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Everything posted by Bleat

  1. An excellent read for drummers and proper bass players apparently... not really to my taste if I'm honest.
  2. Congratulations on winning the composition challenge discreet , well done ! I officially recognise you as musical champion of the universe for the next month
  3. A not very common sort of rip off though! Not like the multitude of Fender Precision and Jazz bass rip offs I see on a near daily basis
  4. Tanglewood, specifically this one. This is my second as I always regretted selling the first one I had. It has active pickups and sounds fantastic.. cost to me : £40
  5. Thanks a lot BreadBin ! … choking up ? That will be furballs mate
  6. A last minute effort using my usual tactic of blind panic and desperation ! So to briefly outline the scene for this one: Wartime, a young lad has lost his family and is wandering round in a daze taking in the sight of the rubble that used to be the street he lives on. Suddenly he notices a badly injured cat, approaches it, then gently picks it up. He can see the cat is dying but gently comforts it in his arms, stroking it and talking to it to sooth it until it passes away in his arms. I think the point I am trying to make with this piece is to illustrate how humans are so capable of creating so much destruction and mayhem, yet so capable of displaying deep compassion and caring.... or something like that ! You can all go and cry into your pint down the pub now * no cats were harmed during the making of this music, I did however have to feed mine a few times* Enjoy ! The Fragile
  7. *~*~* Congratulations to Bilbo! Well done, a great tune and well played also *~*~* I liked something in all the tunes this month so was a really hard choice this time.There was certainly a lot of errs, hmmms,ahhs not forgetting Oooos going on while I made my choices. Thanks Mornats for the kind comments also! I am really glad you liked the tune.If you can get a piece of music to hit the spot in even just one person then that is a victory of sorts imo! I appologise to everyone else for not including a talking polar bear , but to be fair how many polar bears speak with a strong black country accent ... none that I've talked to anyhow!
  8. Sorry, no talking polar bears in this one. Open to your own interpretation I think. A real slap dash effort guys, noticed closing date so did this all today in a blind panic! No polar bears were harmed and no baby seals clubbed in the making of this music. Cheers, James
  9. So your initial idea was a slap bass solo then ?
  10. Bleat

