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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1355572914' post='1900045'] Well the big one came and seems to work just fine in polyphonic mode, especially just as a quick check between songs. I'm a little surprised that it doesn't mute when you click it on though!? It just reduces the volume slightly, is this normal? [/quote] Not normal I'd say, mine mutes completely - it's in a send/return loop from my Ashdown/s & never hear a peep or a squeak from it when it's in or not in use.
  2. Hopefully it won't be the equipment or the mains supply at fault, I'd say it's more likely to be static from your body discharging to earth via the mic or anything that is earthed. It's a good idea to check the supply with your socket tester wherever you're gigging though, if there is/was a fault with the mains it could be lethal, as I'm sure you already know..
  3. Gaffa Tape? A decent 2 part epoxy like Araldite should fix it, if it's a clean break the paint line may not be too bad!
  4. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-precision-bass-pickguard-/221164849662?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item337e73c9fe
  5. Unique, eccentric, knowledgeable legend, very sad he's gone. RIP Sir Patrick Moore
  6. Armchair diagnosis must be a fault in the wiring, if your friend is near Bexhill I'd be happy to have a look at it. Cheerz, John
  7. [quote name='Smythe' timestamp='1354735945' post='1889865'] I noticed i can snap one of these up under £300 and if its a keeper, i can modify it into hi spec instrument. Smythe [/quote] If you want a 'hi spec instrument' buy one in the first place 2nd hand with your budget you'll get a lot higher spec than a Squier will ever be. If you buy a Squier & throw money at it, it'll be a Squier you've spent money on, not a 'hi spec instrument' You can't polish a turd - but you can roll it in glitter
  8. I've had & sold a MiM P fretless, it was good enough but not inspiring. Soon after I sold it I developed a need (GAS) for another fretless & spent a long time looking & thinking. I contemplated a new 2012 USA standard Jazz & would vertainly have gone for it if it wasn't for the lack of colour choice - 3TS or Black. It's been about a year since & I just got offered a bargain basement price Vintage Icon series Jaco fretless. All I've done is clean it up, Lemon oiled the fingerboard & fitted TI Jazz Flats. It has really impressed me, all the mwaaah & tones I imagined at the fraction of the price of a Fender. All of the hardware is Wilkinson, good quality stuff & no problems with the pick ups or electrics, no point in upgrading anything, it's all good, yes I'd say as good as Fender. The 'reliced' or roadworn imitation Jaco doesn't bother me, it's a bit rough IMO, but it's a budget bass! If you want to pay £2,600ish for a Fender signature Jaco I expect the finish is a lot better I gave a lot of thought to the Squire FL Jazz & TBH the one thing that really put me off is the Ebanol (compressed paper & resin) fingerboard, at least the Vintage is real Rosewood, you can sand it, oil it, varnish/epoxy it if required, you can't do that with the Squire. I also don't rate the pick ups or electrics, so you could easily spend a lot upgrading them. I would certainly recommend the Vintage from personal experience, leaving a nice bit of change out of your budget. Cheerz, John
  9. I made a special little wiring kit for Gavin, great communication, instant payment & as always a real pleasure to deal with him. Cheerz, John
  10. Reading that has just given me a shiver! I'm sitting here playing with my Jaco bass which I bought yesterday spent most the afternoon cleaning it up, new strings & a set-up, tuned into BC for a break & read that! & I am 61 quite a strangeness Happy 61st birthday that should have been Jaco!
  11. Paul got in touch regarding a upgrade wiring kit for his Yamaha bass, perfect comms, instant payment, a real pleasure to deal with him from start to finish. Another newcomer to BC, for his first deal here he gets a *highly recommended*. Cheerz, John
  12. It was a great pleasure to meet brookes today, small world syndrome, we live only 5 minutes away. Now at long last after much searching, pondering & deliberation, I have a lovely fretless full of mwaaaah to play with, sorry Jaco but those rounds have to go I have a set of TI's ready & waiting. Hopefully we'll meet again, I'm sure we could chat all day thanks for the great bargain, a pleasure indeed to meet & to deal with. Cheerz, John
  13. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1354359924' post='1885126'] I don't understand why anyone would develop a skill and buy good gear unless they have the ultimate goal of playing in a band in front of an audience. [/quote] Playing to a crowd is no longer a target for me at 61 - been there, done that, got the T shirts It's a great feeling to be able to play what I want, when I want, with the gear that I choose, in the comfort of my own home. Not saying I'm too old to gig & party, but my old bones might disagree think I'll leave it to the youngsters, that includes 50 + year olds BTW
  14. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1354316280' post='1884881'] (There are some very ropey ones like IOW). [/quote] There's a lot I don't remember about IOW 1970 but Jimi being ropey? Nah I don't think so, you probably had to be there
  15. Thanks for sharing Jack & very cool of Jerry. Must read Way Down for myself now Cheerz, John
  16. I'm very tempted by the American Std 2012 Fretless Jazz but don't really want another 3TS or Black. Why such a limited choice in fretless Fender?
  17. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Jazz-fretless-bass-/150952240655?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item232574660f
  18. Get the neck off & you should find a date stamp
  19. You might have seen already- an email offer from Stringbusters - http://www.stringbusters.com/Ko-Bespoke/productlist.asp?cat=1/BASS%20STRINGS/BASS%20STRINGS%20ELIXIR Nothing to do with me, no connection, just thought I'd pass it on, in case you're buying strings like Cheerz, John
  20. No problems last week, I sent Andy a vintage Fender Strat (1960) pick up for rewind & it was back inside 3 days, lovely job & very reasonable. In fact he 'phoned me next morning after I sent it, before I even expected it to be delivered - to say it was done! Excellent service. Cheerz, John
  21. KiOgon

    Help BC

    There I was writing a witty reply when this "Donate" button appeared - so I pressed it - now I've lost my thread Keep up the good work mate, it just ain't right when the Basschat Down message comes up
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1353521797' post='1875604'] IMO it's the common mistake of thinking that one P pickup is two P pickups - because it is in two parts. Edit: And what's with that pickguard?? [/quote][quote name='discreet' timestamp='1353521797' post='1875604'] IMO it's the common mistake of thinking that one P pickup is two P pickups - because it is in two parts. Edit: And what's with that pickguard?? [/quote] I messaged they guy about that & apparently it has a cavity under, shall we say big enough to pack away the rest of the band's kit in when you've finished why else?
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