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Everything posted by Bleat

  1. Good info, thanks. It is a very good sounding cab, though I will most likely be giving it away at some point!
  2. I have an old Q-Max ( who?) pa cab with a 15", 6", and horn. It only has about 200 watt power handling but the sound quality is excellent. Sadly its not really up to being heard in a loud rock band. Its spending most its time as a coffee table at the moment.
  3. No not at all. My first response was just simply stating a fact about myself, not a sign of grumpyness at all. Second response was a statement of personal experience. 👍
  4. Every sound bloke iI ever encountered apart from one were grumpy, short tempered tw@ts from the offset to be honest.
  5. When I was in a gigging band my soundchecks mostly consisted of me playing E-E-E-E-E-E-E until I got a thumbs up. I'm not a bass soloist, not into playing party pieces, nor impressing anyone with great technical playing ability. Maybe boring but It did what was actually needed. I proved my "ability" by playing the songs well with my band when it was time to perform.
  6. Roger Waters signature Precision bass. I doubt he ever played one, but one of the best basses I've owned.
  7. I use an Ultimate GS-1000 Pro for my bass also.
  8. I love my Basschat rubber thingies. Cheap and way better than any expensive strap lock. Took me ages to prise it off. 😄
  9. I would learn to slap but I'm ...Too Shy Shy.
  10. Perfect for Freemasonic RATM fans.
  11. The drummer looks like he's thinking about what to have for dinner most the time, the guitarist really needs to invest in a bottle of Timotei for his rancid looking mop, I didn't hear what the bass player was doing as I naturally tune out the sound of Jazz basses, plus I was distracted by the swaying hips.
  12. The lower the better, and play louder also. If you don't leave the practice room feeling sick with a headache from all the life threatening low end frequencies and half deaf with it.... you've not really played bass. 😐
  13. My mum who is in her 80's loves the Disturbed Sound of Silence cover, as do I. She prefers to listen to it over the original which she knows well.
  14. Nice to see Gibson's build quality has improved greatly.
  15. Some that I love that most others hate or dislike, but why should I care what anyone else thinks? AC/DC- Fly On The Wall- Gets judged on below par production, but some of their best songs, killer guitar riffs throughout. Black Sabbath- Never Say Die- I love how different it is to the previous albums, great songs, Bill Ward had a much better voice than Ozzy. Marillion- Holidays In Eden - nice songs with a pop edge. Camel- Breathless and I Can See Your House From Here- I just like the songs on them.
  16. I knew there was someone on here somewhat near-ish to where I am, but I couldn't think who it was! 👍
  17. I have a nice very rare Washburn Guitars Zippo. I would like £250 with dirt included... oops no sorry I meant £2.50😆
  18. I have never had a problem with any bass with the 3-point bridge. All were pretty quick and easy to setup, and I think it looks nicer than the Fender style BBOT. I never really got why so many people seem to hate it. As long as you just slacken the strings off to remove the bridge before changing strings, it's all good.
  19. .....Rickenbacker players.
  20. Bleat


    Sold my Wine Cellar to Andy... I'm sure he's getting very drunk as I type. Straight forward no nonsense sale with quick payment. All good. 👍
  21. I'm surprised at how many don't use the little finger. I personally use it quite extensively especially on the lower frets even though I have large hands. It is possibly to do with playing a LP type of bass that naturally likes to shunt out to the left though.
  22. I discovered these about 12 months ago. I would say possibly the best all female rock band in history and criminally overlooked. Amazing songwriters, performers and great bass playing.
  23. ABM high quality bell brass adjustable bass nut 40mm width. Not required as I sold the bass it was going to be fitted to a while ago. I have one fitted to my Washburn and it is so good to be able to fine adjust each nut slot. Save yourself a few quid off a brand new shop bought one. Asking £16 to include UK Mainland postage.
  24. Genuine Marshall single foot switch model # 90003. Absolutely brand new and unused. A bargain for £20 including UK mainland postage.
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