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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1382903420' post='2257867'] I've tidied this thread up following that little outburst. [/quote]Understood
  2. Dry joints can happen because the 'leg/s' of a component is made of inferior material or not tinned properly. If you can't get a good solder flow between the PCB & the component - replace it instead of just resoldering.
  3. ^^ As above^^ John's a great guy to deal with, I'm sure the bass is exactly as described - or even better
  4. That's a great looking bass Nige - must be unique! Good job - you & uncle H.
  5. Sad news & just this afternoon I had a visit from an old g/f telling me her 1st husband, one of my old best mates has died at 60
  6. GHS Precision Flats are my favourite on a P-bass - wise choice - hope you enjoy them. As Discreet says, give them a few days to get rid of that newness, then they just get better & better, for a long time Just a thought - I give all my new strings a good clean - straight out of the packet - with Surgical Spirits (Meths will do) on a cotton rag, gets rid of any factory oils used during the process & helps them bed in quicker IMO.
  7. Hate that bastard C Best wishes John, tough times ahead .
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1382871901' post='2257317'] Might be. Everyone who is affected - who's your email provider? Mine's Gmail. [/quote]I'm using Windows- @ live.co.uk
  9. [quote name='AntLockyer' timestamp='1382811970' post='2256913'] Ah so I was wrong about the hole, sorry about that. Lowender the active doesn't have the control plate [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/squier/basses/jazz-bass/deluxe-jazz-bass-iv-active-4-string-ebonol-fingerboard-3-color-sunburst/"]http://www.fender.co...color-sunburst/[/url] [/quote]Not a problem, I thought your explanation quite feasible The point is - the body in the op appears to be a Mexican
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1382826439' post='2257081'] I want one of these, but they won't reply to my emails :-( [/quote]Perhaps - if you'd like to become the UK distributor? or email them in Netherlandese Any members over there know anything about them?
  11. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1382823135' post='2257055'] Nice one, good find! Shame they're not adjustable though, looks like when they're on they stay on. If you could get the same kind of individual mutes but adjustable like the ones on the older Stingray bridges then I'd have them on in a shot. [/quote]http://www.bassmute.com/bassmute/
  12. 2 things already mentioned I believe - I only play flats - the one new bass I've ever seen in a shop with flats fitted is the Fender Pino, complete with rusty bridge etc so there's no chance of going into a shop & trying a bass for the feel or tone when I know it's going to be fitted with cheese grater strings No bass is ever going to be set up exactly how I want it, no manufacturer or shop is ever going to spend the time & attention on every detail - like I do to get my basses as near to perfect as I can. I'm happy to accept when I buy a bass online it will need my choice of strings & a thorough set up, that's all part of getting a new bass to me.
  13. Ashdown Little Bastard 3 years & 7 months, used almost every day, never missed a beat it may not be big, it might not be clever - but it sounds bloody lovely
  14. This is in reply to the question regarding the round hole, not the shape of the routing, just the hole; "Hi John, From our understanding the hole is used for a jig in the painting process for all Mexican bodies as a way to suspend the body. It is only on Mexican bodies and is always located in a place that would be under the pick guard. In the American factory they use a different painting process therefore not needing the hole. Hope this helps Thanks Emile"
  15. I made a P-bass wiring kit for Brian, great communications & instant payment, a pleasure to deal with. Cheerz, John
  16. From StringsDirect, as above^ with the router hole it's a Mex! The American bodies don't have the hole [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/p/920397/fender-mexican-alder-jazz-bass-body-brown-sunburst/"]http://www.stringsdi...brown-sunburst/[/url]
  17. I expect it's sold a hundred times over by now give away price
  18. Nice to see you back - we need you - there's this Jap bass on ebay -------------------------------- !
  19. A few years back - I wanted a Aerodyne Jazz. Shop A - 12 miles away, I went in, tried a few alternatives but having already decided on the Aerodyne - placed an order for one. All the details - in the order book, waited a fortnight - nothing. 'Phoned up - ah, er, um, we can't actually place your order until we get enough to meet the minimum order quantity from Fender UK. "Why didn't you tell me 2 weeks ago?" Huge amounts of bullshit, we will order it in the next day or 2. 2 weeks later I phoned again, ah, er, um, who did you speak to before? I can't see it in the order book!! I'll have to find out what's going on & get back to you. No return call. Next weekend I went into the shop, put up with the monkeys for 1/2 an hour then demanded they find me some one who knew what they were talking about. The manager appeared, stroppy k_nt, said it couldn't have been ordered because he couldn't find find any record of me paying a deposit! I very nearly exploded no-one had mentioned anything about a deposit, I'd been fcuked about for nearly 6 weeks. I let them know in no uncertain terms - they had just lost a very good customer! Shop B, 30 miles away - had a Aerodyne at a good price on their website, I 'phoned them up, asked all the right questions & arranged to go the next day to try it. When I walked in to the bass department & saw it on a stand I couldn't believe it, the price ticket was about £200 more than online price & it was covered in fingermarks, snot & smeg as well by the look of it. When I asked about the price, the story was the shop prices were marked up for 'credit card buyers' but they could knock some off for cash, no mention of the advertised online price & they had no idea how I was going to pay!. In reply to the state of it, the guy said I'll get a cloth & give it a rub I said if you had done that before I came (as arranged yesterday) it might have been OK - but they didn't! I asked to try it through a amp & was directed towards a '£35' practise amp - I said no - a real amp, which they couldn't do because the 'bass guy' wasn't there! I almost threw the bass back at them & walked out. That's the level of customer care I found in 2 major retailers within my range. It's no wonder I buy online now, save all that aggravation & I've not had any problems.
  20. I made a Jazz bass control kit for Tim & helped sort him with his wiring. A pleasure to deal with, great comms & instant payment, top guy. Cheerz, John
  21. There are some shops that I wouldn't bother going in again because of their attitude & I know I'm not alone. Then there's - what shops are in your area? Down here it's not good, 12 miles to Eastbourne for Bonners, 30 miles to GAK in Brighton or 60+ miles to the Smoke. Buying online & ordering from USA has enabled me to buy basses I just couldn't afford in this country, I'd say average 33% off UK High St. prices. Sure - I'd be happy to support a local shop if they return the loyalty with decent stock, prices & service.
  22. If you want a set of controls/wiring kit made - give me a shout
  23. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1382606703' post='2254184'] I first saw that routing on an expensive RI and thought WTF? I really don't know why fender do that on these. The CV Squier has the same... pity. [/quote]None of my RI's have that sort of routing or holes, in fact they are very nicely finished everywhere, some even get a 'personal touch' like the originals, eg; a piece of masking tape in the cavity with the Signature of the lady that wound the pick up coils [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/kjon51/media/Fender%2057%20Precision%20Bass%20American%20Vintage/030520121388.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/kjon51/Fender%2057%20Precision%20Bass%20American%20Vintage/030520121388.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  24. I thought only MiMs were like that under the covers shame - makes it look like a cheap copy body definitely not a good look
  25. Great little amps - mine's not missed a beat in 3 1/2 years used most days. BOLWTS John
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