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Everything posted by howieee

  1. Not sure if i posted my old rig in here or not. but iv had a couple of changes so hear goes!! the Ampeg SVT VR is a new addition along with Marcus Miller as well. those poor speakers have taken a battering for a year and a half + from my b2 re and i seriously thought they were going to die as soon as i plugged that 300 watt valve head in but no..... they got louder! and oh man the sound! its the nicest rig ever haha well for me at least
  2. this is seriously the best bargain ever! the head alone retails for more than this price. and the speaker is at least 800 quid ontop! this is a steal for this gear! if you can move it, you wil NOT regret it i certianly didnt!
  3. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='856267' date='Jun 3 2010, 04:46 PM']............................just 4???????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................................... G.[/quote] well 4 is just over half way on my amp believe it or not the svt only goes to 7.....(acording to the little arrows.. ) sorry to have worried you
  4. this is where iv sudenly realised valve amps do more than i ausme they do/did! i supose distortion is compression. and to get that i would asume u need to turn the pre amp up and the master down to actualy be able to play with a compression and not drown everyone else out.... my amp doesnt have a preamp nob.... although i will say at our gig the other week we all turned the masters up on our amps. we all had them on 4 basicaly and i swear i got that valve warmth everyone has been bangin on about. and it sounded sweet! and like nothing iv ever heard! especialy with marcus miller giving me all the jazz that i ever needed!
  5. i dont ahve a thousnad pounds to spare. or did google turn out the wrong result. (that was a sweet compressor by the looks of it.
  6. Oh the wonderfull compressor! i have a crapy and yes i do mean crapy....... behringer (sorry) compressor. iv been told its crap and to get rid of it. alot of techie people iv spoken to have said thats the evil word... and that i should get a valve compressor (for around 120quid..??) is the difrence between a bog standard compressor and a valve compressor exactly the same as the diference between a valve bass head and a solid state bass head. or is there more to it than that. i know how a compressor works and what the settings do. (apart from key listen...?) although i dont always no how they effect the sound of the bass... so what sort of settings do you guys, who use them, tend to go for? i use a ratio of about 3:1 and change the threashold depending on wether im using a passive or active bass. cheers all!
  7. awwww steve. thanks! i literaly lept on that post! haha well actualy. i have a 410 and 115..... im not sure if that counts me out on this one tbh.... however!..... i moved an ampeg 810av around a shop (im suprised they let me, it was full of gibsons and fenders and others) and it was really hard getting it thru a tight space. and when we lifted it (as if to go up a flight of stairs) the only thing you could hold onto was the rubber feet on the bottom of the cab. (that hurt!) dont get me wrong. i would LOVE an 810. but it was quite hard in the tight spots to move around. it was fairly easy to wheel around. and it did still weight quite a bit when i was rolling it. BUT everyone who owns a valve amp will know how hard they are to carry or move around. (especialy if youv taken in steves flightcase to a gig! ) but the wieght is worth that valve amp, is it not? (i certainly think it is!) so therefore is the awkwardness not worth an 810......
  8. i like your style russmann!
  9. by the way. how much for the cab
  10. i bought the SVT VR about a month ago! its the most amazing amp ever! the sound is truly amazing esecily if u turn it up just over half way! i almost got that speaker with it aswell! but i dipped out and got a marcus miller jazz instead and im currently using my classic series 410 and 115. have a free bump on me my friend. IF your thinking about buying this amp, stop thinking. DO IT!
  11. how about 2 ampeg 15" 8ohm cabs with an 8x10 on the top powered by an svt VR! i think that would be pretty dam sweet! or 4 15" cabs..... 4x15... hmmmmmm
  12. [quote name='p58' post='841886' date='May 19 2010, 12:00 PM']I know exactly what you are talking about back pain is the dark side, but my god that amp sounds great[/quote] its the best sounding amp iv personalty ever heard. its brought back pain, and a lack of money iv never known before. and you no what..? i just dont care `cus i love it haha its the best decision i ever made!
