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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Very nice a bit of background that might help your sale http://fenderbassplayer.com/fender-fullerton-reissues
  2. Can't tell from the pictures, where in Sussex are you?
  3. What - is he asking for someone to tidy it up?
  4. More dealings with Andy, this time 3 sets of wiring kits. Great communications & instant payment, as already said great guy to deal with. Cheerz, John
  5. OOh! I bet they smell funny - just like bullshyte
  6. How many pedals do you expect to run from a phone charger? As Chris says USB is 5V & if you practically double it up to 9V it's going to have as much power available as a doormouses fart, probably less! Good luck with that
  7. My favourite go to riff every time I'm in a music shop trying a bass on a Saturday when it's full of yoofs PS. I never go to music shops
  8. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1463166559' post='3049277'] So who's playing Charybdis? [/quote]I sea what you did there
  9. http://www2.fender.com/experience/tech-talk/s-1-switching/
  10. Still bits to do but this end nearly finished
  11. Have you tried a new/good lead?
  12. Could have been worse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m-aFxGaUfI
  13. Not wishing to worry you - but my fingertips have become more & more sensitive especially to heat since I've been Diabetic, worth getting your blood glucose levels checked! It does funny thing to you Cheerz, John
  14. [quote name='markdavid' timestamp='1462272115' post='3041561'] Sorry I should have been more specific about the pickups , the neck pickup is stock and the bridge pickup is the Seymour duncan quarter pound pickup , I chose a high output bridge pickup to balance out the volume difference between neck and bridge Do you think that the above would still apply? [/quote]Apologies I misread the original post. Yes still applies - the P pick up is most likely a sensitive beast - do the isolation test
  15. @markdavid - basically I think you're worrying too much - the SD 1/4lb P - pick up is most likely sensing the tapping on the other pick up & creating an output. The J bridge pick up will not have the same sensitivity so won't react to the P being tapped. If you want to test that, completely remove the pick ups from their mountings so there is no mechanical contact between them & try again. IMO - IME etc.etc. John
  16. [url="http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwiBntj1l7vMAhWLI8AKHasMAooQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.avsforum.com%2Fforum%2F155-diy-speakers-subs%2F1051400-how-wire-4x-8-ohms-4-ohms.html&psig=AFQjCNEIJCrj3aO_Jb4RbVcHHqFS2dfmQQ&ust=1462271471337547"]http://www.google.co...462271471337547[/url] [attachment=218351:series_parallel.jpg]
  17. Looks great & I'm glad you're pleased with the tones
  18. Tim got in touch for a Stacked Knob Jazz wiring kit, perfect gent to deal with, great communications & instant payment - deal with complete confidence. Cheerz, John
  19. Loving the "[size=4]seamless repair on the back[/size]" & how perfect the neck looks WHO! WHAT? Did he?
  20. GIYF https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=guild+starfire+1+wiring+diagram&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8jae64ZzMAhWJBcAKHUjiD38QsAQIHA&biw=1680&bih=917 Anything there?
  21. I received a "upgrading my P Bass inquiry" from Brian & was pleased to make him a upgrade wiring kit Great communication, instant payment - a real pleasure - deal with confidence. Cheerz, John
  22. I received " another "upgrading my Squier P Bass" inquiry." from Ian & was pleased to make him another wiring kit Great communication, instant payment - a real pleasure - deal with confidence. Cheerz, John
  23. You might like these: http://www.ghsstrings.com/products?categories=brite-flatstm
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