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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Just about the same on my AV '57 too [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/kjon51/Fender%2057%20Precision%20Bass%20American%20Vintage/20130207_185243_zps2d28633a.jpg[/IMG]
  2. Just measured my AV '62 Jazz sitting next to me & it is set with each string at 20mm almost exactamundo, on the standard Vintage style Fender bridge with the screw saddles.
  3. A standard Jazz circuit like: [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/support/wiring-diagrams/schematics.php?schematic=std_jazz_bass"]http://www.seymourdu...c=std_jazz_bass[/url] is all you need. If you want a kit made up for you give me a shout Welcome to the machine BTW Cheerz, John
  4. 33&3/4" might be all you need, or not! Measure exactly from the nut to the 12th fret & double it, should be close!
  5. I made a Jazz bass wiring kit for Mick, great comms & instant payment, a real pleasure from start to finish, highly recommended to deal with. Cheerz, John
  6. Personally - I love tort & I love pearl - there's only one way to sort this - - Fight --! But seriously think the tort goes with rosewood & not with the colour fretboard above, Cheerz, John
  7. '60 P's - which is which? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/kjon51/20130131_091609.jpg
  8. KiOgon


    Bargain! - wouldn't be without mine GLWTS
  9. I don't have any EMG pick ups at the mo, but I believe they have fairly soft rounded edges so I wouldn't expect them to cause any damage
  10. I wish I knew earlier I would have gone & had a look, went to Lidl earlier, nothing worth mentioning still spent £30 though Thanks for the heads up.
  11. KiOgon


    [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1359114048' post='1950029'] I gather this isn't actually one of the original basses - it is a copy you have built. Probably still very nice - I have speculatedf that the extra oomph in the originals is much to do with the slab body so I would expect it to be very nice. Get a price on the ad and I may well be interested. [/quote] Judging from this youtube vid, it sounds nothing like an original http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3b6M59ldtds or is it just me
  12. KiOgon


    I believe the other thread started in the for sale section but must have been moved by a mod, most likely because it doesn't comply with the rules.
  13. [quote name='slab66' timestamp='1359212453' post='1951649'] A bit harsh! [/quote] [quote name='slab66' timestamp='1359212590' post='1951654'] Many thanks for your kind words. I just wanted to get some input on the build and nothing more. [/quote] You still take no notice of the rules I see if you're advertising it for sale you need to state a price, if you just want input you're in the wrong section.
  14. How about: I really love that bass, it's colour is White Blonde - like your hair, it reminds me of you so much - it's a bit expensive but I couldn't liken you to a cheap bass could I? If I get it I'll call it Carole after you, it'll always remind me of you, I'll alway love it & look after it like I will you Sort of excuse - of course I don't know if it would work
  15. If I was fitting a new neck I'd want to check it was lined up exactly before I drilled any holes. With tuners fitted, position & clamp the neck into the pocket. Then run some thread form the E & G tuners down to the bridge & check alignment before drilling, a little nudge in either direction can make all the difference, before you commit to drilling & screwing. Then proceed as in post 2 John
  16. KiOgon


    Yes the originals were great, I played Chris Kefford's slab back in the days when he & Roy Wood used to come down to his girlfriends house, which was where we had the basement set up for playing.
  17. Hello slab66, If yo want to sell a bass you have to state a selling price or a trade value, it's not an auction site, it's in the rules. Is this the same bass that was on ebay, ended Jan 1st, removed as no longer available? Cos there's some pictures there [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Slab66-Precision-Bass-/281042634686?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&_trkparms=aid%3D555003%26algo%3DPW.CAT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D33%26meid%3D4545094363388886081%26pid%3D100034%26prg%3D1031%26rk%3D1%26&nma=true&si=%252FrKq508ezmIUkOKO1KPg08GW%252B8E%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc"]http://www.ebay.co.u...cvip=true&rt=nc[/url] If so pray tell why it is now available again, on BC? If it's a different bass - ignore me Also - it's very simple to link to pictures on Photobucket or any other picture hosting site. Cheerz, John
  18. Or open up the hole in the pickguard a bit in the right direction.
  19. Hey Rob You might like to read the rules - if you want to sell you must state a price - NOT invite offers, it's not like ebay here Cheerz & welcome John
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