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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1081976' date='Jan 8 2011, 12:10 PM']Ooh binding. You don't see many of these. [/quote] Mmmmm!
  2. I could listen to his playing (for a while) if he wasn't wearing that stupid cap & if he turned that crap backing 'music' off
  3. Go for it! I've got better gear now than I hever had - even dreamt of in my younger days, treat yourself while you can, it adds to the pleasure of playing & keeps the interest. As said above it's a good idea to hang onto a workhorse, you never know what might come along when least expected. Cheerz, John
  4. Oscar bought my Trace Eliott combo, great communication, instant payment = perfect transaction & a real pleasure to deal with. I hope the boxer does you good service, it's a great little amp. Cheerz, John.
  5. [quote name='jaybass 70' post='1077605' date='Jan 4 2011, 06:04 PM']Kiogon is first ,, on the way ,,[/quote] It arrived today thanks Jay, I'll get me readin ed on as soon as, then next stop adledman I believe! Cheerz, John
  6. Yeah I saw that earlier on the Fender site, didn't realise it was that new My first thoughts were - why a split pickup & why the big head? Then I thought no, that make's it a bit different different so why not! If I knew - "Every P Bass built in 2011 will be outfitted with the anniversary neck plate as well" I might have waited to buy my '57 American Vintage Never mind, another one on the wish list Cheerz, John
  7. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1073303' date='Dec 30 2010, 11:51 PM']I'm a bit skint now, but if you still have it at the end of January I may well be interested Brian[/quote] TE combo sold now Brian. Cheerz, John
  8. [quote name='duncandisorderly' post='1076302' date='Jan 3 2011, 02:16 PM']>>I seem to recall these were not matching headstock.....<< they weren't..... except for this one, which is mine :-) I have it on good authority (good enough- alex at the bass gallery in london) that of the 100, only one had a matching headstock. needles to sew, I bit his arm off. actually, got this in a straight swap for a 1971 s/burst jass which was in the shop for a refret. I'd been after a 66 (dots, bound neck) for a long time, so we were both pleased. (you can see some of the rest of my accumulation there- the P is a 1974-5 refinished in olympic white. not pretty, but a decent player.) d.[/quote] Never mind the Jbass - That stack of cases is quite something!
  9. [quote name='The Burpster' post='1076043' date='Jan 3 2011, 07:40 AM']or..... [b]Fenders are for sheep![/b] [color="#696969"][size=1]small pint, I apologise in advance if in anyway I offend any Fender owners in the making of this comment. The comment is made in the interests of a comedy moment and in no way undermines Fender, their products, agents or players in anyway. It does not imply that Fenders or their subsidieries are in anyway inferior to any other Fender product or to undermine any Fender employees, agents or palyers. It is not intended to undermine sheep thier owners or agents in anyway, and no sheep or Fender basses were harmed during the making of this comment. [/size][/color][/quote] BAAAH!
  10. [quote name='aceuggy' post='1075462' date='Jan 2 2011, 04:52 PM']I currently play a Squier CV 60's P. I like this bass. I have not had much experience of playing other basses but have lately gassed for a Fender, for no other reason than it's a Fender! I like the look of the HW1 and it's within a reasonable budget for me. I know you will say I should get out and play one to make up my own mind and I will do that, but I am interested to have your opinions. Is the HW1 a good upgrade, or should I stick with what I have?[/quote] If it's a Fender you want & it's in your budget, you like the look, I'd say go get it - Now - before you have to pay another 2.5p per pound! The HW1's I've tried have been very good straight out the box, every thing you'll ever need in a P bass really. My only dislikes are the reliced & the satin finish models, the whole reliced thing on a new bass I will never understand, the satin - well OK I could easily live with it I think they're good at that price & yes indeed a step up from your Squier, (however good it is - it'll never be a proper Fender) - It's a definite GO FOR IT from me. Cheerz, John Edit: When I say "(however good it is - it'll never be a proper Fender)", I was trying to agree with what I think you already have in your mind, not knocking Squier for being any less a bass. Yes there are many 'badge snobs' about, me included probably, but it's just part of our individuality.