  13. [quote name='PhoenixBass1' post='847850' date='May 25 2010, 07:44 PM']To be honest I don't think a valve amp would interest me mainly because although the tone is amazing, I don't think it's worth the hundreds of pounds more, especially when i'm fighting to be heard over the guitarist.[/quote] oh and by the way it DEFINITELY is worth the hundreds more. trust me! haha. iv just got an ampeg svt vr and its one of the best things iv ever bought! although like you said... money doesnt exactly grow on trees... unfortunately.
  14. my first stack was an ampeg B2-RE with a 410 and a 115 classic series cabs. it was and still is a monster! try out some ampeg heads with maybe just a 410. iv not heard the B-series cabs before so i cant tell you anything about them, but the classic series cabs rock! cheers howie
  15. I have literaly only had my svt vr for a week now. But i already have a sansamp delux bass driver which sounds ace and has a di out on it. I was thinking of getting a small 2u rack case for my old b2re head. But when i have a sansamp that is a di aswell i dont need the amp always there as a back up. If my valve amp went sudenly one night id use the sansamps di that night then just use my old amp for the next gig. And i cant see my valve amp sudenly failing. (i hope!)
  16. my first "stack" consisted of an Ampeg B2Re and it sounded very very nice actually. however at high volume it started to be a bit meh.... and would loose its great sound..... my new SVT VR is AWESOME put simply. the SS b2re sounded great. but this thing is just loud on a different level! and sounds truly amazing! :-) ....however i dont think itl be very long before ill be turning to mark bass...... simply because i will have no back left to lift anything even mildly heavy! long live the svt vr! ha
  17. [quote name='Bottle' post='840377' date='May 17 2010, 11:42 PM']Yep, the Channel #1 Normal and Bright jacks are probably only connected with an RC network to roll off the bass somewhat, so that Channel #2 can be blended with Channel #1 using the individual Volume controls - nice way of doing it. HTH, Ian[/quote] am i likely to wear down anything by doing this. i mean obviously im now going to be using all the preamp tubes i supose..... and will it be ok to try plugging bright 1 into bright 2 just to see how that sounds. im just a tad scared of blowing my amp up!.... i don`t have the knowledge or money to repair it!
  18. also i just saw a video on youtube of a guy who plugs his bass into normal input on channel one and then plugs a jack from the bright channel 1 into the normal channel two! is he insane or is he fine doing that? it sounded very nice!
  19. the cabs are in parallel :-)
  20. [quote name='TankJon' post='840320' date='May 17 2010, 10:36 PM']It depends on how the cabs are wired internally. Some will run in series when plugged one into another and others will be parallel. If the cabs run parallel then 4 ohms is spot on. In series its 16ohms so will be too high. Im sure the Ampeg site has an FAQ section that will tell you whether the cabs run series or parallel when daisy chained. If they are Ampeg cabs that is. Otherwise just check the site of whoever makes them.[/quote] yeh they are the classic series ampeg cabs. 8ohms each. ill check it out. thanks!
  21. i tried the ampeg cl and vr heads. they`r both very good. but i found the vr distorts alot later than the cl as the vr doesn't have a control for the pre amp. its just got a master on each channel. i will say however it weighs almost 6 stone! i began to get back pains after about 5 days! brand new they`r stupidly expensive (i got the vr head second hand for just shy of £1100) but boy am i glad that i have it. im currently in the process of making a case for it as i now cant afford to buy a proper flight case!
  22. Last week i finally managed to get my hands on an Ampeg SVT VR! i absolutely love it. it sounds amazing! Iv just seen a thread on BC and someone was saying that wiring your cabs in series would put excessive strain on the amp. i assume series is the way that i use.... i go from the head to the 410 (8ohms) to the other cab 115 (8ohms) (the amp itself can take 4 and 2 ohms) my amp has a single speakon output and 2 jack outputs. i use the speakon output and wire it as iv said above. is this safe or am i better off getting 2 jack cables and using the 2 jack outputs and going to each 8ohm cab separately? what are the differences or arn`t there any!? thanks!
  23. thats really nice. yours is the only overwater iv ever heard! iv never seen you use the others you play. i guess you use them at home or for other band stuff?? (that low a sounds very nice!)
  24. very nice!
  25. your dream finaly came true! Pretty much the first word i heard you utter was the word matamp... congratulations! cant wait to hear it! Howie
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