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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Personally I'd like a thumbrest, Ebony or Rosewood, would rather have no pickguard or screw holes & no BadAss but that's just me quite nice though
  2. I've been truly ripped off already! Tuesday morning I had to go into local 'village' so I visited the PO that I don't normally use. I put my parcel on the scales, (113g), asked for "1st class signed for" & put what [b][i]was[/i][/b] the correct money [b]£3.65[/b] in the tray. The old fool at the counter looked at the coins & said "you'll need more than that" Why? I said & at the same time noticed a new 'Small Parcel' guage on the counter, which my parcel passed through easily, only 23 x 12 x 5 cm, the allowance is up to 45 x 35 x 8 cm < 2 kg £6.75 he said, it's all gone up over the weekend. I said "it was April 1st yesterday, you're joking aren't you?" No he said, that's what it costs now, I've been having this with customers all morning, mostly gone up by 100%. I said you must be joking 'cos the PO won't be here next week if they've done that! Not joking - do you want to send it or not? - He was getting cross with me! I'll have to, I've promised it'll be sent today, said I & found the [b]extra £3.10.[/b] The receipt shows the time 11:25, weight 0.113 kg[b], Signed for 1st parcel £6.75.[/b] I was absolutely gobsmacked at this, right annoyed & aggravated - livid - feckin angry even! Got home & checked online to find I had been charged for a Medium Parcel! The Small Parcell cost should have been £4.10, even that is a 12.5% increase but I can live with that I suppose, not that it's justifiable. I returned to the PO & waited to see the same idiot that had robbed me! Long story short - I argued my point for 1/2 an hour, he was quite rude & angry, turned red & shouting while refusing to do anything about it, it was too late to prove it the collection had gone at 12:00, it was now 13:00. I stayed calm & made my points well I think although I was boiling inside & felt like giving him some serious verbal - I didn't - not a bad word. He threatened to call the police - I said yes please do, you're the thief here, I'm the victim. Then I realised there was only one side they were going to come down on, I was obviously going to get nowhere, so I wrote down his name - above the counter on a big sign, he is the postmaster! I have made an official complaint to the 'Post Office Counters' complaints dept. & am waiting their response. From now on I will only use my regular Post Office, 1/2 mile in the other direction from my house but with the nicest friendly polite counter staff you could hope for. The old fool in the Sidley PO needs putting out to grass, or sh---ing! Cheerz, John
  3. [url="http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pjb+suitcase&oq=pjb+su&gs_l=youtube.1.0.0l2.456.3432.0.6982."]http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pjb+suitcase&oq=pjb+su&gs_l=youtube.1.0.0l2.456.3432.0.6982.[/url]
  4. A 30 Watt Little Bastard with a 112 will give you lovely tone at home & with another cab if needed will cope with small gigs, maybe a smidge over your £300 but worth considering - you won't beat the tone IMHO. Or have a look at the PJB briefcase for small but sweet sounding. Cheerz, John
  5. A few years ago I ordered a new Ashown Perfect Ten mini rig, when it came - in original factory packing, the proper UK mains lead was stuffed down the front of the amp causing some serious scratches on the front panel. I phoned to complain & a replacement was checked before sending out for next day, the damaged one collected the day after. All very well sorted by Sounds Live.
  6. [quote name='Brams77' timestamp='1364759466' post='2030603'] Bump:) [/quote] The cheek of it!
  7. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1364813957' post='2031096'] I'm thinking USA neck and Mexican body? [/quote] [quote name='grenadilla' timestamp='1364814032' post='2031098'] .Has the neck been swapped out? [/quote] [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1364814433' post='2031107'] Its a USA neck, but the truss rod access on the body looks wrong. [/quote] ^^^This^^^ + 1 What does that RRP $2300 get ?
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1364777104' post='2030849'] "What would Stevie Wonder say?" [/quote] You ain't playing no cheap arse bass in my band
  9. [url="http://bonners.cmail5.com/t/ViewEmail/y/0F6399439700A6E8/BE2EB16E0025AEE41D419C9787CC9684"]http://bonners.cmail5.com/t/ViewEmail/y/0F6399439700A6E8/BE2EB16E0025AEE41D419C9787CC9684[/url] Bonners in Eastbourne have 15% of all on display - might be worth a look.
