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Everything posted by hookys6stringbass

  1. [quote name='Twigman' post='514546' date='Jun 15 2009, 06:00 PM']Hi I am in Watford I play bass in Sad Lovers & Giants ( have been likened to Joy Division at times ). I have facilities to create backing tracks (Sonar 7 producer and various bits of kit ) Which songs do you need backing tracks to and is it just the keyboard parts? I [i]might[/i] be able to assist.....but will be pushed for time tbh[/quote] Hello mate, yes it's the keyboard parts.... To Love will tear us apart, Atmosphere they're the most important - then you've got tracks like Isolation, Something must break and in a Lonely place..... yeah I know what you mean about time!!!! But thanks for the offer
  2. One of my many projects is a Joy division tribute band- we are a 3 piece at the moment which makes the Synth based tracks hard to do. I had the idea of using backing tracks till we found a more permenant keys man ( we've had guests on keys) But would you beleave it my old P.C. died on me so I can't make loops etc till I get a new P.C.!!!grrrrr! My question is, is there anyone out in basschat land that could knock up some backing tracks, know of anyone that could do it or does that kind of thing for a living- I'm willing to pay for services rendered.... I know it's a long shot, but I like to have a back up plan.... Thanks Ian
  3. [quote name='Bassassin' post='512647' date='Jun 13 2009, 10:16 AM']Maybe, but it looks like the short-term effect has been to make vintage Faker prices even sillier, recession notwithstanding. They are definitely thinner on the ground now, which doesn't help, but old copies that get through Ebay have been topping £600 this year, which is bloody ridiculous. I suppose the oldies appeal to a broader market of geeks & collectors than the modern ones do so that will help keep the prices up. Ian - really curious to get a look at your Anniversary, take lots of pics when you get the bonnet up! Also to re-ignite the Tokai/Rockinbetter debate - this is interesting: [url="http://www.jsdguitarshack.com/dillion_guitars/dillion_rockinbetter_bass.html"]http://www.jsdguitarshack.com/dillion_guit...etter_bass.html[/url] Did a bit of digging & it seems these are Korean-made & exported to Canada by a Korean company called SIC. I can't find any more info than that - manufacturer, etc, but what's curious is that these basses look like they have more in common with the Indie attempt than the UK Rockinbetters. Same construction & pickups, I think, but with an "authentic" headstock shape. Having chatted to the Indie CEO guy about these at Music Live a few years ago, he did say that they chose a non-Rick headstock shape to try & avoid copyright infringement. Jon.[/quote] Those Dillon Rockinbetters look alright.... it's the head stock!!! The bloody Indie is awful, good knows how it sounds !? I'll post some pics ASAP..
  4. [quote name='Footos' post='513367' date='Jun 14 2009, 03:36 PM']LOL my bridge cover is pretty good and even with the cover on, it's still quite comfy to play. On the contrary,my neck pick up is utterly sh*t, been playing mostly with my bridge pup....Gonna try to re-wire it, if it still shows no sign of improvement, a new set of pots along with a new neck pup is the only other alternative. At the time when I bought my bass, the Japanese shop keeper @ Osaka told me that Bacchus is starting to export Jayros, but those basses were made in Korea whilst mine was made in Japan and he told me that I made the right decision for buying the bass direct from a Japanese dealer. To be honest, I bet they are the identical and he's just trying to be a suck-up and make me feel that I bought the bass from the best possible dealer. So Ian which colour did you go for? FYI, this is how my Bacchus looks like [attachment=27024:DSC01048.jpg] [attachment=27023:DSC01042.jpg][/quote] I like the Ricky pup cover and i've got one, but I can't decide if i'm going to put it on the Tokai yet... keep thinking it's going to get in the way. Anyway the Anniversary bridge pick up looks/sounds sh*te and as I said i'll replace it with my spare toaster for the moment. I'd go with a new set of pots regardless...... I bet the fella at Osaka is pulling your chain cos they are identical.... well I can't see any difference. I went for the Jetglo as well!
  5. [quote name='Musky' post='512532' date='Jun 13 2009, 12:00 AM']You'll have to let us know how you get along with it once it's fully fettled. Seems like what Jon predicted 18 months ago when RIC upped their prices is actually happening - more cheap copies coming on to the market. A quick look on google reveals that they're selling for quite a keen price. With more and more new Rickenfakers becoming available you've got to wonder what that will do for the prices of old Japcrap.[/quote] well hopefully knock the price down a bit, but what i've noticed with the newbies is that the build quality is really good ( except for the indie.. I wouldn't wipe my arse on it) but the leccys let them down... For example my Tokai, really well built but with sh*t pups and pots. I've put decent pots, pups on it and it's a force to be reconned with now. where as the 70's fakers had decent pups and leccys....
  6. I've just got an Anniversary Rickenfaker, which is what the Jayro basses are called over here for some reason. I have to agree that this bass is very well built. It has the same feel of my old Hondo II in size and thickness of the body and plays really well out of the box- but i'll get spot on over the next few days. Funnily enough I found the neck pick up to be louder than the bridge pick up..? The neck pick up has adjustable poles..... feck knows what the bridge pick up is supposed to be, but i'll replace it with a toaster pup for the moment.The bridge pup cover is utter sh*te and i've binned it already! The wiring is wrong if you want it set up like the real deal, but i'll sort that out as well. All in all i'm really really pleased with it.
