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Everything posted by howieee

  1. thanks again steve! likewise. bumperoony
  2. thanks for your coment steve! as im sure everybody is already aware!!.. steves a great guy and you can buy with confidence form him! good luck for the sale dude
  3. Morning Bump!
  4. [quote name='Rasta' post='826340' date='May 3 2010, 11:59 AM']~Maybe interested in the 15" if you decide to sell?, in fact just noticed you got some Ampeg cabs for sale-how much you looking for the 4x10 and/or the 15" [/quote] cool! If a trade doesnt hapen ill pm you!
  5. I have 2 ampeg classic series speakers for trade. 410he (8ohm 500watts) and 115(8ohm 250/300 watts i cant remember) they are coming up for 2 years old. Bought new, but they now have a fair bit of road ware HOWEVER the sound they produce is simply awesome! I am wanting to trade/swap them directly (maybe plus some cash from me) for an 810 classic speaker. If a trade does go through then i will consider selling them! :-) £600 ono the pair Please feel free to pm me if you need any other info :-) Thanks basschaters!!
  6. pmd you earlier
  7. added pictures!
  8. I am relisting this as i have a massive gas for valves! Its an absolute beast!! here are the specs... Ampeg B2-RE 450 watt head (looks like new as its always been in a flight case) Ampeg SVT 115E cab (a bit taty from use but works fine) both in perfect working order. Ampeg B2RE amplifier, packs serious punch in a compact 2U size. Superb, prestine conditon!! This rig will come with 4U suspension mounted flight case. You will have 2u of room inside for whatever, where my compresser/tuner are.... and my cable /pedal bag goes in the back of my case wiht no problem. The 1x15 speaker is a top of the range ampeg svt speaker. it has jack AND speakon inputs. The speaker has some wear and tear but is other wise in great condition and sounds great! RMS Power Handling: 200-Watts Frequency Response (-3dB): 50Hz-3kHz Usable Low Frequency (-10dB): 33Hz Nominal Impedance: 8-Ohms Sensitivity: 98dB Maximum SPL: 123dB Feel free to ask any questions this setup cost me £1400 brand new, (with an svt 410) just over a year and a half ago. I am NOT selling the 410. Although if some would like to trade their 4ohm hlf one for my 8ohm he one plus a bit of cash? i realy want a svt 410 hlf so if you have one let me know! Im willing to let this little lot go for £570 ono 350 for the head and case and 220 for the cab If you want to trade..... Im after a valve amp. I Will consider anything just let me know what you have! collection only from torbay. (posibly exeter but unsure..) thanks basschatters!
  9. I have a 4u profesional fligt case for sale. It has a layer of foam like protection. So literaly no vibrations wil get though to your gear. Its a fairly deep case. With the lids off its almost as deep as itis wide. Im looking for 2 x 2u flight cases with the protection at the mo. Slip me a message and we can sort something out!! Thanks guys n girls!
  10. [quote name='chris_b' post='753320' date='Feb 21 2010, 10:15 PM']Modding basses is God's way of telling you that you have too much money! If you really have to do this, go slowly and wait for several gigs in between any changes you make. Also get someone who knows what they are doing to do the work on your bass! I would change the pickups first. There is a Nordy Jazz set for sale here on BC. Oh, and don't even think of changing the neck unless you just won the lottery.[/quote] Yea i had what turned into a very brief look at necks once i saw the prices! May aswell build a custom bass at those prices.
  11. its a bog standard squire 5 string jazz. im almost certian its not active. im woundering after looking at the thread posted in the above comment wether this is worth it. the pots need a tad of referb. one was wobbly last time i played it the other crackled when u turned it. so maybe just a little clean up and some pickups. i found some Fender Samarium Colbalt Noiseless 5 String Jazz Bass Pickups on a parts site maybe go for those if it doesnt sound very good with a new set of strings? seeing as i know i like fender tone. fenders upgrade ickups cant be that bad!
  12. Hey everyone! im looking for some advice! im going to be buying a 5 string squier j bass off a friend and i want to customise it,, make it sound realy nice. now iv never dabbled with electronics in a bass. i dont have a clue how it all works. i no very ameture stuff about the insides of a bass, but im the sort that plugs in and plays! so being a squire im not expecting it to sound as nice as my spector of fender j bass... i want to put new pickups in it and maybe buy a fender maple neck from somewhere. eventually add a badass to it. some new knobs and machine heads etc . but i just dont know where to start with pickups. wat do diferent pickups sound like how the heck to install them. (i may buy them then get my local shop to install them!.) i play rock, and i like the grity dirty sound i get from my mexican jazz but i also like the massive tone i get from my spector (4lx) those are the sounds i like. so what pickups do i buy! emg, bartaloni, seymour duncan. the list goes on! thanks for your help! Howie
  13. [quote name='chriswilliams666' post='729015' date='Jan 29 2010, 06:01 PM']Been looking for one of these. How much for shipping? - What brand/quality is this?[/quote] i cant remember brand. but its a top quality flight case! as for shipping. if you want it shipped, find a courier and price and then ill do that.