  10. [quote name='OBT1000_S12' timestamp='1364686546' post='2029736'] Just spent all evening trying to get the string height on my bass where I would like it as it was too high and I have come away feeling frustrated that I haven't really got anywhere. The bass in question is my Fender Dirnt with a 78 telebass neck. The strings are too high even with the saddles right down. I tightened the truss rod a little as i read that lowers the strings and still no joy so I tried a shim but even with that its not great. The neck has a small gap between the back of the neck and the pocket which is about 2mm I can see the screws anyway so I don't know if that is an issue or just because of the older neck. I've emailed a luthier in Milton Keynes so hopefully a proper set up will get it to what I want. Just frustrated that I haven't seemed to of got anywhere with it myself. [/quote] The way I'm reading this - if there's a gap about 2mm where you can see the screws - it ain't even put together right & you're gonna need more than a setup to sort that out. Sounds like the neck/pocket fit is a no-match! Job for a Luthier definitely
  11. My Frank Bello Fender had as standard Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound P pick up with a Fender SCN Jazz at the bridge, which was very much under power! I fitted a matching SD 1/4 lb Jazz at the bridge & it's a real powerhouse now
  12. Nicely done Chris, you have to love a bit of Bello's bass
  13. It's only a typo & - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A5t5_O8hdA
  14. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1364331336' post='2025058'] Folks, I have my eye on an MIM Precision 60th anniversary, just like this: [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Fender_-_60th_Anniversary_Standard_Precision_Bass/FEN-0146102355"]http://www.soundsliv.../FEN-0146102355[/url] Will the American series pickup make a noticeable difference compared to a standard MIM pickup? Steve [/quote] I would be more worried about the quoted weight - 12Kg suppose it's a concrete body
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364211775' post='2023152'] Pics, please! [/quote] I don't think any of the few pictures I had survived the divorce, can't remember seeing any since, I'll have a search - don't hold your breath [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1364212045' post='2023162'] Loons, oh my word, I've just shuddered at the thought of some of the loon pants I had. Somewhere there is a pic of me gigging in a yellow pair with blue stitching. Sad thing is I thought I looked so damned groovy . They were teamed with a blue silk Jacket with red buttons and a large floppy Roger Glover type felt hat. [/quote] I think we need a new thread (no pun intended) I remember walking bloody miles in that London Oxford St. etc searching for cuban heeled leather boots in blue with side zips, got them in the end. Also asking my Mum if she would make me some trousers if I got the material, you should've seen her face when I brought home a huge bundle of bright red cordorouy & asked her for IIRC 24" bottoms! So that was me - hair over shoulders, big ginger beard, embroidered shirts, really red loons & blue boots, lucky the fashion police didn't get me all in front of 2 x HiWatts ontop a Orange 2x18 cab, talk about a splash of colour
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1364211514' post='2023146'] Come on then John, give us a song... [/quote] I reckon my undercrackers must've been a lot tighter in them days & no I haven't still got them - or the loons
  17. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1364209675' post='2023110'] Anyone know what bass was used, I'm assuming Fender? [/quote] Sounds like a left handed Fender Precision to me
  18. Now you've made me feel even older! In my old band I was always elected to sing the Frankie Valli numbers - & play bass at the same time wasn't a problem in the 70's but it sure is these days http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDxhugRKZ8g
  19. He didn't look so good with Madness the other night outside the Beeb, maybe that nasty cold & rain has knocked him back a bit, poxy weather. Big respect for him & very best wishes.
  20. If it ain't broke - - - but if you want to join the swelling ranks of tube fiddlers carry on
  21. Congratulations truckstop, a generous bid indeed
  22. It's a great place & we're all in it together, which is what makes it great
  23. Here I am - late to the party thanks for the mentions guys, I can supply anything from a knob to a complete kit! If your bell plate is OK, you could send it to me for repair/replacement pot, wiring, upgrade to solderless - whatever it needs. Cheerz, John
  24. If you get a spare High C - you can bet your bottom dollar it won't be the C that breaks or have you already got the others?
  25. It'd go nicely with all the 'free stuff' I found the other day - what came in the original Who Live at Leeds LP
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