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Everything posted by hookys6stringbass

  1. I have the BB 734a... It's a great bass in its own right... I try not to compare it to the 1200s as I'll find faults in the 734a... ie no reverse pup... body shape... It's in the 1200s ball park... I think the Hooky signature will be closer still...fingers crossed... The BB 1200 is a great bass ...keep you're out for one of those... I have two of those ...
  2. I have three of them... in terms of price that's a hard one... I've seen them go for £700... £900..my first one cost me £500ish many moons ago... As for reputation... I'd say they most definitely are as good as people say... they are so well built....
  3. Of course.....;-)
  4. Yep I agree...way tooo much...
  5. Yes it would seem so... Hookys son said on my Vintage Yamaha page that if they reissued the 1200s if would cost about £3000....
  6. No it's not neck thru unfortunately...
  7. There won't be a new 1200s...the closest to it is what Hooky has been using recently ... According to Yamaha it's a BBp34 with active circuitry... I thought it was based on the 734a... I'm thinking this will be the Hooky signature bass...
  8. No they never made a 5 string BB 1200s...
  9. That was his custom shop bass... that Yamaha gave him before his appearance with the Smashing pumpkins... I'm hoping this will be his signature bass
  10. Boss have announed the GT 1000 multi effects .... Hope there's something for bassists in there... https://www.boss.info/us/products/gt-1000/
  11. Almost.... its in the same ballpark... It' a great bass... sounds great in passive and active...
  12. Great basses... I've had a couple if red 300 one of which I modded with the BB1200s pups and circuitry...sounded fantastic...
  13. As far as I know the new won't hit these shores until the end of September... I quite fancy the BB734A....
  14. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1502298436' post='3350561'] Exchange rate is killing everything at the moment. I was just about to buy another monitor to pair with our other one and it's gone up £50 from the same shop since we bought the last one 5 months ago. [/quote] I'm such an idiot...didn't even think about the exchange rate... I think I'll hold on until September when they arrive...hopefully the prices come down..
  15. I'm really liking the new Yamaha BB 734a looks and sounds fantastic... I was just about to buy one when the price has shot up by approximately £100 ... GAK had them for £699 last week and now they're up to £803!!! I've emailed GAK to find out why they have gone up,but so far had no reply... Anyone out there no now why they have gone up???
  16. [quote name='TomRandles97' timestamp='1500312855' post='3336873'] Any chance you'd post this? Cheers [/quote] As long as you're in the U.K. of course... I have someone else interested at the moment... if that falls through you have first dibs
  17. Up for sale is my modded Roger Waters Precision bass I have reversed the pick ups (like my Vintage Yamaha BB basses) and had a pick guard made for it.. included is the original pick guard should you wish to change it back.. also include is the original black bridge.. The bass is in great condition as I've only used it a home...
  18. Is there a possibility that a GT 100B is on the cards...!?
  19. [quote name='Elfrasho' timestamp='1496820114' post='3313988'] This to me is quite clever. Almost every multifx has its critics in relation to the dirt and fuzz . This embraces it. Use your favourite dirt boxes in the proper position in the chain, and let the boss do everything else. Brilliant! Im Not up with fancy switchers etc... does this allow you to mix andatch what loop gets used where? For 3xample could you have two patches identical apart from loop1 and loop2 switched in order? [/quote] +1 to that...I'm very excited about this... I'd better start putting some money aside for it..
  20. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1496663170' post='3313019'] Andertons peeps review including bass - clean and grunge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8AQeY3_t9c&t=1566s And some other reviews here too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqxxfPTnH48 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3c8sL72b_Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JNy5L3yVQY&t=32s Plus some the first couple of a series of set-up guides... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBaXLCMHt7E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX2WB6fUkwg&t=4s [/quote] Thanks for that... I can see me using this with my Tech 21 VT deluxe ...
  21. This looks interesting.... But I wish they'd release a new bass GT 100b type multi effects...
  22. I love my Tech 21 gear...but this has the added bonus of an effects loop over the bass fly rig...
  23. Great review... I'm very tempted... I'd love to know well the effects loop works...
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