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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1124953' date='Feb 12 2011, 01:51 PM']Found myself in a studio with an hour to kill, and started fiddling around. I was playing a P-bass through a 1971 WEM Dominator, so just a simple Volume control, no separate Gain. It occurred to me that I should be able to get "that classic overdriven valve sound" and sensible volumes by turning the WEM up and the bass down. I spent 30 minutes alternating between bass UP / amp DOWN and bass DOWN / amp UP ... and I couldn't hear any significant difference (beyond more hum/buzz from the WEM when cranked). If the volume on the WEM is UP, then presumably both the pre-amp and the power stages will be cranked high. Shouldn't that take any level of input from the bass and overdrive it?[/quote] Depends mostly on the output level from the P bass, what Pup is it?
  2. Fine for me in Windows Media player, some sweet bass tones there, I'd say a good mix, excellent first attempt, no distortion. Cheerz, John
  3. Me Little Bastard Mini Rig, it may be small but FCUK it sounds good
  4. Steve had a P-bass 'drop in wiring kit' from me, great communication, instant payment & an all round absolute pleasure to deal with. Nothing fishy? Au contraire mon ami, he's as fishy as they come (Me too ) Cheerz, John.
  5. I bought this last year as a 60th birthday treat for Jan 31st just gone I've been itching to do a few mods, just fitted a DiMarzio white Pup, made a Maple thumbrest & sprayed it white to match, I'm loving the look with the gold screws too. The DiMarzio has much more output than the original, it's so clear open strings ring like a bell, harmonics 'shine' & every note is crisp with so much power, yet no nasty noises. It's certainly a step up from the Seymour Duncan 1/4lb I've got in another P. Edit: Last photo added - how it was new/standard/out of the box
  6. Have you checked the springs on the bridge saddle adjusters? The G saddle is sometimes far enough up to allow the spring to become loose & rattle, but it can happen to any. Cheerz, John.
  7. I've only achieved one trade so far, probably far from typical but: The 'seller' (another basschatter) I agreed a trade with didn't have suitable hard case/box/packing for his bass, but I have a very strong & well made 'proper' flight case, bass size. So on trust I sent the bass I was trading, wrapped & protected inside the flight case, with courier I arranged an agreement that upon delivery they waited for the return parcel. So the receiver had time to unpack & check my old bass, then place his in the flight case, seal & lock it up, change address labels & hand back to the courier. All went as planned, collected from me Monday, delivered Tuesday & back to me Wednesday. No damage to either bass or case, both parties were happy with the swap & I paid the balance of the deal by bank tx same day. Of course this involved a lot of trust, which is where the basschat community scores so highly. I wouldn't have tried this with any 'normal' hard case in these circumstances, a decent flight case is a worthwhile investment for peace of mind. Cheerz, John.
  8. iMuso have some bargain/savings [url="http://www.imuso.co.uk/New-Products/Special-Offers"]Special Offers[/url] The offers came in their newsletter, thought I'd share
  9. [quote name='willyf87' post='1120245' date='Feb 8 2011, 04:30 PM']What files do you use? the specifically made guitar nut files are ridiculously expensive, can I get cheaper ones??[/quote] [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GAS-WELDING-GAS-CUTTING-NOZZLE-CLEANER-SET-/230396584143?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item35a4b4e0cf"]This[/url] can't get much cheaper & they do the smaller string sizes OK. They're not great but will enlarge existing slots, if you're cutting from scratch you'll need better/pukka files. Cheerz, John
  10. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='1119767' date='Feb 8 2011, 08:53 AM']Any chance the person making these harnesses would like to make themselves known to the whole forum? I fancy one for my Sue Ryder Bass[/quote] You called?
  11. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' post='1119078' date='Feb 7 2011, 04:43 PM']I will say no more..... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Darren-Johnson-Disposable-Guitar-Bass-Flightcase-/130483910938?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1e6172791a"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Darren-Johnson-Dispo...=item1e6172791a[/url][/quote] Lovely Maybe you should link this to the 'bass packing thread' or is it 'how not to pack a bass'?
  12. KiOgon

    G&L L1000

    Very very very very er - cherry Beautiful, I've always fancied a natural blonde 'wunkay' Cheerz, John.
