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Everything posted by KiOgon

  1. Andy responded to my ad for some leads for sale, perfect communication & instant payment, a smooth transaction, great to deal with. Cheerz, John
  2. I'm sure the new classified format will make the whole thing so much more professional, as long as the users stick with it. It is a huge part of this forum which also is a major attractant for new members, sometimes they stay sometimes they don't, but the more people that use the Marketplace the better it becomes. I'm ashamed to see that only 4% of sellers using the free advertising actually make a contribution, we deserve a group kick up the arse for that, come on - where else could you get the target audience this place offers - for nothing? I agree the bumping has or had got out of control, personally I'd be happy to see the 36 hour rule extended to once a week. Cheerz, John
  3. Marvin bought a P-bass wiring loom, excellent comms, instant payment, all round pleasure to deal with, highly recommended. Cheerz, John
  4. Just heard back from my mate marmite he's sorry but he can't get the cash together this side of Christmas everyone's struggling ATM. GLWTS, Cheerz, John
  5. Not the other end of the country then a mate is looking for a cheap 4x10, I'll give him a shout
  6. Confusing ain't it! different models & almost the same name [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/bass/squier-unveils-two-vintage-modified-telecaster-basses-556154"]http://www.musicradar.com/news/bass/squier-unveils-two-vintage-modified-telecaster-basses-556154[/url] [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Squier-by-Fender-Vintage-Modified-P-Bass-Tele-Bass-Guitar/JWF"]http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Squier-by-Fender-Vintage-Modified-P-Bass-Tele-Bass-Guitar/JWF[/url]
  7. You're very welcome Chris it was a pleasure meeting you, glad you made the journey & got back safe. Shame you didn't have time to discover the sights & dubious delights of Bexhill, maybe another day. You do so much for all of us that use this marvellous forum, it was great to do a favour in return. Keep up the good work! Love the Vigier BTW & glad the job worked out right for you. It was good to see the C6 too, not many of them about. Cheerz, John
  8. I made a 'Stacked kit' for Alain's Jazz bass, it was a real pleasure dealing with him all the way, excellent comms & instant payment, perfect! I'm pleased to hear - now he has his bass back - it sounds rather good Deal with Alain with confidence. Cheerz, John
  9. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1351690879' post='1854203'] Just slightly off topic,but the Mi10 cab is meant to be used alone and is 4 Ohm. If you want the option of using 2 cabs,go for the Mi12 which is 8 Ohm. [/quote] My intention is to get a Mi10 to use alone with the MiBass 220 as a very portable kit but still use the amp with my 1x12 & 4x8 at home.
  10. [quote name='monquixote' timestamp='1351641184' post='1853771'] How does it sound compared to their big amps? I never got on with the MAG and the ABM. [/quote] I don't know the Ashdown big amps but next to my Little Bastard it stands up well, it's got THE Ashdown sound when you want & the EQ is as flexible as you'll ever need IMO. I wanted a 'electronic/solid state/IC amp' call it what you like for direct comparison to the all tube LB, I have to say it does more than I expected, excellent control through the range & so tiny. I really want to get a Mi10 to go with for an extreme 'MiniRig' but with flexibility of still using through 2 cabs when required. The MiBass amps are not the cheapest in the mini market but the quality is definitely built in, solid & reliable as ever.
  11. I recently got Ashdown's MiBass 220, worth considering I'd say.
  12. Mmm, I wonder if Kaz would miss her favourite standard lamp in the sitting room I feel a conversion coming on
  13. Yeah go for it Bert! Wise move When my LB was nearing completion, (I ordered it in October 09 when they were first announced & waited until March 10 wasn't it?), I asked about a matching cab & was told they were going to do a 212. I thought that was overkill for a 30 watt amp so asked them to make me a 112, which they did & I still use it. Although to me it wasn't quite a 'full' sound on it's own, lacking a bit of depth & top end. I got a Ashdown mini 48 to go with, which has made what I consider to be a superb combination. I don't know if the spec on the 112s in the shops now are the same as mine, but quite honestly I'd say there are better 112 cabs to be had. The new MiBass 12 may be worth a look. Cheerz, John
  14. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1351271619' post='1849595'] I've bought lots of strings from the states via ebay and usually don't get hit for import duty. Last time I was caught in the net. The note on the envelope said 'Customs charges are applied to imports into the EU with a value over £15 for VAT'. They also added £8 Royal Mail handling fee. [/quote] [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1351271655' post='1849597'] I have found that, in general, and to France, stuff sent using USPS does not attract duty etc. (at least, for these sort of values...), whereby UPS and others systematically do. May not be the same for UK, but thats my experience over many years of buying from the States. My Xaviere guitar, for instance, valued at 200€, came straight to my door, not through Customs, as have done many drum parts and accessories. Just my tuppence worth. [/quote] I was caught a few weeks back, not strings but a small parcel, I got a card to say £14.96 to pay. When I went to the collection office & saw the parcel it had customs ticket on it, basically it was on declared value of about $55, £6.96 VAT & duty + £8 Royal Mail handling fee! The guy behind the counter reckoned it's just pot luck & they only pull about 1 in 50. I dunno
  15. Yes I get most of my strings from the states via ebay sellers with no problems if the declared value is less than £18 IIRC, sometimes it's 2 weeks or more wait. IMO the example you've shown ain't a worthwhile saving, most what I get are 1/2 UK price sometimes better! Cheerz, John
  16. ^^ I don't think shipping to Norway would be economical though ^^ Nice bit of kit if you're local
  17. Go for the LB, with my passive Precision or Jazz basses, at 'home volume' it's perfect IMO you'll be pleased you did
  18. Try Status Hot Wires, online from their website, about £20 posted & not far off TI's. [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/stringsinfo.html"]http://www.status-gr...tringsinfo.html[/url] [url="http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/stringsinfo.html"]http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/stringsinfo.html[/url]
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