  7. I've lowered the price on my cab [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=160340353313"]here[/url]
  8. i'm selling my Ashdown ABM 115 cab on ebay [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=160339315299"]here[/url] if anyones interested
  9. [quote name='Bassassin' post='480716' date='May 6 2009, 10:15 AM']Three of a perfect pair? Three? Meet The Frankenbugger... Having harvested the organs from this basket-case: ...assuming I'd need them for my then-rotted Matsumoku wall-hanger, the Mat parts mostly turned out to be salvageable so I ended up with a mixed bag of innards. Fellow graverobber Hooky6stringbass had disinterred a slightly decomposed yet useable body/through neck which he was willing to part with, so perversions of science and nature took their course, and in the midst of a cataclysmic electrical storm, the Frankenbugger lurched, groaning off the slab: So - Frankenbugger has the wiring harness, a real Rick neck position Hi-Gain & a somewhat reconditioned tailpiece, all from the Matsumoku; the Basket Case donated scratchplate, bridge, string mute & parts of the tuners, the JapCrap chrome bridge pup & various sundries came out of the spares box - and in the spirit of 19th century medical experimentation, what I didn't have, I had to make... Interesting, this one, in that I don't have a clue what it is/was - Ian (Hooky6sb) thought it was a Shaftesbury but I'm not so sure - the unvarnished fretboard, real MOP inlays, the odd way the burst is sprayed, leaving it natural on some edges aren't things I've seen on a Shafty. This plays really nicely, could do with a little bit of fret dressing but is fine like it is, sounds great - more like a Rick than either of the others, thanks, surprisingly to the MIJ pup, a single-coil which sticks out 11k. It should get a gig on Saturday so we'll see how it plays sounds for real. Anyway, I can hear bellowing & the rattling of chains coming from the basement - I wonder what it eats? Jon.[/quote] Here's a link to my Rickenfaker facebook page.... [url="http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=78514186083&ref=mf"]http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.p...6083&ref=mf[/url] Wow Jon it's looking good! I've reasembled the Tokai with Ricky(like) bits and rewired it and it sounds bloody nice. Ive got to make a TRC and pick guard as the neck PUP is slightly out of line and sits alittle tooo low so I need to make the hole wider. Next I'm going to varnish the fretboard- Jon any tips, ie what type of varnish and can I applie it with out taking the frets out??? Bassassin Padawan.
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='480202' date='May 5 2009, 06:08 PM']Ditto! I'd love one.[/quote] and me Al
  11. [quote name='Marky L' post='471526' date='Apr 24 2009, 02:09 PM']Oh.. nice But why have the tone controls in that order? - MIDDLE-BASS-TREBLE. Seems a bit cack-handed. What are the little toggle switches below the main knobs?[/quote] It reminds me of the Trace Elliot v-type with all those toggle switches
  12. [quote name='2x18' post='472333' date='Apr 25 2009, 06:58 PM']Shaftesbury bolt on neck! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Shaftesbury-Bass_W0QQitemZ110381759983QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item110381759983&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A10%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-Shaftesbury-...A1%7C240%3A1318[/url][/quote] It's a Hondo II......
  13. [quote name='Greene-Mann' post='471038' date='Apr 23 2009, 07:43 PM']I think this is the valve head that Ashdown said they were releasing for the UK/Euro Market...The USA ones were made out there to snap up the loyal Ampeg players who were disgusted that they moved the factory to Vietnam (or somewhere like that...could have sworn it was vietnam though)...looks better than the VBA400, and if english engineered then will make you feel better for owning one Im going to be MEGA skint when this thing comes out![/quote] So Am I !!!!!!!!!!! Hope it's not as much as the BTA400!! It'll look good sitting on the top of my Ashdown Custom combo
  14. Anyone heard about these beautys??? I really like the look of it ..... better start saving!
  15. [quote name='Musky' post='450793' date='Mar 31 2009, 07:14 PM']I wonder what Mr. Hall is going to make of that? [/quote] Dunno, but i'll add him as a friend
  16. I've started a Rickenfakers facebook page here....... [url="http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/group.php?gid=78514186083&ref=mf"]http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#...6083&ref=mf[/url] It's a bit sparse at the mo as i'm gathering pics and info.... please feel free to add your pics comments I know I know i'm a sad get! ;-)
  17. Anyone know where I can get a blank truss rod cover for a rickenfaker resto project????
  18. [quote name='Musky' post='423002' date='Mar 2 2009, 11:11 AM']Looks great but I see what you mean about the lack of a pickup surround. Maybe a pickguardian surround could be a viable option without spending too much cash.[/quote] That's a good idea, although if I can find a proper pick up surround cheap enough I might try that. Might look a bit odd with the chrome toasters tho. Think i'll look for some pics with that set up just to give me an idea.....
