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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Steve is great, he bought one of my Jazz bass wiring kits, great comms, instant payment, no problems here, a real pleasure to deal with. Glad you're pleased with the kit Steve Cheerz, John
  2. Welcome to the snotty end of Bexhill I'm sure they'd love it if you all turn up in mankinis.
  3. [quote name='SlackAlice' post='1365627' date='Sep 7 2011, 07:17 PM'][attachment=88905:bass.JPG] Thought I'd share my P bass.....it's a Squier but I love it....especially now I've put flats on it. Angie[/quote] V cool, the pearl sets it off a treat & flats! Well you just have to Cheerz, John
  4. side by side P's nothing but the price tag between them
  5. I'm a grumpy old bastard who has realised after all this time that it's just not worth the hassle of going to a music shop. My local shop has been going 50 years, I first went there when I was about 14, so 46 years ago, went to same school as the guy that runs it, even played a few gigs together many moons ago, first name terms? You're avin a giraffe, treated like something he's trodden in every time - no more. Next nearest shop - Eastbourne, been going to them since they opened I suppose, 1 or 2 of the staff remember/recognise me but - still treated like dog doo! Next down the road - Brighton, never much joy in there either, I've phoned to enquire about a bass, gone down next day & it's sitting in the rack covered in snot & shyte! I mean wouldn't you make an effort if you knew a customer was coming to look at a £650 bass? Bollox - (Mr.T voice) - I ain't going to no music shop fool! Thanks to the internet, I can order online with confidence, get what i want when I want it & know it's going to be bright & shiny new.
  6. Cheers Angie & Gary, it's bl00dy luverly I'll get some more pics up soon.
  7. Ordered on the 1st September - here on the 7th - all the way across the states, over the water & down the bumpy road, arrived safe & sound this morning. Kaz just said -"You're like a dog with 2 dicks now" - yep
  8. [quote name='KingBollock' post='1364879' date='Sep 7 2011, 06:11 AM']I've only just put them on, but I'm surprised at how sticky they feel.[/quote] Surgical Spirits or Isopropyl Alchohol on a cotton wool pad or cotton rag rubbed along each string leaves them lovely & clean, squeaky clean! Cheerz, John
  9. [quote name='walbassist' post='1364294' date='Sep 6 2011, 05:10 PM']Didn't realise you can buy direct from Ashdown![/quote] Technically I didn't 'buy direct' but as it was the 1st out the door & the cab was custom built & it saved a very long journey up to the retailer then back down the country to me & not to mention I was hassling them just a bit
  10. [quote name='walbassist' post='1364214' date='Sep 6 2011, 04:04 PM']That's funny, as when I asked the same question they weren't willing to help! [/quote] Perhaps it helped that I'd just bought the Little Bastard + cab from them or perhaps you spoke to the wrong guy
  11. [quote name='malcolm.mcintyre' post='1363746' date='Sep 6 2011, 08:29 AM']Well the Microcube is a LOT cheaper than the PJ Briefcase, and the briefcase only does 1 hour on its battery, so I think I might go for the budget option. When you advise head-height, can it go on a mic stand?[/quote] I wouldn't I think you'll need Mike to stand & hold it
  12. [quote name='Len_derby' post='1362033' date='Sep 4 2011, 06:45 PM']I've got a Roland Micro Cube. Worth a look and cheaper than a Phil Jones. Acceptable sound for something of that size, plus a built in tuner, drum machine and various effect like wah, chorus and octaver. It does work on battery power, but 6 AA batteries does increase the weight noticably. I've found that when using it outdoors it does need to be as near to head height as possible to ensure you can hear it yourself. Worth a look, as I say, and if you're ever up near Derby come and try mine.[/quote] Exactly - what he said ^^^^^^^^^ except the Derby bit, but same applies 'down south'
  13. [quote name='bremen' post='1362838' date='Sep 5 2011, 01:25 PM']No I'm not. VAT is 20% on everything. Import duty is (mumble)% on everything above £18 (thanks Chris).[/quote] An example 'mumble %' from the website: "Notes on duty & taxes rates Fender precision bass has an [u][size=3]import duty rate of 3.7%[/size][/u] and VAT rate of 20%."
