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Everything posted by howieee

  1. bump - also typo on the date of manufacture.. 2010 Not 2011
  2. price drop bump! £690 ono
  3. Thanks Ste. You sure you dont want it? & cheers gustoo!
  4. Price Drop - £690 ono - Fender USA Jazz Bass Olympic White W/Maple neck & Tortoise shell scratch plate 2010 model Fender Jazz up for grabs. Its in perfect nick, minus a few small dings on the neck, and one very minor ding on the front body just above the scratch plate. (pictures attached.) Plays and sounds as good as the day i got it! Asking price is [s]£750 ONO[/s] £690 ONO Feel free to PM me for any more details you need. Cheers! [attachment=148494:IMG_1470.jpg] [attachment=148495:IMG_1469.jpg] [attachment=148496:IMG_1468.jpg] [attachment=148497:IMG_1467.jpg] [attachment=148498:IMG_1466.jpg]
  5. Good price for some seriously good speaker cabs! Although theyr a bit worse for wear.... I have the very same. I also got an 810 but decided to keep the old speakers.... Ill be using them all tonight! Along with my SVT VR! Guna be a valve power house! Free bump on me. Good luck with the sale! (p.s.... keep them if you have a 2ohm amp ...Trust me!!..)
  6. I have 1head (SVT VR), 3cabs (svt classic 4x0, 1x15 &810av) , and 1 combo (orange crush 35w ) The more the merrier!
  7. i was gigging with a 300watt valve head with 410 and 115 cabs. i recently acquired an 810 aswell. i linked it all up (...c`mon who wouldn't!!!...) and it wasnt much louder to be honest.... but there was DEFINITELY tonnes more presence. bass was everywhere. (this was in a decent sized school hall.) it was much easier to get an even sound and a nice smooth sound as i didn't need to push the amp whatsoever! if it was me..... id personally go for more cabs... as it will be easier to achieve the sound you want at a nice volume without having to really push the amp. (....and on the plus side it looks cool ...) i hope this helps!
  8. this post is HILARIOUS! hahahaha!
  9. (lemmywinks @ Oct 25 2010, 08:09 PM) * The "ON" switch on an Ashdown...... LOL In my experience using it makes the mains transformer melt... HAHA!!! Brilliant!!
  10. I have the Ampeg - VR. Its the same weight, and sometimes, when unloading it and moving it around, i think this thing is STUPIDLY heavy! but all i have to do is turn it on, the back pain is put to the back of my mind, and im all smiles! i LOVE the sound it produces. and im my opinion the heritage is WAY over priced. its as someone else has already pointed out.... for the people who are really into "authentic" ampeg assembly/parts etc etc. Although in my opinion the heritage aint a touch on my VR in respects to the sound it produces!! So who cares where its made! i dont!
  11. so far as i can see nobody has mentioned it so im going too im looking for an ampeg 2x15 they seem to be bit of a rarity...... also am i right in saying that it ONLY has jack sockets on the back?
  12. hey dude. i would say second hand you will DEFINITELY get more for your money. but its up to you..... for a rocky sound i would recommend ampeg and gallien kruger. theyr both awesome! i noticed you werent sure about ohms..... i hope this helps...... basically...................... ohms is resistance. its to do with how much power you send to your speaker(s) if you buy a 450watt head, the head will say something like 450watts @4ohms and 250 watts @ 8ohms. now you can buy cabs with different ohms..... typically 4 or 8 ohms (although there are others) so lets say you buy an 8 ohms cab that means the speaker ideally needs to be able to handle 250watts AT LEAST (as thats what the amp says it will put out at 8 ohms.....) you dont have to get a 250watt speaker..... but it means you will have to listen carefully when turning the volume up and listen out for any unwated distortion/funny noises etc... as the cab canot take full power... almost all of the time people will buy a cab that is rated at a higher wattage than the amp... its just a safe bet, and means you PROBABLY wont blow your speaker up OR you can buy a 4 ohm cab. again you will need to get a 450watt cab as thats what the amp says it will put out at that ohm rating.... it means youl get full power out of your amp!!! now hears the clever stuff (ino you price range doesnt permit it but its handy to have the knowledge for later on. and for your choice now....) if you put TWO 8OHM cabs together it halfs and makes a load of 4OHMS that means the full 450watts is beeing shared equally between the two speakers... so you could buy an 8 ohm cab now, and as long as the head you buy permits it.... you can buy another 8 ohm cab later on..... im asuming youd go for a head and cab configuration..... lol. but like i said. the knowloedge is always good! happy hunting! ;-) hope this helps!
  13. +1 my friend! i bought an SVT VR and despite all the back pain, literally to the point where i couldn't move (that happened on a few occasions!!) i have NEVER looked back and thought wish i had something lighter.... yes it would be nice to have that tone and power in a lightweight amp. but nothing can beat 14 tubes all in one amp!
  14. hahaha yeah. i thought it might......
  15. sorry just to clarify. im interested in the 2x15 not the 210. lol. ampeg do a 210 at the mo in there "mini svt rig" xx!