  14. [quote name='bigjohn' post='729062' date='Jan 29 2010, 06:55 PM']I'm in the market for a 4U. I'm thinking of sticking plastic though. It's rare my gear gets moved by anyone but me and it's house > taxi boot > gig > taxi boot > house. Though I suppose the taxi might crash How heavy is this?[/quote] the case itself weighs 22kilos lol. but your gear will survive a nuclear attack! lol
  15. Hey fellow basschatters, I have a 4U shock mounted case for sale £80 or trade, i am looking for a 2U shock mounted flight case the same design as my curent 4u case with some cash which we can sort out via pm etc Theres a few scratches on the outside of the case from use. Nothing Major at all. Theyr all very small. Ill give the case a clean before you take it off my hands. This case is quite big! its slightly shorter than it is wide so id say that its about 18" deep (when the ends have been taken off) as its a 19" standard case, although i havent measured it. This case will survive almost anything! Feel free to ask any questions! i would prefer this to be picked up. thanks here is a picture of the case to give you an idea of the shock mounting that it has etc
  16. i traded my usa delux jazz against this brand new spector its a ReBop 4 DLX FM or something like that! haha. but tbh i dont care about numbers or series just the sound it produces.... which by the way is PHENOMINAL!!!!it has passive EMG-HZ and spector "tone pump" the result is devastating! iv never heard such a good sounding bass. i love this guitar. it has so much grunt! one problem.... i cant think of a name for it. i think its a he..... steve... chris? any names you can think of!? haha! [attachment=37780:037.JPG] thats it standing next to my Fender 60th Aniversary Mexican Jazz! which i also love! this is the sick ass rig i rock out on! although i have a korg rack tunner and a compressor now! [attachment=37782:390.JPG] this is the stingray i owned a while ago! lovely bass excuse the case but i think this is the only full picture i hvae of it! [attachment=37783:377.JPG] and this is the usa delux i traded against the spector! [attachment=37784:086.JPG] well thanks forgloating/dribling!! haha
  17. my band played in a pub in dawlish south devon and the meter was on 3 reds permanantly while we sound checked and cut out after like 10 seconds. so we sourced power from somewere elsein the pub and played all night with the metetr displaying 3 reds well the pub asked for a rock adn roll band and thats what they bloodywell got! hahaha!
  18. lovely cab! bump dude!
  19. if you double your budget you can buy my stack all ampeg! warm as hell itself! yet has meaty tones if you need that too:) and with a 410 and 115 set up you have a hell of alot of versatility! good luck finding a new rig man! message me if you are interested i do realise that thats your budget but if osmehow it changes feel free to send me a pm:)
  20. [quote name='cm261' post='664514' date='Nov 24 2009, 11:16 PM']Yeah the BBM is great. I'm fortunate enough to own both the Bass Muff and the Sansamp BDDI, and I use them both very regularly, with my bass going through the sansamp about 95% of the time, and the Bass Muff used as fuzz when needed. So comparing the price of the two doesn't really get you anywhere, since they do very different things. If you wanna go cheaper on the tone-shaping-+-overdrive box then people like the Harke Bass Attack pedal (whatever it's called) which goes VERY cheap on ebay etc, but IMO there's no substitute for the sansamp.[/quote] thanks for your coment! i didnt realy realise how diferent these 2 pedals are. i tried the big muff today and i havent been able to try a sansamp yet iv got my mind set on it though. it sounds so good to use! i read a review that couldnt actualy put the bass driver deluxe in a catagory cos it does so much!
  21. i tried a bass big muff today! it was quite cool! especialy considering it was 54quid!! against 240 off for this sansamp. id like to try one but i dont think iv seen one in stock anywhere:/ will it give a dirty sound suitable for rock. i realy dont want distortion just dirty!
  22. i use the di on the back of my amp. it will suply the sound that is beeing sent to my speakers to the pa system so "my sound" is coming out the pa speakers. i cant see anythign going wrong with my amp as its extreemly reliable so dont see the point in a seperate di. if you dont have a di out then get yourself a di box. it should have 2 outputs. 1 for the pa in the form of an xlr and one in the form of a standard jack (same type that goes into your bass) that can go straight to your amp. i hope this helps!
  23. i met guy at mansons guitar show in exeter a month ago. got to hvae a go on his 64 jazz. yeh the pink one that john entwistle used to own. it was sweeet! the mansons guy between me and guy was very on edge when i pu it on and took it off hahaha. hope you guys enjoy the show! he was very funny when manons were interviewing him!
  24. [quote name='Low End Bee' post='662505' date='Nov 23 2009, 11:20 AM']Doesn't do clean very well.[/quote] whats wrong with the clean sound? also darren and guybrush threepwood (lol ) thanks for the coments very helpfull indeed! i may ask for this for christmas! haha! it does sound good. as i do only want a grind/dirty effect. and it sounds responsive aswell thats good! i plan to use it with my rig.... how should i go about wireing it in? plug it straight into the amp as i would normaly with my guitar lead? straight into the front. bass>sansamp>amplifire?
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