts
  5. [font="Calibri"]I fancy building/putting together a replica Duck Dunn CAR Precision - not a MIJ or a Laklustre - as close to original (like Duck played way back when) as possible.[/font] [font="Calibri"]Having trouble finding much about it though, could do with some help please. Any pictures or info appreciated.[/font] [font="Calibri"]Thanks,[/font] [font="Calibri"]John[/font]
  6. Gutted for you Gareth, it shouldn't have to be so F'in difficult to get things right
  7. Was there any official filming of it? Even unofficial is it on youtube yet?
  8. I think you should add to the list of 'Typical Activities' for any prospective employee; cleaning & maintaining of showroom stock, so they're in a fit state for potential buyers to view/try. Just a personal groan after twice visiting with intent to purchase, only to find basses i was interested in - in an appalling state - on display & a less than interested sales person 'busy' behing the counter. On a brighter note - great job for the right guy! Good luck, John
  9. I swapped GHS 3050 Black Nylons for LaBella 1954 Oldies on my MiJ '51P & was a little worried about the pull on the neck - so much in fact I have left it D tuned (as in DGCF). It would adjust I'm pretty sure but those big old strings just feel better at the lower tension & the neck is happy. So I'd say a set of heavy LaBellas will certainly decrease if not reverse any back bow you may have, sorry don't know about any of the rounds but I'd imagine they'll help. Certainly cheaper than options 1 or 2! Cheerz, John
  10. Well done Barney - Great gig in the sky - let us know where & when you're on. Cheerz, John
  11. He's asking top dollar! - The neck looks 100%, but to me there's no proof the body is original at all, no marks in neck pocket? Nothing in control cavity? Nothing under pick ups? Very nice but - 'that's a big BUT', I'd expect a bit more provenance for the asking £££££. Cheerz, John
  12. Here you go [url="http://sound.westhost.com/pots.htm"]http://sound.westhost.com/pots.htm[/url]
  13. Yep it's a personal thing but don't be afraid to experiment & most important - patience. There are relatively few adjustments you can make & nothing that can't be changed back if you don't like it. Cheerz, John
  14. That does look good & well made too!
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1317401117' post='1390454'] Hey John, if you get these do you want to sell the cream one? [/quote] I'm sure we could come to some mutually acceptable arrangement but don't count your chickens yet
  16. Do you want a 'obviously used' or mint condish? I've got a black USA 13 hole with some wear on it if that's what you're looking for? Cheerz, John
  17. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1317400026' post='1390430'] They have to turn both ways like on a RH instrument. I don't think I've ever tried a lefty instrument but I probably would expect the pots to turn the wrong way [/quote] Pots are easily wired whichever way you like, bit like a left handed tea cup really
  18. Well done Flanker for getting back into the groove, it'll be worth all the hard work I'm sure, sorry I can't offer any helpful advise. Best wishes, John
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1317330071' post='1389679'] I play with my thumb a lot [/quote] You sure that's your thumb? Sorry Wayne - had to be said
  20. [quote name='deanbean502' timestamp='1317146460' post='1387373'] For quiet a while I have been using Roundwounds usually status Hotwires but i Fancy a change can anyone recommend a good Flatwound? [/quote] GHS Precision Flatwounds = the best beat all the rest by a country mile Cheerz, John
  21. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1317128183' post='1387067'] I'm waiting for an apology. [/quote] Don't hold your breath I'm not sure of the exact Paypal terminology but if [s]you[/s] I or someone paying me uses Personal Payment as Money Owed, (not Gift as mentioned), it seems to work out that neither party pays fees. Cheerz, John
  22. I had contact by PM from a newbie with zero posts no previous at all - enquiring about my P-bass for sale. After exchanging PMs & Mark 'phoning me, we have had a superb hassle free transaction, great communications, payment exactly as & when, couriers did their bit spot on & the bass arrived this morning. It's been a real pleasure dealing with Mark, I hope to see him around on the forum soon, he's got no excuse now he's got a bass! I can highly recommend him as a great guy to deal with, a gent & true to his word. Cheerz, John
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