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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Pete made a urgent plea for a P-bass kit, ordered lunchtime yesterday - delivered & fitted before 12 today - gigging tonight - can't be bad! Excellent guy to deal with. Cheerz, John
  2. I made a Jazz bass kit with series/parallel switching for Andy, a pleasure to deal with him, great comms & instant payment. Cheerz, John
  3. Another deal with Dan, P/J flavour this time around & as always - he's a real Gent to do business with - top geezer! Cheerz, John
  4. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1482251785' post='3198904'] Dear Sir, can I please suggest you take a look at the original post and tell us if you can actually see what's happening in the circuit? If its a relatively standard Jazz circuit then our KiOgon could do it blind-folded with both hands behind his back. If it's a more complicated one, he might need the lights on, but I'm sure it's do-able. Edit: And it would work! John wouldn't sell you anything that's suspect. [/quote]
  5. I really can't see why anybody would buy a wiring loom from ebay You might have a look at my feedback - link below
  6. For the benefit of Mr Kite - there will be a show tonight - on trampoline Sweet!
  7. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1481068392' post='3189542'] Ps... Kiogon, I will get a few pics on over the next day or so if it happens again. It seems to be ok now..but I am not 'gig it' confident [/quote]If it is as I suspect - it's certainly not fit to gig - not reliable at all I'm sure you can lift the pick guard and have a peek - but - If you need to get it looked at, please don't take it back to this guy ."It has been in to my local guitar tech chap a couple of times, and he tells me that the pots are ok", find someone local to you from here maybe; http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277468-bcers-prepared-to-help-fix-a-bass/page__fromsearch__1 Cheerz, John
  8. You mention the foil on the underside of the scratch plate & the fact that the plate is cracked. If your jack socket doen't have a wire on both tags and was relying on mechanical contact for ground via the foil - that's your problem! You need to solder a wire from the central 'hole' tag of the socket to a pot body, assuming the pots are already wired together. I suppose you could get away with just repairing the foil, making sure there is electrical continuity between all the electrical bits - pots and socket. Can you put up a picture of the innards + wiring? Cheerz, John
  9. This might help; http://proguitarshop.com/andyscorner/ez-mods-coil-splitting Chererz, John
  10. I have a Mexican Jazz with even less of the original remaining, which I'll be selling soon. I was thinking of leaving as is - maybe I'll wait and see what the outcome of this is Yes agree the 'serial number' is a bit big + the font could be better, but no harm in replacing it IMO.
  11. Paul got in touch about some work needed on his JD P-bass, he came down to deliver the bass & back a week or two later to collect. Great to meet him, we had a good chat both times, could have chatted for ever but - - - Great communications, a pleasure to meet & a big welcome to basschat from me Cheerz, John
  12. [quote name='dmccombe7' timestamp='1478419119' post='3168887'] Would seem a bit odd that you are getting lights on with the battery connected but just not working. Can't see it being a bad battery cable connection and sounds like its more to do with the circuit board. Some units the power socket disconnects the battery supply and might be a bit of dirt on the power socket internal connections. Out of curiousity have you tried it with the battery again since using the power supply ? Dave [/quote]When I was changing the battery IIRC the last time I tried it there were no lights, nothing, which made me feel that the more I moved the battery connector/lead the worse it became. No I haven't gone back to trying battery again, it's working now, I think I'll leave it alone! Cheerz.
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1478276415' post='3168132'] Have you tried unplugging the instrument lead a few times? Mine does funny things when used on the battery, I find they eat batteries anyway so I almost always have it on mains. [/quote] [quote name='tonyquipment' timestamp='1478282860' post='3168219'] Have u tried with a PSU instead of battery? If PSU route is returning the same then it could be the unit is buggered [/quote] Yes! I found the box - July 2010 I bought it so not much hope of warranty The good news - yes rummaged around, found a PSU & hey presto it's as good as gold on mains adapter! Problem solved , sort of Cheerz, John
  14. Thanks Paul, I'll give that a try Cheerz, John
  15. Recently I've been using my Polytune battery powered & making sure it's unplugged when not in use. Today I connected it up, brief flash of lights as normal, then just 4 red dots in a square. Then nothing! Checked the battery - flat 4.6 Volts! New battery fitted, same lights & square - nothing. New battery tested at 9.6V & reinserted - nothing. First thoughts were the battery clip wires, the clip looks good but the red & black disappear under the black internal cover. Looking at taking the cover off to investigate I find 1 of the 2 screws holding the cover on has not been fitted or tightened correctly, is left sticking up about 2 mm & must be cross threaded - too tight to do up or undo without risking snapping the screw off! I've no idea where the box & any paperwork is, does anybody know if there's a repair centre - any chance of getting it fixed under warranty?! Cheerz, John
