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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. http://guitardaterproject.org/fender.aspx
  2. Technically - Nylon strings won't work on a electric bass or guitar You mean nylon covered, maybe tape wound?
  3. Dodo Juice, a little goes a long way; https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dodo-Juice-DJBVP30-Carnauba-Velvet/dp/B003JJ3GX2/ref=pd_rhf_ee_s_pd_session_scf_1_5?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B003JJ3GX2&pd_rd_r=SDW8MC8PS66YGJ4Q5MND&pd_rd_w=5M1O3&pd_rd_wg=28mN6&pf_rd_i=desktop-rhf&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_p=1667995087&pf_rd_r=SDW8MC8PS66YGJ4Q5MND&pf_rd_s=desktop-rhf&pf_rd_t=40701&psc=1&refRID=SDW8MC8PS66YGJ4Q5MND
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnauba_wax Available in many forms, I use one supplied for gunstocks, in a bottle or a tube. Expensive example: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Boora-WAX002-Carnauba-Wax-Paste/dp/B0038KR93K Cheerz, John
  5. It sounds like you are measuring correctly, you'll probably find the 6.9k may be a bit less output than the bridge, so - trial and error - it might work out ok depending on how you like to mix the pups. OTOH of course, it may be the wrong pick up, or even be short of a few windings! Cheerz, John
  6. Huge double congratulations Nick, so pleased to hear you are in the clear and love the Ray John
  7. When my Dad chose the woods for my first bass in 1964/5 he brought home Obeche for the body and Sapele for the neck. It made a fabulous sounding Pear shaped/Teardrop fretless. Wish I still had it now
  8. All wood is beautiful, I wouldn't be swayed by first appearance - stick with your plan A - if you want a solid colour - do it!
  9. Exactly what I was thinking, I also started a thread about the missing edit in PMs but _ _ _
  10. Best wishes with your build and congratulations for taking it on! When I was 14, with 3 mates we all started playing - with cheap acoustic guitars. Luckily my Dad was a carpenter/cabinet maker and he helped me made a bass for me. He knew which woods to use and ''we' made a pear shaped, copied from what I had seen the Rolling Stones using that was 1965 and I'm still playing today, just about, but the bass is long gone. When you're ready for the electrics, give me a shout and I'll help you out with a wiring kit to suit you, your bass and your budget. Good luck and keep us informed of progress. Cheerz, John
  11. I can't comment on your choice of cheese graters I only use Flatwounds, favourites - GHS Precision bass 45-105 IIRC on P-basses and strangely enough TI JF344s on Jazzes, that's what works for ME
  12. @Muppet I couldn't agree more about strings suiting basses, horses for courses, also strings that suit players Have you also had a very close look at the bridge especially the E saddle? Nut is often the cause, could be too tight or loose for the gauge, string wound down the tuner post as far as poosible, creates a decent break angle, tuner components all tight?
  13. Without wishing to be rude - that looks a cheap and nasty lead anyhow, get a decent lead with a proper plug on it and you'll kill 2 problems in one. OBBM here in this parish is renown for his top quality leads https://www.basschat.co.uk/profile/12-obbm/
  14. Yes the adapter will complete the circuit and shorten battery life without the cable plugged in, but if you found the fit of the cable end into the adapter was tighter than the adapter into the socket (if you see what I mean), that would be a bonus
  15. This sort of thing? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-X-RCA-Phono-Female-to-Male-6-3mm-6-35mm-1-4-Jack-Adapter-Converter-Plug-Gold/351182925380?epid=1056357321&hash=item51c4222e44:g:FBYAAOSwXshWrNEf
  16. @ alembic1989 Are you thinking of the 'click washer' ayatem used under the tone knob on the Fender '60 stacked Jazz controls?
  17. Yep I'm certain it was there a few days ago, I've definitely been using the edit since the big changes. Now another abnormality has occured! I haven't received notifications of replies to this thread, even though I've been automatically added to the following list and it has come through in my daily digest
  18. I noticed in PMs the edit function that used to be along the bottom ain't there any more? Is it something I've changed? Cheerz, John
  19. As said before, get and try as many as you can, should be a good few shops within your reach. If you find a bass you love and feels right, sounds right - it will give your playing a boost - so a win win situation.
  20. Google maps won't show you down Overfield road, must be someone in Croydon area could pay them a visit? https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.3455897,-0.1180631,3a,75y,50.6h,90.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5xgen5nHJGA1G4aSVg30dw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  21. Look on the bright side they don't cost much more than some Mexican models
  22. I would be going to a different retailer next time! What an attitude to customers
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