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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Even nylon tape wound strings have a steel core which is attached to the ball end - which makes contact with the bridge = ground! ^*In most cases*^ Your body is a great big aerial - hum attractor - so nylons could help stop you introducing hum via the strings!
  2. Have you tried?: https://support.fender.com/hc/en-us/articles/214343783-How-can-I-find-out-when-my-Japanese-made-instrument-was-manufactured-
  3. The nylon tape wounds are naturally ' a bit slippy' as regards sliding through the nut slots - which will help, but I would make sure there are no sharp edges or burrs on the plastic nut that may cause damage to the outer wrap - which could lead to unravelling!
  4. This would have tempted me if I'd seen it earlier - a lucky escape! I really don't need it but - - - - what a lovely bass to have
  5. When talking of screws, 'stripped' most commonly and correctly refers to the threads being stripped, I guess what you are talking about is 'buggered heads' which is commonly refered to as buggered heads not stripped. That's my technical engineering twopence worth
  6. I searched every music shop in that London in '73 to buy a Ricky, coulnd't find a good one ended up with a beautiful Italian Blonde - Gherson Yes - Dave tells it like it is
  7. I made a passive kit for Adrian's SB100, as always - he's a pleasure to deal with, deal with confidence. Cheerz, John
  8. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1501167302' post='3343022'] Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo (Increasing pitch) doo doo doo doo doo doo doo (Decreasing pitch) [/quote]I know what you mean - I think
  9. If Jazz bass serial number plates sold like car registrations - that'd be worth a few bob! Great looking Jazz - GLWTS
  10. Best wishes Norm for a speedy and full recovery, don't let the bastards get you down.
  11. Nothing's changed has it?!!? As much as I have loved the Floyd since 1967 and still do, it's very same ol' same ol' I won't be buying sorry Roger, but I reckon it'll grow on me
  12. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1492809106' post='3283469'] No idea what this sounds like, - - - [/quote]Well - you know what a really good bass rig sounds like don't you? This is one of them GLWTS, I hope never to get rid of mine
  13. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1499098506' post='3329154'] what does he know? [/quote]
  14. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' timestamp='1499090111' post='3329080'] Coz its better [/quote]No it isn't - it's cheaper, that's why Leo changed from stacked pots. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1499094244' post='3329117'] I do prefer VBT to VVT, but my understanding is that there's an issue with implementing VBT with passive instruments?! Something about having reduced volume across the whole bass? SI [/quote]Not if you use the right blend pot.
  15. Congratulations and very best wishes, cigars all round
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1498505906' post='3325122'] Ah yes, I remember you from there. Can I have my bandana back, please..? ... [/quote]NO! But I#ll see if my mate has still got the folding chairs we er borrowed from there
  17. The FREE concerts, Rock Festivals in Hyde Park 1968 & 69, could't go in 1970 'cos I was in hospital from May 20th 'til August 12th after smashing my Norton, but as soon as I got out I managed to persuade my mum/best nurse ever! to let me go to IOW, my mate had a Ford Zodiac & a 23' caravan, we did it it style never could remember much Hendrix died a few weeks after that, I cried.
  18. KiOgon


    I've made a couple of looms for Harry, don't know why I haven't done feedback sooner but - - - he's a great guy to deal with comms on the button and instant payment a real pleasure, highly recommended. Cheerz, John
  19. KiOgon


    Yep still getting the same as OP, it's been going on for months and only when visiting basschat.
  20. [quote name='ROConnell' timestamp='1496659489' post='3312971'] Moved by it all. Doesn't matter whether you're a fan of some of the music or not, everybody absolutely nailed it. Music brings people together and this definitely has shown that. Credit must go to the production team for this event, it was less than 8 days they had to put this together! [/quote]+ 1 you have it right!
  21. I was 16 - predominantly into motorbikes, with beer, girls and music joint second oh yeah, who said joint!? All Pink Floyd was essential listening, Beatles were just about pop music until SPLHCB - IMHO
  22. I made Gary a Les Paul wiring loom, as always - he's a great guy to deal with and a pillar of the bc community. Cheerz, John
  23. Jim bought a P-bass wiring loom, great comms and instant payment, a real pleasure to deal with. Cheerz, John
  24. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1496181266' post='3309448'] ....and I can't remember the last time I gawped open mouthed at someone playing bass on telly.... [/quote]You definitely haven't seen me playing bass on telly then
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