  16. I made another kit for Brian, Aria Pro II this time & he's made a proper job of fitting it in & shielding. Great guy to deal with every time, no problems. Cheerz, John
  17. Dodgy Dunlops I reckon, try some different strings before tearing out any more hair
  18. The type of rubber that will work is the sort used for cleaning rails in model train/railway layouts - not you're common or garden 'classroom rubber' HTH
  19. Very unusual "(you will need to insert battery 8v) " I doubt a flat 9V would be any good
  20. Where 'down south' exactly? Happy to help if I can
  21. Is this a road worn? I seem to remember it being thrown out of the pram a few times
  22. Ooooh I'll be checking that out
  23. [center][/center] [center][b][color=#000000][font=helvetica]Save Tin Pan Alley Petition supporters[/font][/color][/b][/center] [color=#000000][font=helvetica]Some of you may know me as a friend or perhaps professionally via my 30 years in Rockumentary TV Production. Others may know me through my eight years as a ‘Music & Arts’ Radio Broadcaster or as a music-based researcher- writer and published author.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica][b]Tin Pan Alley Tales – The Film[/b][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica]‘Tin Pan Alley Tales – The Film’ will feature exclusive stories from Denmark Street the world famous 300 year old street of music. These will be told by twelve key people who’ve either lived or worked there since World War 2. As with Geoffrey Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales’, each ‘Tale Teller’ will come from a vastly different background and career.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica]We will be interviewing the famous and the infamous. The known and the unknown. These will be their particular tales, their personal memories and their witness to over 100 years of Denmark Street’s colourful and diverse history. Legendary tales will gain more light and shading while secret histories will be revealed. All magnificent Tales from the greatest music street in the world.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica]Expect hitherto untold tales from some of your favourite stars including [b]Bowie, The Small Faces, The Stones[/b] and many more too.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][b][font=helvetica]Successes for 'The Save Denmark Street Campaign'[/font][/b][/color] [color=#000000][font=helvetica]Over the past two years I have been heavily involved in running 'The Save Tin Pan Alley Campaign', which I set up in May 2014. This has seen old buildings listed, upgraded and protected; a much loved music venue saved for posterity; and recently signed deals put in place alongside new legislation to save many music-based businesses with upgraded protection for the listed buildings in Denmark Street as they undergo a further five year redevelopment process on the back of ‘Crossrail 1’, which is due to open in 2018.[/font][/color] [center] [size=6][font=helvetica][b][url="http://t.ymlp71.com/wavaejbyeaiaebyanahssu/click.php"][color=#FF0000]View The TV Spot News Here [/color][/url][/b][/font][/size] [/center] [center][size=6][font=helvetica][b][url="http://t.ymlp71.com/qataejbyeataebyanahssu/click.php"][color=#FF0000]View the Crowdfunder Video Here [/color][/url][/b][/font][/size][/center] [font=helvetica][color=#000000][size=4]Be a part of it this great film. Come to screenings. Get rewards as gifts for small pledges. [/size][size=4]For the price of basic takeaway meal you can support this historic film in return for rewards as gifts of T Shirts, Bespoke Enamel Badges, DVDs Downloads, Screenings, Gigs, Dinners and more ...[/size][/color][/font] [center] [b][font=helvetica][size=6][url="http://t.ymlp71.com/yaraejbyeaaaebyagahssu/click.php"][color=#FF0000]Please sign-up to our forthcoming crowdfunder by clicking here [/color][/url][/size][/font][/b][/center] [center][b][font=helvetica][size=6][url="http://t.ymlp71.com/yaraejbyeaaaebyagahssu/click.php"][color=#FF0000]www.phundee.com/reward/campaign/tin-pan-alley-tales-the-film[/color][/url][/size][/font][/b] [/center] [font=helvetica][color=#000000][size=4]Many thanks for your support[/size][/color][/font] [font=helvetica][color=#000000][size=4]It will make a difference[/size][/color][/font] [font=helvetica][color=#000000][size=4]Henry Scott-Irvine Producer-Director Founder-Organiser of Save Denmark St Campaign[/size][/color][/font]
  24. Another job for Lewis, P-bass flavour this time, as always a most excellent guy to deal with in evey way, top fella Cheerz, John
  25. Yesterday I sent a 'Large Letter' to California USA using the International Tracked and Signed for service at £9.25 - so far - info from the website is encouraging: Date Time Status Track point 21/09/16 AM ON ITS WAY TOSAN FRANCISCO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 21/09/16 01:06 ARRIVED (MDN) AT HEATHROW WORLDWIDE DC 20/09/16 20:10 ON ITS WAY TOHEATHROW WORLDWIDE DC GATWICK MAIL CENTRE 20/09/16 19:51 ITEM COLLECTED GATWICK MAIL CENTRE 20/09/16 15:47 SENT AT POST OFFICE 64 Ninfield Road TN39 5BB I'll let you know what happens! Edit: Sorry the info gets jumbled up it seems, it looks nicely tabulated until I press send
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