  11. KiOgon


    Tony bought a PSU from me, great guy to deal with, no problems & a pleasure to deal with. Recommended to all! Cheerz, John
  12. On Hold - pending finals. Cheerz, John
  13. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1071977' date='Dec 29 2010, 06:31 PM']I went over to PMT in Oxford today. I really wanted a small combo or the Ashdown 5 15 mini rig. Look what I came home with! I am a Jack Bruce fan and have fancied one of these for a while. Since I started playing in earnest this year, the GAS has kicked in! Doing everything on a budget, this fitted the bill.......[/quote] Looks good - reminded me of [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390274492557&ssPageName=ADME:X%3a%44ED:GB:1123"]This EKO[/url]I saw on ebay, love the look but don't like the price tag! Good luck - oh & I had a Ashdown 5/15 mini rig for a while - how's about a little Trace Elliot Boxer 65? Link in my sig below. Very similar to the 5/15 in terms of performance, smaller & easy to carry/store. Cheerz, John
  14. [quote name='kiat' post='1072749' date='Dec 30 2010, 02:24 PM']Guys, apologies for the lame topic name but I'm not an experienced, gigging bass player and could really do with some advice from the combined expertise from basschat folks! I'm in New Orleans and flying later back this afternoon. I have one shot at buying this bass, although I could buy it later over the phone and they could ship it, but I'd prefer to carry it back myself. Yesterday I went in and played what I'm told is a * Fender Precison body (wear, but told it was aged in factory) * Fender Jazz neck (no discernable wear) * from Fender's custom USA factory * probably early 90's * with hard case, doubt its original * $999 + sales tax of around 10% Is this fair / overpriced / a bargain? It plays beautifully, I love the action. I just found a new version close to this (no fake ageing) on musiciansfriend.com for $650! However I've only ever played Fender copies before, so don't have a great frame of reference. I have no way of knowing if all such hybrids will play similarly or whether I've got lucky and found a once-in-a-lifetime match-made-in-heaven (cheesy, but prepared to sound a jerk in case this is the bass which forever will be my main axe). I want this bass but unsure if I should be spending this kind of money on it. This is more expensive than all my other bass kit put together! (AXL player Jazz, Squire P-bass S/H, , Traynor Bloc-80B, Korg Pandora PX5D, leads). I can afford the money, but it'll severely dent my bass-buying credibility with the wife if I end up wanting another bass soon after ;-/ Thoughts?[/quote] Don't rush into it, it may not be such a bargain Come home & get out around trying some more & more & more - if you still think it may have been THE ONE then you can still mail order it!
  15. Cheerz, I just dug out the Fender Bass book & it does indeed show, " List price of the new Fender Precision bass is $199.50. The new Bassman Amplifier lists at $203.50, subject to usual dealer discount." I imagine most working bass players had to save long & hard to pay for their kit, or more like 'God bless Hire Purchase!'
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1072492' date='Dec 30 2010, 10:02 AM']That's MSRP. Street price would be more like $3,000. Still best to wait for the Skyline version.[/quote] I'm not waiting for anything, just shocked at the price, I'm more than happy with my Fender MiJ '51 P Still I don't suppose they're expecting to sell many
  17. Just wondering - how much were the original '51Ps - in USA when they first came out?
  18. [quote name='bigthumb' post='1072447' date='Dec 30 2010, 09:02 AM']I have to agree that the bridge just dont look right, but I remember saying that about the first Lakland Jazz I owned![/quote] I can't see why they chose to fit a pick up cover when the matching bridge cover is never going to fit over that oval blob Why? Oh dear, I looked at their price list [size=3]3,800.00 USD = 2,452.22 GBP [/size]
  19. [quote name='tonyf' post='1072342' date='Dec 30 2010, 12:13 AM']Again, nooooooooooooooooooo! I love the oval bridge of the Laklands! [/quote] It's like - we'll make it look just like Leo's 60 year old design, 'cos we can't beat it - but we'll stick with our quirky head & that stupid bridge
  20. If you've already fallen in love with the Ampeg I can only imagine the Ashdown being a bit "2nd best" I had a new Five Fifteen as a temporary rig while waiting for the Little Bastard stack I had on order. When the launch of the LB was delayed I was thinking of the SVT micro stack myself but held out I'm pleased to say. So while I've not owned a Ampeg SVT micro, I have had a Ashdown 5/15 & all I can say is - you get what you pay for in most things, so considering the Ampeg is about £450 while the Ashdown is available under £200, it's all a bit apples & oranges. Cheerz, John PS: I've had a couple of large homemade Dolce Vita's which make typing difficult to say the least!
  21. Made with brand new quality components, CTS 250K pots, Green drop .47 cap & Switchcraft Jack Socket. Wired up & ready to fit, using industry standard wiring + 60/40 Lead/Tin solder. Simple to fit, you only need a 1/2" spanner for the pot nuts & a screwdriver for the wires. Your Pick up wires & Bridge earth wire connect via screw terminals, no soldering required. £22 Posted UK, PayPal or Bank TX please. PM me if you need anything similar made up. Cheerz, John [color="#FF0000"][size=5]SOLD[/size][/color]
  22. [quote name='TheFear' post='1064284' date='Dec 20 2010, 09:18 AM']John, Can you do me a 2 way adaptor please m8? powering a ashdown dual compressor and a tuner, pm with price and payment details[/quote] PM'd m'dear (sorry - m'fear )
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