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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1358614449' post='1942254'] Too expensive! Nice, though. [/quote] Yeah - at half the price I'd have had to think about it harder
  2. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-bass-Pre-CBS-1964-/271140430240?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3f213aa1a0 Nothing to do with me - just noticed it's in Bexhill - I'd love to see it but it's not cheap, I could end up in trouble What do you reckon?
  3. Just had to watch all her youtube clips - brilliant playing, completely in the groove, versatile & lovely too
  4. Is that the one with the broken pick up? If so I thought it was worth a punt, but then forgot about it
  5. [quote name='pobrien_ie' timestamp='1358413250' post='1938572'] Cool..thanks for the link. Did anyone notice the ever so slightly odd nut width sizes on both Precisions? Is that period-correct too? I still think it's a shame the '57 and '62 are gone. [/quote] Hey Paddy, I just measured the nut on my AV '62 P & it's 1.765" or 44.83mm, so a little over the stated 1&3/4" even! Cheerz, John
  6. [quote name='Cygnus x-1' timestamp='1358368059' post='1938044'] hi John, i'm after a nice tort plate, I see you got a plate from this eBay seller, what was the tort like?.....some tort plates look naf and uncovincing, yet some look great, i'm also considering the red/black marble. The Squier CV tort plates are not very nice IMO. cheers Nick [/quote]PM'd
  7. KiOgon


    Luke contacted me re a wiring kit for his P-bass, excellent comms, instant payment - a complete pleasure to deal with. Cheerz, John
  8. KiOgon

    Hi guys

    Hey Tom, welcome aboard don't pop - it'll be alright
  9. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1357827209' post='1929066'] That looks like a £90 children's starter bass. Who would pay up for that? [/quote]I was just looking & thinking - surely that's a kid's bass? Edit: It is isn't it? Surely - (don't call me Shirley)
  10. [quote name='One Drop' timestamp='1353413556' post='1874679'] Hey, if the Foo shits, wear it. [/quote] great line nice one
  11. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1357486759' post='1923268'] When you're buying secondhand, how do you know whether the MIA bass you're buying is an American Special or an American Standard? Looking at the specs the only visible difference would be the bridge and the tuners. At least the HW 1 had a specific selling point with the nitro finish and the posiflex. Other than they are 'assembled in the good old USA' this model doesn't have much going for it really. [/quote] The American Specials have a 'American Special' decal on the back of the head [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/media_bdbviewer_AR_258878.html?image=6"]http://www.thomann.d...78.html?image=[/url]5
  12. That looks lovely but my word - what small tuners you have I'm used to the full monty on the P headstock lovely bass though GLWTS John
  13. GHS Precision Flats 55-105 & Status Hot Wires 45-105 on P-basses, TI JF344 43-100 on Jazz Bass, GHS Black Nylon TapeWound 50-105 on Fretless Jazz. I've been playing my HW1 P with Status strings today, they are really really flat & smooth, (several months old), sounding just right, excellent VFM. Just fitted a Hipshot D-tuner - works perfectly with the smooth flats Cheerz, John
  14. Hi & welcome from along the road a bit, in East Sussex - Bexhill John
  15. Yep - they're the same people I've used before & recommended, I found one of there tort guards a perfect fit on a MiM P I had a while ago.
  16. Wouldn't it sound awful though? I'm thinking Jacko & Macca
  17. http://www.stewmac.com/tradesecrets/ts0151_polystripping.hzml?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ts0151 Easy
  18. Just heard it - as already said above - liked it - sure it's a grower & yes I thought it a bit slow. The album could be good
  19. I hope everyone who sees it places a bid - that'll p155 them off!
  20. Welcome to the machine young man - it'll be alright - you're among like minded lunatics
  21. Paul bought a P-bass wiring kit from me, great communications throughout & instant payment, a real pleasure to deal with - highly recommended. Cheerz, John
  22. TC Polytune does it all for me - with spot on accuracy & easy to see/great display + robust metal case. Highly recommended
  23. I owned & used a Roland Micro Bass Cube for about a year, plenty of effects/modelling but I found it lacking (a lot) using my passive P-basses. I found it only really usable with an active bass, I liked my Skjold through it. The 'tap - - tap' to set the beat/time for the drum machine drove me mad, could never get the timing spot on, never understood why not fit a rotary 'speed' control? I bought it to keep in the sitting room, ready for the ocassional playing along to the TV or DVD, it never got used bought & sold on here for about £100 IIRC, so if you can get one 2nd hand to try you're not likely to loose a lot should it not meet your expectations. From what I recall - trying Fender amps like the Bronco 40 you might find it the better sounding amp - but worth trying a few in your local shop if you can before splashing the cash. I had a Trace Elliot Boxer 65 a few years back, about £75 off ebay, now they're a decent practise amp Cheerz, John Practise amps are one thing I think you can get a reasonable idea of in a shop environment/music room.
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