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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. I was also thinking TI's - any chance of measuring the gauges?
  2. Best test the pick up output by taking the pick up wires directly to the jack socket, eliminate the pots etc. and see if it's better or same. Cheerz, John
  3. KiOgon

    Tort rant

    You can tell by the smell I think it was a WD tort plate - I opened the sealed pack and couldn't stop breathing it in
  4. By poular demand ^_^ I have put up a couple of kits for sale. #black friday my arse!


    1. LewisK1975


      OH Yes! PM incoming!

    2. itsmedunc


      You should post looms more regularly. Looks like a winner to me!

  5. EDIT: P/J kit sold! I have 2 kits for sale, I made to experiment with the new CTS switch pots and they work very nicely. Both have the Series/Parallel switch on the tone pot, new and tested. Kit 1 To fit a standard Jazz 4 hole bell plate. £50 posted 1st class signed for UK. The S/P switch terminals are very close to the jack socket but with accurate fitting - no problem. I can supply fitted to a new Jazz bell plate in chrome or black for £10 extra. Kit 2 To fit a P/J standard P-bass pickguard with the extra pot where the jack was and jack socket now on the side, I'm sure you know what I mean. £50 posted 1st class signed for UK. Most likely will also fit a P/J pickguard with the extra pot on top. SOLD Both kits are made with CTS 'FullFat' pots, 250K Audio Log Taper, 6mm Split/Splined shafts, 3/8" or 9.5mm mounting hole required. Switchcraft Mono Jack Socket, .047uF PolyDrop Tone cap. The S/P switches have solderless terminals fitted, your pick up and bridge ground wires fit into these, no soldering required. The kits take a few minutes to fit. You need a 1/2" AF spanner for the pots and jack nuts, a small screwdriver for the terminals is supplied with, all my kits come with a connection note and 100% backup! Overseas postage at cost, PM me for quote. Please visit my feedback thread; https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/67544-feedback-for-kiogon/?page=16 Cheerz, John
  6. I make wiring looms to order, top quality, solderless fitting, PM me for details.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rumple


      Just received mine - fast service & excellent work!

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      I just wanted to add, I've ordered two wiring looms from KiOgon
      Not only are they top quality looms, made of top quality components, but his solder-free looms are easy peasy to fit - You don't even need a soldering iron!
      Also, though I've not met KiOgon personally, he's a really helpful sort and top BC'er
      Any Black Friday deals KiOgon? ;)

    4. KiOgon


      Cheerz guys for the great comments,

      @Marc S You can stick yankee bloody stupid idea black Friday right where the sun don't shine B| I'll do a great deal for BC'ers any day ^_^

  7. Another seamless transaction with Julian, a P-bass wiring loom for him this time, great comms and instant payment, a perfect gent to deal with. Cheerz, John
  8. Yes watching it - got the cds and dvds the other week, played the cds but not had time to watch the vids yet. When the original film came out I saw it 4 times in that London, Picadilly Circus fleapit was it? All sounds good here especialy GP and Betsy
  9. Just thought I'd mention - as always - if the buyer needs support - I'm not far away
  10. Is there a way to clear/delete notifications once received and read? I think I've looked in all the right places but can't find it - if it's there!
  11. @ped Has 'Make a Donation' been thrown out with the bath water? I looked in Shop - Marketplace Subscriptions, where there appears to be a spare slot that could in my mind - be a very good place for 'Donations' I may not be not alone in not wanting to advertise anything in the marketplace at the moment, but would be up for a straightforward donation. Cheerz, John
  12. I'm gutted about the PMs being lost, 8 years of stuff out the window and I never saw any mention pr warning of this happening, even if we had warning who has time to sort through 8 years of stuff to see what's wanted - until you need it then find it's gone. Now I find my profile is empty apart from birth date! What's this 'Members total reputation'? Seriously thought I would score more than 1 !
  13. KiOgon

    New Site Features

    It's not only recent or ongoing conversations, it's years of data on deals I've done, people - contacts - enquiries - references - things to look back on that I had taken for granted would still be available. I find it unbelieveable that's all gone - without any warning that I saw!
  14. KiOgon

    New Site Features

    Oh shyte! I saw plenty of notifications re pics & saving important details of ongoing deals etc. but never anything about losing years worth of PMs I had hoped it was just a glitch or something on the massive no doubt - to do list. I'm gutted
  15. KiOgon

    New Site Features

    No mention of PMs - I got a real shock to see my message folder is empty! Please tell me they are in a safe place somewhere just waiting to be reinstated? John - with fingers crossed
  16. Pleased to be back at last, after trying all the usual stuff and my son trying all he knows, couldn't get at all until about 10 minutes ago. It'll take me a while to find my way around I'm sure Cheerz, John
  17. P.J.B. Briefcase https://www.bassbags.co.uk/product/phil-jones-bass-briefcase/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIl5zusfOq1wIVb77tCh0CygkEEAQYASABEgLIv_D_BwE
  18. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1509761696' post='3401518'] Dave? Dave's not here [/quote]Excellent memories sir! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtDAK7Umk7A
  19. If it is a Ebanol board -- I can't imagine sanding it ending well, unless you have plans to resin coat it.
  20. I suppose that depends on how you like the action personally, but I find fretless so lovely to play when the strings are practically touching the fingerboard at the nut and require minimum finger pressure. Anyway it sounds like the new nut is the problem, have you fitted it 'straight from the packet' or has it been cut to suit, with a angle cut away from the fretboard to help the break? As said a couple of spots of glue would help, first making sure the new nut sits firm, flat, (or contoured to fit), and square into the cutout.
  21. A zero fret on a fretless would need to be practically zero height to get a decent setup. Not only pointless but technically it wouldn't still be fretless would it
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