    Small monitors

    These ESI Unik + are superb monitors, what I am using now... and ....come in official Basschat colours! what more could one want ?
  11. The pic is of John Cage performing his follow up track " 4'34" of horrendous noise"
  12. First my appologies for the late reply... hectic at work and my internet decided to suddenly not work the last couple of days! Thanks for all the votes guys ..I am so glad you liked it and had a good effect on you ! suprised I won as last time I looked I had 2 votes... I was feeling not well and couldnt hear a damn thing while I was doing this, so to have actually produced something worth voting for is nothing short of a miracle! We are all winners really as it takes a lot of work and a lot of balls to put our souls on display for all to see/ hear... and we dont have long to do it, so hats off to everyone. Just to let you know the fiddle player was taken outside at dawn and promptly shot...I personally couldnt believe how bad that was, I guess others didnt notice Cheers, James
  13. Control Pocket Assembly Lead Volume Rhythm Volume Type: 500K Non–Linear 500K Non–Linear Peak Voltage: 500V 500V Range: 0–500K 0–500K Power Rating: 1/4 watt above 100K ohms 1/4 watt above 100K ohms Resistance Tolerance: +/– 20% +/– 20% Minimum Resistance: 200 ohms 200 ohms Master Tone Type: 500K Non–Linear Peak Voltage: 500V Range: 0–500K Power Rating: 1/4 watt above 100K ohms Resistance Tolerance: +/– 20% Minimum Resistance: 200 ohms Capacitors: Lead Value Rhythm .022 uF .022 uF
  14. Well I have just about got something done, which is amazing considering I'm currently suffering a heavy cold and have gone virtually deaf... so maybe not the best mix ever Cheers, James. ps dunno how to embed these stupid files ! https://soundcloud.com/foolsjourney/where-the-wild-mushrooms-grow
  15. Hi amillar, Having had recent experiences with Epiphones (and very little budget) take this info as "in my opinion/ experience " etc! I currently have a short scale Revelation RSGB EB-3 copy and it's fantastic, could be well worth holding out a while to see if one comes up on here or ebay etc. Regards Epi's though....These are resposible for converting me to short scale basses. I have had a limited edition short-scale EB-3, a Korean made EB-0 (converted to EB-3 with extra bridge pickup), and a Made in Indonesia EB-0 that I was going to upgrade, decided not to and sold that. As for build quality , there was very little difference between all three, the Korean made maybe has a slightly more natural looking wood grain, other than that not a massive difference... all have a narrow nut of 1 1/2" , my current one has a 43mm nut! The narrow nut was the main sticking point for me, might be your thing though !The machine heads are not the best but good enough and hold tune fairly well. Grovers or Schallers are the best bet as replacements. All are made of Mahogany throughout, do not weigh too much , can be a tad neck heavy, though a wide suede back strap sorts that out easily. As for the neck pickups, the stock Epiphone one in my opinion is excellent and has a tad more clarity than the Artec 30k "mudbucker" that I replaced it with. There is NOT the "massive" difference that some make out to be. The Artec is darker sounding... It seems a lot of people replace the stock pickup with DiMarzio Model One, which I cannot vouch for, again I'm not sure it will make the world of difference, and unless you find one 2nd hand then it's an expensive upgrade... The one consistent thing I have found is that all these basses play superbly, are great fun , sound huge ,and you can get a really low string action, due to the flatter fingerboard... I am even somewhat of a fan of the Gibson 3-point. It's a better looking bridge than a bent bit of tin, and though a little more involved to get setup initially, I have never felt the need to upgrade to one of the expensive replacements... I think the Hipshot Supertone will directly replace the 3point, but I have read about some problems with the Babicz not fitting flush due to the flange parts on the Epiphone bridge inserts.? I would also say if you are looking to put a bridge pickup in, make sure you get an EB-0 with a "larger" backplate to accomodate extra knobs and wiring .. n stuff. I think some Korean models had the smaller cavity as well as some with the larger EB3 cavity. I am sure that all China ones have the larger cavity. Don't let the small price tag put you off, they are extremely well built for the money, and as long as you are realistic with the amount of tonal variety you will get from it, even with an extra pickup you should be happy. Maybe some of that that will help you a bit ? James.
  16. I am currently working on something , so will be in on this month's challenge hopefully. I am trying to make the most of a week off w*rk. Got new monitors that I am still breaking in and getting to know, so not expecting to produce a beautifully mixed track... This will also be the first one I have done which will be featuring me on .......bass!
  17. Hi Jus, I think you were replying to my post , as gsgbass Gibson SG above mine is awesome ! Anyway, mine *is* a set neck, 30" scale as opposed to the usual 30.5", and love the fact it has a 43mm nut also. I have included a couple more pics inc 50's style SG wiring upgrade... just need a new switch then my life will be complete ...until the next thing I want to mess about with. Cheers, James.
  18. Revelation RSGB bass ... my only bass. It plays beautifully, sounds immense, just a real rock machine.......recently been upgrading it, won't part with it !
  19. Apparently the story goes it used to belong to a mate's mate's uncle's sister who was given it by the bass player from Judas Priest who was bought it as a gift from the singer who kept insisting he used it on the extreme setting ....so he got rid of it. Not sure if that's true or not though, I'm not about to sniff the pedal to find out.
  20. My current er... pedal.. Not tried it yet as I'm still waiting for new bass to arrive... I dread to think what will happen when I plug this thing in...
  21. For me it has to be Andy Latimer.
  22. Haha Thanks Dad... that's exactly how I was going to do it... I was going to call it "the sound of silence" ... but alas someone got to it before me. Maybe an idea for the coming months... you write a review for the tracks first and we have to compose the music to fit ?
  23. Could you review the tune I said I would write and enter into the competition for this month but haven't managed to actually do ... please.
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