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Everything posted by Bleat

  1. Never have so many notes said so very little musically or emotionally. I do try to give any type of music a fair listen to see if I can connect with it or be inspired in some way. Sadly with this sort of thing, I just don't "get it". 🤔
  2. Studio Projects B1 is a great condenser mic with a good reputation in that price range or the Audio Technica AT2020. The B1 got me the best results with the least amount of tweaking to sit well in mixes.
  3. Amateur... holding his bass the wrong way round and can't even string his bass the right way up! 😉
  4. I'm really looking forward to the "Types of bass player you don't like" thread.
  5. I agree, I think they should have been left as trees. I call them either "conversation piece" , "mid-life crisis", or "More-money-than-sense" basses. Basses : Rickenbackers , No not in my house, sorry. Warwicks, great bridges shame about the rest of it. Any bass with a name I'm not sure how to pronounce. Sounds: Jazz pickups... just ugh! especially that honky, farting bridge sound. It just 'aint bass to my ears! Colours: that creamy off-white colour, green is a no go, light coloured "natural" also a no, however the darker natural colours are fairly nice. Design: Nothing says " I have a small willy" more than those stupid big single cut things. LED lights also... wtf? 🎸
  6. I have one of these on my 80's Encore P-Bass. Solid bridge, unique look, string through body. The bass has the best sustain of any P I have owned so far. 👍
  7. You need a Lego "Build Your Own Integrity" set ... your current one seems to be missing a few pieces.
  8. So let's get this right just to clarify things... you have presented the world's most ridiculous idea to a forum of strangers who have no vested interest apart from to give you honest advice, the concensus being it is at the very least "not a good idea" or approach to help fund your lifestyle by getting others to pay for it. You have now in turn thanked us for "entertaining" you with this honest advice, and are going to plod on regardless finding as many people that you think may be stupid enough to part with money to have the chance of winning a Lego set , so that you may continue your mission to adorn yourself with a finely crafted and very expensive instrument that will neither make you famous or allow you to demonstrate any higher level of ability than if you owned a cheap P-Bass, but at least will make a nice conversation piece as it sits in the corner of the living room..... … right you are then. You are definitely as bonkers as those who choose to play Rickenbackers.😄
  9. Got made redundant in October 2019, so decided to take a risk and try self employment. It's been a real big jump for me, but I have always wanted to run my own business, with a good, positive ethic behind it (and one that would only need a fairly modest outlay of money to start up) , so have recently started an Eco-Cleaning Service for residential and small businesses. Only began at the start of February, but already have gained 4 regular clients which is not bad. I get to drive around the beautiful countryside of Mid Wales borders and NW Herefordshire, and also am meeting new and nice , interesting people. Hopefully If it keeps going this way, I will be a reasonably profitable business in my first 12 months.
  10. "Deluded Pursuits" …. that's your next level bands name sorted then. 😂
  11. I have access to Hypochlorus Acid so am covered if we all run out of hand sanitiser.... I'll just spray myself down with it each morning 👍
  12. Does anyone use or has anyone tried the Tesla P-Bass pickup. What do you think? Not really seen much talk on here about Tesla. I could not find too much info on them, though I did find a couple of youtube vids, and sound pretty good to my cloth-ears. Cheers, James. 🎸
  13. Yeah... but what do you REALLY think ? 😆
  14. I have an old Encore Coaster P bass from the 80's I think. It is Very well built. The pickup is one of the best I have heard , certainly in a so called "budget" brand instrument. It has through body stringing, weighs a lot, and one of the best P bass copies I have had. Mine is getting a new replacement 50's style Maple neck shortly. The one in the ad looks maybe a little more recent, but if its anything like the one I have, i.m.o. most definitely worth it. 🎸
  15. You already knew this had sentimental value. The "have a little play" on it should have happened either before sale or before any money changed hands. The instrument was effectively the buyers at that moment only for you to have a change of mind at that point? I totally understand the upsetof the buyer. I love Eagle basses and I will only ever dream of owning one. I am sure the fretless versions are even harder to come by. Knowing the sort of value these have and the amount of money most likely handed over by the buyer, I think the "tough titty" attitude is well out of order.
  16. What a coincidence. I am close to finishing my new song "C**ts Who Can't Sing But Still Insist On Making Crappy Records".
  17. Great!.... I've got a whole months wages, I haven't seen this much in ages. I might spend it in stages ,or might go and buy that P bass.
  18. OoOoOoooOh go on then...... Recorded for the Xmas Cover Challenge.No apologies for the pic, some of us at least have a roof to shelter under this Winter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khZyXhCff6c&feature=youtu.be Bonus points for naming that tune 🤪 … Ok it's Chi Mai by Ennio Moricone Cheers, James 🤘
  19. Bought my now departed Gretsch Junior Jet II bass from BAX. No problems or issues, delivery was about 3 days If I remember correctly. 🎸
  20. *********** Black Friday Mega Sale ************ £16.00 posted to UK.
  21. Ideal Xmas gift for someone you don't like much who doesn't own a Squier Bronco...... or play bass, but you feel obliged to give them something, so any old piece of tat will do … bump. 🤘
  22. So glad I found this topic . I've been after something to keep my bass in for ages , thanks!
  23. I have the Audio Technica ATH M50X. Awesome headphones. I use them for music production, mixing etc. They are great with handling the low end also. 👍
  24. You need to pay close attention to the ladies to get the right amount of "bounce". 🤪 But seriously, I do agree with you, it just has a certain something in the feel that makes the song what it is ! Great practice for learning to *feel* the line as well as play it though.
  25. Addicted To Love - Robert Palmer A great song and bassline to learn, not too difficult as it is mostly a repeating line through verse/chorus parts. The bridge sections I think would be a little more of a challenge for a beginner but still quite easy to get to grips with after a few listens. 🎸
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