  16. Yeah i went on ampegs site a while back, and they dont make either anymore =\
  17. hey guys. im interested in the ampeg svt series 1x18 and 2x15 cabs. would like a little bit of info on them really. does anyone know why ampeg dont make them any more.... did they have an inherent problem or something? or are they as reliable and as great sounding as todays cabinets!? i certianly hope so. ........ does anyone own either of these cabinets? iv been keeping a look out for them but they seem to be a rarity over here in the uk? seems like they are more available over in the US for around $500...... iv been keeping my eye on the for sale section on the forum but to no avail! whats the going rate over here for these cabinets? thanks for your help!
  18. i have an svt15e its awesome. combined with a svt410 its even more awesome and now with an svt810av its even more awesome! anything with svt written on it is awesome
  19. Hey guys. Im thinking ahead to when i will have to eventualy revalve my amp. Where do you start! Ill send it in for a service but obviously i will need to choose the tubes i want put in..... My question is. What ones do i get. Which tubes will do what for my amp. Its an Ampeg SVT VR. Has russian 6550s in the power stage at the mo.... So what tubes are available.... Are there ones that will give it a "classic vibe" or are all tubes pretty much the same. From what iv seen you can spend very little or quite alot on tubes! Iv heard that russian or american made tubes are the best... Thanks for any help that you give!:-) Love and kisses x
  20. Hey dude. Just thought id put my 2p in!..... I played a heritage svt through a heritage 410svt HLF... (i was just trying a guitar out at the time) i noticed it felt alot quieter than my rig....svt vr head with 2 cabinets. Obviously with the hlf cab its 4 ohms so u get full power from the amp.... But in my opinion having more cabs gives tonnes more presence. So what id sugest is buying a head and an 8ohm cab with the money you have now.... Then get another cab later on down the line. .....After trying that guitar throught herritage stuff i decided i wanted an 8x10av so i got that instead! Im now running ampeg svt vr with svt410 svt115 and svt810. I barely need much volume anymore. There is sooo much presence having more speakers... The bass gets everywhere but at a nice volume. Not too loud... But definately not too quiet either! Hope any of that essay will help you in your chioce! Glad you like Ampeg!
  21. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='927367' date='Aug 17 2010, 11:27 AM']Nice man very very nice, I'm so tempted to get another 8x10 but I don't want to run my amp at 2 instead of 3 I still want Matamp to make me a 2x15 but its got to be tuned low I played some random one at a gig the other day and it was horrible, simply horrible. 4x12 is tempting though in an 8x10 enclosure [/quote] hey dude. howv you been? miss you <3 haha. and lol about turning down. to be honest its actually louder. although when i say louder i mean more present. i found using my 410 and 115 i play at 1 anda half maybe 2. and it would be too loud for everyone.... but last Sunday i was on 1 with the 410 115 and 810 and wasnt too loud for anyone but the bass was everywhere! its awesome. didn't actually realize how much presence can effect your volume. it sounded well nice with the marcus and some new strings! haha i want 2 1x18 but they 4 ohm and i haven't ever seen any on here. lol. is that right. also can you take a look at this pic dude..... wasnt sure how i should plug in. this speaker can work in stereo. (upper and lower 410.) basicaly i think that both those speakon connections on the speaker will let me use upper and lower 4ohms 800watts rms. is that right. i plugged in like this. head>810>410>115 that was correct yeah?
  22. recently got a new addition to my stack. this must be my third post in this section lmao. here you go! the speakers are curently 810, 410,115. id like to get another 115 so 2 x 15 on the bottom 810 on top. but theres so much presence now. sounds awesome!
  23. Hey dude, if you have one... Go to your nearest guitar heven... Im talkin the sort of place that stocks 8x10s and ampeg and eden and ashdown and ya no all the gear u can think of. Try it all out. When your spending alot o money the guys (or girls) in a shop will be extreemly helpfull. Look for the setuo you like most. When i got my first "rig" i tried swr heads on ampeg speakers. Allsorts to find the right sound. I settled for an Ampeg rig in the end. Heres a few makes you will Probably like; Ampeg Gallien Kruger Eden Those are my top nicest rock sounding rigs!.. Orange-iv not heard and orange rig but id assume Its "rock n metal" (probably more rock than metal!) Hope this helps dude! Take your time. And really think about it! Good luck!
  24. hello all! I have for sale a Spector Euro 4lx Re-Bop. Its a fantastic bass guitar! very big, fat sound! Its got passive EMG pups with Spector`s tone pump active eq/tone. bolt on 3piece maple neck with rosewood fingerboard, black hardware. this guitar is a beast! im selling to raise some funds. and i dont use it very often now. it has buckle rash on the back and a very small scuff on the body above the bridge. nothing even vaguely noticeable to someone watching you play. Please feel absolutely free to PM me with any questions you may have about the guitar. £760 if you want, i will restring and clean the bass thoroughly and only charge you for whichever strings you would like. if you want pictures of the buckle rash then please pm me your email address and i will send you a picture straight from my phone oh yeah i will include a hardcase with it. its nothing mega ultra!...... but its a good enough case to protect it in travel as it has done for me! thankyou!
  25. [quote name='Musicman20' post='878882' date='Jun 27 2010, 03:19 PM']THIS is almost DOOM, although verges on just super heavy rock n roll - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb0xkgE97b8&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb0xkgE97b8...feature=related[/url] Sorry OT![/quote] DUDE! was that really necessary!? i like it
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