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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. D-tune & buy a capo? http://www.planetwaves.com/pwProductDetail.Page?ActiveID=4115&productid=501&productname=NS_Capo_Lite&sid=f5f171bb-1f10-4df3-a849-4626d33d04c6
  2. If I may chip in regarding spec. - the circuit I made for Tom uses CTS Premium 250K Audio Taper Log pots with a Switchcraft Jack socket, as used on top USA Fenders, incorporating a Switch + capacitor/resistor network, (for silent operation), to kill the output signal without having to alter the volume/tone settings. Cheerz, John
  3. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1380895453' post='2232083'] What does it do, Tom? Kill any hecklers? [/quote] Lovely looking bass Tom, GLWTS
  4. I made another wiring kit for Gareth, spot on communications, instant payment & followed up with great feedback Thanks Gareth, a pleasure dealing with you. Cheerz, John
  5. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1380806587' post='2230846'] Just like to say a big "Thanks" to Tac England and Rocco following my question. It was really great for them to fly me across to San Francisco, arrange for me to go to a TOP gig and have a personal Bass lesson with the great man himself..................................................................................................................................................I wish! However, the next best thing was a parcel that arrived today with an autographed photo ( of Rocco) and a set of 5 Ironworks Bass Strings in an autographed tin. [url="http://www.mjcironworks.com/new-products/"]http://www.mjcironwo...m/new-products/[/url] I'm chuffed to bits! [/quote] For real? Very good
  6. P-bass, flats, fingers - valve amp > play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yvYVr1wwFM
  7. A total WoW moment very sexy
  8. Yep Status Hotwires - comparable to some twice the price
  9. [quote name='Prosebass' timestamp='1380650582' post='2228519'] He was playing in a Latin Style Crossover band at One World Festival Liverpool on Sunday. Looked familiar but I cannot place him. Forgot the name of the band which doesn't help! [/quote]cafe con leche - by any chance? http://citycentralbid.com/events/bold-street-presents-one-world-festival-liverpool/
  10. Ned Kelly - after a trim http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Ned_Kelly_in_1880.png&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ned_Kelly&h=269&w=187&sz=1&tbnid=6FmH2ZvEjlZ7EM:&tbnh=186&tbnw=129&zoom=1&usg=__LOnVZ97RcLHq821wZs54KNi6gHI=&docid=Anf9-9dyexJS7M&itg=1&sa=X&ei=PPtKUo6mB4an0QWs7ICYBw&ved=0CIsBEPwdMAs
  11. A big old welcome from me too, sounds like you've certainly worked the circuit Sit back & have fun
  12. Good though - reminds me - I want a Geddy face mask for Halloween
  13. Very interesting - looking forward to hear what you think of them
  14. Excellent photo's thanks Silvia & thanks for sharing, you've made me feel like I really should make the effort & get to these bashes, maybe next time
  15. http://www.topgear.com/uk/photos/equus-bass-770-ford-mustang-2013-09-25?j=108718&e=a2lfb2dvbkBsaXZlLmNvLnVr&l=30_HTML&u=6587905&mid=7001780&jb=145&cm_mmc=ExactTarget-_-email-_-TOP_GEAR_FLEX_NLT_HEADER_2013-09-27-_-email&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=TOP_GEAR_FLEX_NLT_HEADER_2013-09-27
  16. What was wrong with the first one? Was that alright until you plugged it in - same amp? Just wondering like
  17. [size=4][font="Arial"]"The photo of the rear was intended to show the little plugged hole, but failed through glare; either way I will tidy and fill the hole before selling the bass"[/font][/size] What's this little plugged hole we can't see then? Don't tell me he went right through with the hammer & chisel when he was [s]'installing'[/s] hacking out the cavity for the Hotrail I wonder what the all up weight will be by the time he's "tidied & filled the hole"? Shouldn't take more than a bag of 'Postcrete' to fill in around the pick up
  18. Change the cab wiring! The LB30 is fine on 4 Ohms
  19. PIO is a very old way of making caps - therefore they must sound old school - right? Oh & they cost a lot so they must be good Orange drops is usually a 'poly drop' cap, totally more modern manufacturing method therefore must be good for modern rock music The higher value pots, bigger numbers will let more frequencies through, giving a 'brighter' sound.
  20. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1380183678' post='2221844'] Yeah I think that might be the answer, It was fine when I tested it in the shop then a couple of days later the buzz came back... Maybe I have bigger problems with this bass [/quote] It could be down to changes in temperature/humidity etc, but if it ain't right - go speak to them about it.
  21. If you've just paid the gallery to do a set up & fix the problem - & they haven't - I'd get it back to them before trying anything else.
  22. Just did a little wiring repair/mod for Andrew, as ever - a gent & a pleasure to deal with. Cheerz, John
  23. Nice win Nige! I can see the Lion p/g looking great, uncle H had better get his cutting tools sharp
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