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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Hooray & three cheers for all involved in the upgrade ! ! ! I must admit to being a bit worried that something had gone tits up - the time it took to get back online but here we are Best to all, Cheerz, John
  2. In Tweed case which is as new, £350 delivered UK next day.
  3. If it still sounds OK I reckon it must be the crossover or tweeter. I don't know what's in a DB112 crossover, maybe just a component burnt out.
  4. I've just been over to another forum I visit ocassionaly, for Airguns & I noticed their 'Vintage' sub forum is sub-headed - "Anything no longer in production" So if we were to apply that theory = there are no vintage Precisions or Jazzes et al>
  5. Gareth bought a P-bass wiring kit from me, great communications & instant payment, a great buyer & a real pleasure to deal with. Cheerz, John
  6. Welcome to the machine, what part of Kent are you in? Cheerz, John
  7. Something for the weekend sir? Beautiful sunburst P with USA Pick up & wiring + BadAssII + Flats, ready to make some noise
  8. Welcome aboard - great intro Cheerz, John
  9. Thought this may be of interest, [url="http://www.stewmac.com/tradesecrets/ts0148_stringbass.hzml?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ts0148"]Bass bar repair[/url] Cheerz, John
  10. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='1374792' date='Sep 15 2011, 07:32 PM']Ammended Were you offended by it?[/quote] Thank you. Not especially but I know some people who have a Spastic son, if they saw that you can perhaps imagine their feelings. Cheerz, John (No worries)
  11. It might be as well to edit your post heading before some people take offence at it.
  12. [quote name='GЯДИК' post='1374580' date='Sep 15 2011, 03:58 PM']As long as it's structurally sound I don't care about it to be honest. Between the bridge and the pickup there's a raised section where I assume the body pieces join. The finish isn't broken, it's just a perfectly straight, very slightly raised section parallel to the strings. I've circled the area where it is but you can't see it on the pic. Kinda lame on the QC but as long as it doesn't move I don't mind [/quote] Not a bridge ground wire from the pick up cavity is it?
  13. I tried in the sunlight couldn't capture the colours at all
  14. In sunlight the colours on my American Vintage '62 P bass are outstanding, especially the outer colour & I would love to know what Fender call the colours? In contrast to the MiM sunburst P, nothing like! I don't think my camera skills will capture the difference though
  15. I'm sure I've seen that before - recently, it stands out because of the way the burst 'fits' up onto the upper horn - which I find a little strange looking Cheerz, John
  16. [quote name='dc2009' post='1371298' date='Sep 13 2011, 12:30 AM']and set up 'just so,'[/quote] You're missing the point - IMV - no bass is going to leave the factory "set up just so"! USA Custom shop or China, there's no way anybody, factory worker or luthier is going to spend the time it takes or have the patience & anyway, how is the guy on finals doing the setup going to know how the customer wants it set up? What's right for me won't be right for the next bloke for sure. When I get a new bass I'd say it takes from 2 days to a week to get it set up 'just so' & even then nothing is final. It can/does take some time for the whole to stabilize to the enviroment it's in, then as soon as you change strings, adjust truss rod etc. it need more time to settle. That to me is where the playability comes from, getting any bass 'set up' to play as well as it possibly can.
  17. If you're just looking for a polish? I can recommend something rather good & where to get it!
  18. [quote name='tony_m' post='1370731' date='Sep 12 2011, 04:50 PM']Don't think this has been mentioned before, apologies if my Search skills have let me down! [url="http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Rush-Geddy-Lee-Signed-Fender-Jazz-Bass-used-on-2010-leg-of-Time-Machine-Tour/220849332902?ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1&ih=012&category=53276&cmd=ViewItem"]Rush Geddy Lee Signed Fender Jazz Bass used on 2010 leg of Time Machine Tour[/url] on eBay Canada. Not me, no affiliation etc. Happy Bidding! [/quote] I think they must've put the comma in the wrong place £635 I could live with
  19. [quote name='LemonCello' post='1370088' date='Sep 12 2011, 08:34 AM']Cheers guys, Very interesting. Yes my mistake. It was a NOS '64 at Coda that I was looking at. I guess at the end of the day, it's all down to how the bass feels in your hands. I'm in no hurry to part with that sort of cash without careful consideration. I wonder also (long term) if an early 70's Fender would appreciate in value quicker than a custom shop example? I'm also wondering whether to start looking at more versatile basses as although my Precisions are all slightly different, they do the same thing essentially albeit very well. So, is it another P as a player and investment or something completely different? I used to be indecisive but I'm not so sure anymore! LC[/quote] PM incoming
  20. [quote name='LemonCello' post='1369643' date='Sep 11 2011, 06:22 PM']I have a little trip planned to Coda Music in October to check out their custom shop stuff. Just wondering whether anyone would like to comment on what they see as the differences between these and the standard stuff? 1. Does the custom shop range justify the premium in terms of playability and build quality? 2. Not keen on the closet classic (blocks on a P bass is not right), but am liking their NOS '62 P in sunburst, but why is the relic version of the same bass £400 more? 3. I've heard good things about the Pino - what would you do? Cheers, LC[/quote] Build quality? The American Vintage reissue models & the NOS are made by the same builders in the same workshop - 'the custom shop'. Not a lot of difference IMV. In my mind playability is all down to the individual bass & it's setup, nothing is ever coming out of the factory with maximum 'playability', it's all in the setup! I haven't seen a NOS '62? If you mean the NOS '64 P-bass advertised at Coda, I was tempted, seriously thought about it - but it is nearly £2K! I've had the American Vintage '57 for almost a year & honestly it knocks spots of everything else I've tried, including a Pino that was in GAK - which I found a bit lifeless, certainly didn't live up to expectation. Now I've just got a AV '62, because I felt it would be a perfect partner to the '57s Ash/Maple & it is exactly what I hoped for, the Alder/Rosewood give it a subtle difference, depth of tone. Personally I wouldn't pay the premium for the rusty metalwork on the Pino, the relicing of the body isn't severe enough to bother me but the final straw was that to me it didn't feel quite right, honestly my '57 played a lot better & so now does my new '62. Hope you take all above as only my opinion & experience - nothing beats trying for yourself. Trouble is I only play flats, when you go to a bass shop - how many P's can you try with flats on? One - the Pino! No chance to compare anything. What would I do? What I have just done - buy from a USA retailer who ships to UK, at a bargain price & save a tidy packet The Fender UK dealers 'fixed prices' are just crazy. Cheerz, John
  21. Vince drove down South to try a P-bass (or 2) & is going home a very happy man Thanks for making the journey Vince, it was great to meet you & Holly, a real pleasure to deal with you, I'm glad you enjoyed the visit & you're going home with a great bass. Highly recommended to all with no hesitation, Cheerz, John
  22. Gunmetal P-bass SOLD, gone to a very happy new owner. Bump for the Sunburst
  23. That's a WOW from me too! I can't imagine my reissue will ever get worn like that & it's a dead cert I won't be here in 50 years time to see it
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