  19. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='422603' date='Mar 1 2009, 07:55 PM']From the clue in the last pic, I bet that was a great 4th Birthday Present [/quote] yeah... I told the missus that he'll grow into it!!!!!
  20. [quote name='hookys6stringbass' post='421161' date='Feb 27 2009, 05:36 PM']Features : 8 This is a really well built decent copy of the 4001 there are some some minor differences- , the fingerboard material is lighter & is visible below the level of the binding strip. the top surface of the fingerboard is closer to the top surface of the body.The neck joins the body exactly on 19th fret. oh and the neck is a bit wider than a real Ric, which doesn't bother me at all. The Fender bridge pick up cover is a bit naff to say the least and I've removed it. That said it does look a bit bare with out it.... but that could be that because I like the pickup surrounds on the real Rickys. I might try and see if I can fit one on the Tokai. What lets it down is that the electrics are poor- and I will be upgrading the pots at some stage. The machine heads are perfectly good for the job and keep the bass in tune It has a really good bridge on it, really solid and easy to adjust. I may change it for Rickenbacker bridge at some point to get it looking a bit closer to the real thing... Sound : 8 The pick ups are a bit crap so I'll be replacing them with Kent Armstrong toasters. Having said that though they are ok what I mean is you don't get that Rickenbacker growl. I have a 32 year old Hondo II Rickenfaker and I think it's pick ups are much closer to the real thing. Action, Fit, & Finish : No Opinion The action was easy to adjust and to get it set up nice and low the way I like it. The finish & overall construction is excellent it is a neck-thru and it's been well built..... One more thing the nut looks a bit cheap and nasty and I can't see it lasting that long with the heavy gauge strings I use on the top end + it's black and doesn't look right. Reliability/Durability : 9 As I've said this bass feels really solid and you can tell this is going to last and take some punishment over the years! Customer Support : No Opinion I'm not really worried about it as I can do most repairs myself Overall Rating : 10 All in all a really decent bass well worth the money as it is, with a few mods you can get even closer to the real thing and still at a third of the price of a real Rickenbacker![/quote] Toaster [attachment=21175:27022009_003.jpg] Bridge [attachment=21176:27022009.jpg] Nut [attachment=21177:27022009_006.jpg] Neck [attachment=21178:27022009_005.jpg] Machine heads [attachment=21179:27022009_007.jpg] Full frontal [attachment=21180:27022009_012.jpg] From behind [attachment=21181:27022009_013.jpg] From the side [attachment=21182:27022009_017.jpg]
  21. [quote name='Musky' post='421275' date='Feb 27 2009, 07:41 PM']Nice review! What pickup is under the bridge cover? I've only ever seen pictures with the cover in place, and so just imagined that there was a p type under there. Pics would be lovely. [/quote] Cheers Musky, I plan to update the review as and when I discover things about it as I go along. under the bridge cover theres another toaster pick up. I'll sort some pics out shortly.
  22. Features : 8 This is a really well built decent copy of the 4001 there are some some minor differences- , the fingerboard material is lighter & is visible below the level of the binding strip. the top surface of the fingerboard is closer to the top surface of the body.The neck joins the body exactly on 19th fret. oh and the neck is a bit wider than a real Ric, which doesn't bother me at all. The Fender bridge pick up cover is a bit naff to say the least and I've removed it. That said it does look a bit bare with out it.... but that could be that because I like the pickup surrounds on the real Rickys. I might try and see if I can fit one on the Tokai. What lets it down is that the electrics are poor- and I will be upgrading the pots at some stage. The machine heads are perfectly good for the job and keep the bass in tune It has a really good bridge on it, really solid and easy to adjust. I may change it for Rickenbacker bridge at some point to get it looking a bit closer to the real thing... Sound : 8 The pick ups are a bit crap so I'll be replacing them with Kent Armstrong toasters. Having said that though they are ok what I mean is you don't get that Rickenbacker growl. I have a 32 year old Hondo II Rickenfaker and I think it's pick ups are much closer to the real thing. Action, Fit, & Finish : No Opinion The action was easy to adjust and to get it set up nice and low the way I like it. The finish & overall construction is excellent it is a neck-thru and it's been well built..... One more thing the nut looks a bit cheap and nasty and I can't see it lasting that long with the heavy gauge strings I use on the top end + it's black and doesn't look right. Reliability/Durability : 9 As I've said this bass feels really solid and you can tell this is going to last and take some punishment over the years! Customer Support : No Opinion I'm not really worried about it as I can do most repairs myself Overall Rating : 10 All in all a really decent bass well worth the money as it is, with a few mods you can get even closer to the real thing and still at a third of the price of a real Rickenbacker!
  23. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='409492' date='Feb 14 2009, 03:39 PM']Pickguardian delivered today, machine heads from Gav's ebay shop. Here's all the bits in place - final sanding, tru-oil finishing and nut-cutting left on the agenda. [/quote] You've done it again Al, that is a thing of beauty! One thing i'm not keen on is the dot inlays. Ever thought of having a go on the shark tooth inlays??
  24. I found a Rickenfaker made by [url="http://bacchusdo.com/product/jrb600.htm"]Jayro[/url]- looks quite tasty. Any one know anything about them?
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