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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Best wishes to all the new mods & the old thanks for all your work in helping to make & keep this such a wonderful place. Cheerz to all
  2. Bertbass has already kindly given you the info 3 posts above.
  3. You really need the on-on-on variety. Cheerz, John
  4. Second verse - same as the first Mike's great to deal with Cheerz, John
  5. KiOgon

    Feedback for teamcoy

    Another loom for Matt & as ever - a pleasure to deal with - everything that gives this place it's great well deserved reputation Cheerz, John
  6. I like to hear [b][u]THE[/u][/b] bass for all that it is, passive for me every time. There isn't an active circuit made IMHO that doesn't sound 'artificially enhanced' (a bit like boobs really ) however you set it. Like a quality HiFi turntable/arm/cartridge, you get the sound from the source as it's intended, with passive.
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1379496855' post='2213269'] ^^^^ Me pal Peter Tickell on the fiddle. Livin' the dream, the lucky duck. [/quote]Nice one
  8. Best bit - for me was Jimmy Nail's expressions around 3:10 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o7Eiar4cNc
  9. Best of luck Pete, here's hoping you can soon get back to Dolly
  10. KiOgon

    Feedback for teamcoy

    I made a Jazz loom for Matt + a little repair job on his P-lyte loom. He's a great guy to deal with, lot's of spot on comms & instant payment. Cheerz, John
  11. Yes tiny dowel - cocktail stick or barb'q skewers & some PVA, clean off level when dry & redrill, sorted.
  12. Hope you don't mind Bluejay - our His 'n Hers [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/kjon51/media/Scooters/20130906_120024_zpsa29e38b8.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/kjon51/Scooters/20130906_120024_zpsa29e38b8.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  13. You'll need a tone cap in there - or maybe not - if you leave it out on all your basses & some string to tie the pots & jack together with Should be a nice bass
  14. Welcome from another sixty something old git arthritis 'n all Enjoy the site & the playing Cheerz, John
  15. - "multi-ply mahogany tone wood" - I remember Gibson got into trouble for buying & using protected species of rare & valuable exotic timbers - but now 'plywood'?
  16. Both beauties there Chris very nice
  17. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1379009943' post='2207752'] Thought it was about time i updated my current bass pictures 1969 Precision, [url="http://s1237.photobucket.com/user/cmsb_horton/media/4%20basses/1969Precision_zpsb8939f59.jpg.html"]http://s1237.photobu...939f59.jpg.html[/url] 1982 Fullerton '57 reissue, [url="http://s1237.photobucket.com/"]http://s1237.photobucket.com/[/url] [/quote] Hi Chris - I think your '57 link is missing something it takes me to my home page The '69 looks lovely though
  18. TC electronics Polytune followed by their Flashback, just for fun amazing http://www.tcelectronic.com/flashback-delay/
  19. Err! - Another P-bass kit, another verse - perfik excellent to deal with Tony Cheerz, John
  20. My pleasure to start a thread for Joe, he contacted me re. a wiring kit for his Jazz bass with a Volume/Blend/Tone set up. Great communications & instant payment, all round good guy to deal with, no problems. Cheerz, John
  21. Shirley it depends on the strings - some you have to cut, some you don't. I rarely cut any off except maybe a little off the E for Fender headstocks, I like plenty of winds down the post but never overlapping or bunching.
  22. Fender American Vintage '60 s Jazz, stacked knob 3TS/tort/rosewood, just great - for me - does it all (nearly)
  23. Great decking wants sweeping though Autumn's started early
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