  14. [quote name='DaveMuadDib' post='1362786' date='Sep 5 2011, 12:44 PM']"Good" was perhaps a bit of an overstatement So the difference between the "designed" and "real" is huge, right?[/quote] Yeah a big difference - but other pick ups are also available . For example my Frank Bello Bass is a P/J which came with a 1/4lb P & a SCN J pick up. The SCN was always weak compared to the Bass Lines so I fitted a J 1/4lb also, now it is a real beast I've fitted a Dimarzio to my '57 P & that is wonderful crystal clear note definition,very 'pure'. Depends what sound you're looking for, but certainly replacing standard pups are one of the biggest upgrades you can make & generally speaking - you get what you pay for
  15. [quote name='DaveMuadDib' post='1362761' date='Sep 5 2011, 12:22 PM']Hi guys, I've got a Squier Vintage Modified Jaguar. It's my "backup" bass and it plays well and looks like my dream come true, however the sound is not phenomenal at all. So my question is: what can I do to improve this? The Duncan Designed pickups are good, but they just seem to sound a little bit flat. So what would you guys recommend, and are there any success stories out there? I usually play quite rocky stuff, like Ozzy Osbourne, RATM, Metallica etc, but I often mellow it down a bit as well. The bass has a P/J pickup configuration, and ideally, I would like a humbucking jazz p'up of some description for the bridge. Dave[/quote] "The Duncan Designed pickups are good" - they're as good as you get in a budget range bass, possibly, but not to be confused with the 'Real Seymour Duncan Pick ups' which will give you a lot more - everything! Cheerz, John
  16. [quote name='WalMan' post='1362739' date='Sep 5 2011, 11:59 AM']or walking through Green, but is it worth the possible hassle!?[/quote] That reminds me of a few years back - on arrival at Jakarta international airport - in the customs hall there were only 2 green channels - & a very large sign above; [color="#FF0000"][size=4][b]The penalty for smuggling drugs is DEATH[/b][/size][/color] Makes you think
  17. [quote name='Horizontalste' post='1362391' date='Sep 4 2011, 10:54 PM'][url="http://www.dutycalculator.com/"]http://www.dutycalculator.com/[/url][/quote] That's handy Harry thanks for that, I did my sums yesterday & just saw your link - it came out 2p different nice one. I can't wait to see what the actual bill will be Cheerz, John Edit: Just to clear up any possible misunderstanding - the "2p different" above is two pence diiferent, not to be confused with [color="#FF0000"][b][size=3]2 P basses for sale[/size] [/b][/color]- link below
  18. You can see the lack of 'attention to detail' even in a [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1964-Fender-Precision-Bass-Candy-Apple-Red-Original-/270811228749?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f0d9b6a4d"]ebay ad[/url] How do they expect to sell - when they can't even put up a photo' or 2!
  19. Bump for the weekend - BTW I've got a quote for UK delivery at £11.95 + Vat so £14.22 should cover it Choice of Gigbags included, or possible to supply in a Tweed Fender style hard case perfect condition, for extra £30. Looking into PayPal - if anyone is worried about fees - Sending Money as Personal, Personal Payment Owed, costs nothing to either party. Cheerz, John
  20. I've had a few interested in the Sunburst, I've been asked for some more pics, so here's my very best David Baileyesque shots in the sun.
  21. I made up a special little wiring kit for Paul, as always dealing with him is a pleasure, no problems - highly recommended to all. Cheerz, John
  22. Another smooth 'n easy transaction with Jerry, he now has a P-bass wiring kit for a special. He's a pleasure to deal with & I recommend him heartily. Cheerz, John
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1359313' date='Sep 1 2011, 10:34 PM']Oh heck, quite interested in that sunburst P.[/quote] 'Tis very nice
  24. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1358018' date='Aug 31 2011, 08:28 PM']Surprised it doesn't have the holes, did it not come with the ashtrays? Tape and a [size=3][color="#FF0000"]braddle[/color][/size] to make the holes. Easier to avoid disaster than with a drill with such small holes. Look up pics on Google and find references for position. Some here:http://www.bass-guitar-museum.com/bass-14584-1951-51-Reissue-Fender-Precision-P-Bass[/quote] That'll be a 'bradawl' a sharp pointy thing with a handle, used for making holes
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