  13. A very rare thing of great beauty & incredible condition, was it found in a loft? I need a loan
  14. Why another thread? What's wrong with [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=120281&hl="]This[/url]? Approaching 10,000 views & 275 replies, do we really need another? No I'm not grumpy, just saying like Edit: A big +1 to Pete's above ^^
  15. [quote name='Lo.' post='1115972' date='Feb 4 2011, 10:36 PM']Leo Fender gave us the wonderful p-bass, we all know that, but look who was born that year: 2/2 Alphonso Johnson 15/2 Norman Watt-Roy 7/3 Francis Rocco Prestia 30/6 Stanley Clarke 7/7 Michael Henderson 26/10 Bootsy Collins 1/12 Jaco Pastorius I ain't superstitious, but that's a hell of a year! There may be more - I only did a quick search.[/quote] Hello _ _ _
  16. [quote name='KiOgon' post='1115279' date='Feb 4 2011, 01:52 PM']I wouldn't want to spend out on a Wizard or other until you know exactly what you've got.[/quote] Point I was making - if you don't know what pick up is in it - it might already be a Wizard OK not likely but _ _ _ _ _
  17. [quote name='GazWills' post='1115258' date='Feb 4 2011, 01:41 PM']cheers - but not sure what you mean... check the pickup is original - how would i do that?[/quote] Well for a start - if it don't look like mine pictured - I'd be asking questions I wouldn't want to spend out on a Wizard or other until you know exactly what you've got. I've had a wanted ad going for a week or so, I'm thinking of fitting a DiMarzio DP127 White to mine, (just because I fancy it), but I'd certainly keep the original.
  18. [quote name='GazWills' post='1115056' date='Feb 4 2011, 11:00 AM']i've emailed mansons to ask if they could get the pickups, as they ordered the bass as a custom spec i think, no response yet[/quote] If Mansons sold it as 'all original' & it turns out it hasn't got the right pick up, I'd be banging on their counter
  19. [quote name='GazWills' post='1115054' date='Feb 4 2011, 10:59 AM']and no, the pole pieces are all flat - i took the neck off to see the age and it's a 2005, don't know if there was a period the poles were flat, or not??[/quote] As far as I know - all the AV '57s should have raised polepiecess under the A string, it's a distinguishing feature of that Pup Mine's 2009 neck date, worth checking it's the original? "The original single-coil pickup was replaced in 1957 with a new split-coil pickup with staggered polepieces," from Fender. Cheerz, John Edit: Not easy to photo'
  20. [quote name='GazWills' post='1114038' date='Feb 3 2011, 03:57 PM']So I got myself a new (well, second hand) bass this week, a Fender AV57 reissue. I love the bass, it plays really well. When I bought the bass I also tried a ’64 custom shop P bass (still on the Mansons website, Lake Placid Blue, awesome bass) – and the tone of this bass was amazing (but so was the price!). It didn’t sound too different from my AV57, but it had a real growl to it. I’ve heard people talk about a growly sound from a P-bass before but this was the first time I’d really ever heard it, and it’s the sound I want! So, I’m wondering what the best pickups would be to replace the stock fenders to try for a more growly tone? The pickups on the ’64 were (I imagine) Fender custom shop, and had raised pole pieces, which were bevelled. There are custom shop jazz pickups on the fender site, but no precisions. Any recommendations would be helpful… I’ve not contacted fender direct, but I imagine they wouldn’t supply these pickups individually??[/quote] What strings are you using & hasn't your AV'57 pick up got raised pole pieces under the A string?
  21. [quote name='GazWills' post='1113150' date='Feb 2 2011, 10:36 PM']so after a couple of hours at mansons this morning, I ended up coming home with a v.nice (2nd hand) AV57 (the white blonde)... and i'm very happy... i also tried a couple of the custom shop basses they had whilst i was there (a 64 and a 57) and have to say they both sounded amazing, had a bit of [i]growl[/i] to them that the AV57 didn't (but i couldn't manage the £1,500 difference in price!!). i don't think fender sell custom shop P-pickups, which is a damn shame. they sounded incredible!![/quote] Sweet! Now you know what we want - - - - PICTURES
  22. Just caught the end of Alan Carr show t'other night as he introduced the Durans so I watched Who's the bass player? What a twat, I saw him fart about 'tuning' his A string I think, about 4 or 5 times during the minute or so I watched, couldn't understand it, 'pro player'? Even reaching over with his right hand, I'm sure they were miming any how! Anyone else see it? I had a quick look but couldn't find it on youtube? Edit: Found the whole show ads & all, Durans start about 43:30 [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0EJ8kb-qks&has_verified=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0EJ8kb-qks...;has_verified=1[/url] Edit 2: Watched it again 5 times + still fiddling after they'd finished
  23. GHS M3075 Brite Flats - the dogs danglies Seriously good 'almost smooth' feel & superb 'bright flats' sound. I do like GHS strings better than any others I've tried
  24. Good looking Rik Nick Reminds me of the hours I searched that London town for one back in '73, every one I tried was 'orible to play, ended up buying the Gherson Blonde, wish I still had it now. It cured me of Rik love though I've never fancied one since. Cheerz, John. BTW Good luck with the mod band
  25. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' post='1107478' date='Jan 29 2011, 06:38 PM']Indeed, happy birthday for yesterday sir.[/quote] Today actually sir Cheerz, John.
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