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Sue Curtis

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Everything posted by Sue Curtis

  1. The sheet music / songbook shop on the 2nd Floor of 70 Shaftesbury Avenue was called Musique Boutique and was run by my late-husband Trevor Byfield (owned by Freddie Byfield, a former pianist to Elaine Cordet). Sadly, it was bought out by Bob Wise's Music Sales Group and subsequently closed down in 1983. They used to ship sheet music and songbooks all over the world from their tiny little outlet. Also, to jog some people's memory, there was 'Shady Mike's' record store downstairs in a lean-to in St Anne's Court, Soho opposite Trident Studios (actually called 'Shades' and owned by Mike Shannon), where you could find every heavy metal record imaginable amongst completely blackened surroundings, with volumes befitting their genre - those were indeed the days... Sue
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