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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Welcome aboard matey great photo's - you just need an amp now - or do you plug it into the washing mashine? Rush like?
  2. Sound like you've got something dangerously wrong! I'd suggest you're not going to live long enough to fix it if you're waiting for 'beyond the computer' diagnosis. Do yourself a favour & get someone qualified in electricals to sort if for you - QUICK!
  3. I've had dealings with David - ebay ID 'croffets' & I'd say he's a genuine good guy, not out to rip anyone off As above mentioned checkout his feedback!
  4. Yep - as Musky says [url="http://www.classicguitarboxes.com/thumb_rests.php"]Guy Lewis[/url] makes very good stuff & it's worth every penny, so much better than a moulded plastic T/R. I've had Maple, Rosewood & Ebony ones from Guy - they're top quality. Here's a Maple on my '51-P Cheerz, John
  5. Me thinks you worry too much I would get a big enough box, assuming you don't have a flight case & wrap the whole amp in bubble or foam to fill around it. Also assuming you know who will be handling it & they know it's a delicate bit of kit
  6. Where has this £5000 price tag come from? There's a link in the OP shows it at under 3000 euros so £2600ish (in Germany at least). Not everybodies cup of tea then
  7. [quote name='bassman2790' post='1329130' date='Aug 5 2011, 07:26 PM']Is there such a thing? Is there a particular bass that I could buy now, and use as a bass, not lock it away in a glass cabinet, that will hold it's value or even increase in value over the next ten years?[/quote] How about one of these? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=149356"]Only 30 made/to be made![/url]already light reliced so no worries about using it, but looked after - who knows the value in 10 years
  8. [attachment=86397:2011LtdCabroBass.jpg] Really like the look & description of this - but if they're only making 30 - what's the chances of even seeing one [url="http://www.musik-schmidt.de/gb-Fender-Custom-Shop-LTD-Relic-La-Cabronita-Porrazo-Precision-Bass-BLK.html"]<3k Euros![/url]
  9. Try [url="http://www.terrapinisland.com/chitzenitza/index.php?main_page=contact_us"]Terrapin[/url] the MM isn't on their list - but send them a email request & you will hopefully get a 100% scale PDF you can print. Cheerz, John
  10. KiOgon


    Bloody shame to have to sell it Dan - you sure you need a car that bad?
  11. [quote name='walbassist' post='1326731' date='Aug 4 2011, 12:11 PM']Guy at Ashdown said they only made 20 of the 2x12s. I think there are more of the 1x12s around though.[/quote] When I ordered my LB (October 09 IIRC) there were no special 'low wattage' cabs planned, then they offered me a 212 to which I replied "surely a 112 would be fine" so they made a 'special 112' just for me so I have 112 serial #1 too, they of course went on to make a few more since then Cheerz, John Edit: [attachment=86259:Custom_C...n_112_LB.jpg] Finished 112 cab in Ashdown's workshop [attachment=86260:31_03_10_1104.jpg] Rear panel serial# 1
  12. [quote name='tomhunt' post='1326669' date='Aug 4 2011, 11:38 AM']Cool!! I always thought Ashdown would of kept No.1 or even passed it on to a famous Ashdown user... Silly me!! Do you use yours for gigs or just home use?[/quote] I am a famous Ashdown user for christs's sake - I've got Little Bastard Number 1 how much famous do you want? Gigs? What's that then?
  13. Here you go - Number 1 [attachment=86253:31_03_10_1042.jpg] [attachment=86254:04082011773.jpg] [attachment=86251:Little_B...d_112_48.JPG] [attachment=86252:L.B._Mini_Rig_Rear.JPG]
  14. [quote name='bassman7755' post='1322385' date='Jul 31 2011, 07:22 PM']The sound is typically functional at best, I long to even hear someone use a set of strings that are not several years old - a fresh set of strings is pound for pound by far and away the best investment you can make yet most people I see just cant seem to be bothered. Hearing someone do some slaps/pops with dead strings especially makes me cringe.[/quote] Au contrair, mon ami - someone playing a well worn set of La Bella flats ONO would flick my switch
  15. So if you turned up for 'your average pub gig' with a Custom shop Pino Palladino or similar, let's say £2.5+ks worth - how many people would notice?
  16. I'm pretty sure [url="http://www.blackdogmusic.co.uk/index.php"]Black Dog Music[/url] had them but I can't see them on their website. Give them a call? Cheerz, John
  17. Not exactly hi def photo but that looks like MDF to me!
  18. [quote name='Jag_Bassist' post='1313778' date='Jul 23 2011, 01:25 PM']i am contemplating selling my tall font big muff... but im not sure how much to sell it for... can anyone help?[/quote] Thounds like you need a thpeech therapist
  19. [quote name='Marky L' post='1313569' date='Jul 23 2011, 09:41 AM']That does sound spot on John as I need that little bit of a cutting bite in it. I imagine it could be usuefull for working on a few light body scratches on other things too. Ta [/quote] That's exactly what I do, it's gentle but seems to take out all those little scuffs & scratches without damaging the surrounding. In fact you can use it on any surface - metal, wood painted or varnish etc. Cheerz, John
  20. [quote name='Marky L' post='1313523' date='Jul 23 2011, 08:28 AM']Oh matron!! Actually, I've just got a neck back from a friend who nitro laquered it for me but he said I just need to give it a final rub down to bring up the shine. He did mention what to use, but I forgot and now he's out of the country and I don't want to hassle him. Advice?? Ta.[/quote] I have a old bottle of Carnuaba Polish which I find the best thing for buffing up a nitro finish, (& most everything), it's like a cream polish with a very fine cutting compound all in one. I can give you an email for the guy who makes it if you like. Cheerz, John
  21. Paul has one of my P-bass wiring sets now, so hopefully all the bits will come together today & his P build will be a great success. It's a pleasure doing business with you Paul, best wishes for the build & let's have some pictures when it's done. Cheerz, John
  22. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1311889' date='Jul 21 2011, 06:56 PM']I've been a proud owner of the prototype one (the one without serial numbers) since Nov 2010, and still love it to bits, never had a problem with volume issues, I either mike it up or go d.i. Best sounding amp I've ever had. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=110827&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=110827&hl=[/url][/quote] Snap - almost I've been the proud owner of Little Bastard Number 1 of 100 (first one out the factory front door) since March 2010 & still love it to bits! No volume problems here - through LB112 + ABM Mini 48, abfab old school all tube goodness Best sounding amp I've ever had
  23. [quote name='Muzz' post='1311657' date='Jul 21 2011, 03:38 PM']- but if Ashdown brought the Drophead out as a head only for £5-600, I'd be in trouble...[/quote] Isn't that the Little Bastard?
  24. KiOgon


    [quote name='ellie' post='1311423' date='Jul 21 2011, 12:31 PM'][b][/b][i][/i]Hi all. I haven't been called a newbie in years lol. I finally found the time to get myself on here. Seems like a friendly place. My name is Ellie I'm a pro female bassist based in Essex ( no Essex girl jokes please lol). I front my own band as well as working with other musicians when I can. I have a number of basses, but my main workhorse these days is my Warwick Covrette ltd ed 2010 played through a TC staccato 51 rig. I've been playing since I was a teen, only a few years ago turning pro when I was 18! My latest band plays classic rock covers which is just a load of fun. Hope I haven't bored you too much cheers Ellie[/quote] Lo Le & welcome, have fun
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