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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. I'd say change your mind & get something completely different - 'cos it seems that you're not totally commited & in love with what you ordered in the first place - or you wouldn't be asking us lot It'll end in tears
  2. Depends what the finish is but Lighter fluid, (refined petrol), as used by Jimi Hendrix is good or WD40 or some aerosol deodorants - I believe. Even 'sticky stuff remover' made for the job, available most places Edit for link?: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sticky+stuff+remover&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b&gws_rd=cr&ei=j5zaV8OrMeXYgAbZlabYDw
  3. Love my Roger Waters [attachment=227540:Roger Waters P-Bass.jpg]
  4. Another wiring kit for Tom, as always a real pleasure to deal with, he's proper old BTW, not just old but that don't stop him - he's a real gent Cheerz, John
  5. Graeme got in touch for a wiing kit to upgrade his CIJ P-bass, knew exactly what he wanted, super comms & instant payment, great guy to deal with. Cheerz, John
  6. Julian got in touch for a wiring kit to upgrade his Jazz, great comms, instant payment, a pleasure to deal with. Cheerz, john
  7. Perhaps users don't like the switch because - as shown in your link - that circuit only by-passes the signal from the preamp to straight out. It doesn't cut the power from the preamp so draining battery all the time the bass is plugged in, even though the signal is not even going through the amp.
  8. It sounds likely that a earth wire has come adrift somewhere, maybe inside a mains socket, possibly affecting all sockets on that circuit. If you're not confident with home electrics - please get someone qualified to take a look - after all it could save a life!
  9. If anyone buys a bass at the seller's asking price - the buyer must be happy or he wouldn't of paid the price & the seller must be happy or he wouldn't have asked that price - nobody else's business! The new owner may/may not find it's what they wanted, and/or spend time & money on new parts, strings, setup etc. or even just cleaning & polishing - resulting in a bass that to them is worth more than they paid. Nothing wrong with asking a higher price to sell it - back to the top ^^ see line one
  10. Yes you need a switch, DPDT IIRC with the the 470K resistors & the circuit modified to suit, if your's hasn't got it. Cheerz, John
  11. Hi Andy, The by-pass switch circuit shown on the TC1-6 page on your link should do the job. file:///C:/Users/John%60s/AppData/Local/Temp/TC-Booster-Preamps.pdf Cheeerz, John
  12. If you can find a link to exactly what circuit you've got - I'll have a look Cheerz, John
  13. Tobie got in touch for a P-bass wiring kit, great guy to deal with, straight comms & instant payment, a pleasure indeed, no problems Cheerz, John
  14. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/401165642543?ul_noapp=true Great description
  15. I don't know the answer - but all the Fender Hex Nuts truss rod adjusters I've seen are 3/16" AF Allen key fit aren't they ?
  16. Or - you could get yourself a top notch kit from someone right here who is always there when you need any help Please check my feedback
  17. KiOgon

    Fender PJs

    Fender Frank Bello Signature; [attachment=224434:ffrankbello1.jpg]
  18. Hi Bajanbass, Not been there for a long time but loved the island when I was working there for Cable & Wireless but spent my spare time swimming, snorkeling, diving, fishing, you know how hard it is! Cheerz, John
  19. My favourites - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Neutrik-NP2RX-B-2-Pole-Mono-1-4-Right-Angle-Jack-Plug-Black-and-Gold-Contacts-/301883287556?hash=item4649a56804:g:UsEAAOSwQYZW0d6~
  20. Another P-bass wiring kit for Dan, always the perfect gent to deal with, great comms & instant payment, a real pleasure. Cheerz, John
  21. I made a replacement kit/passive conversion for Brians dual MM bass that was troublesome, he's a pleasure to deal with, spot on communications & instant payment. Cheerz, John
  22. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1468388073' post='3090542'] I am disappointed that you used the word 'someone' instead of 'NE-1' in the thread title. A missed opportunity. [/quote]Very good
  23. Cheers chaps I'm never far away & probably no need to send me the bits, a solderless wiring kit means you can change/fit new pick ups in minutes, with no burnt fingers
  24. Yes - looks like a typical Fender mess IMHO the pots need 'straightening up' to avoid any contact between the tags & inside the control cavity, or even breaking off the cap! Cheerz, John
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