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Everything posted by mep

  1. I've recently been given an old Milestone 3 and am impressed by it.
  2. His lemon may have been magnificent, but it's bitter so not the sweetest thing.
  3. Our first gig of the year last night at the Coach House in Paignton. A good crowd for us who got into it as the night went on. Towards the end of the first set our guitarist was out front soloing and told me after the song that I was not loud enough out front, so I duly boosted my PA level. Chatted to a couple of appreciative people along the way. My calouses felt like they got a work out as it been a couple of months since I've played live. Got a couple more gigs over the next month, but only 11 booked for this year so far. Using my usual Stingray 2eq, RM500 & BF210. I was also wearing my Sketchers.
  4. Some sites let you purchase as a guest, without all the hassle of setting up an account, which is fine if you don't anticipate using them them again in a while. Maybe that option will be phased out?
  5. Well, we've had 4 drummers depart too (none of which had died luckily) and one has returned for a second stint.
  6. Sounds great Daryl, especially the beer fridge. Good luck. Lookin forward to hearing all about it.
  7. A couple of good threads about this subject already if you sesrch. Go custom molded is the general consensus.
  8. Some good suggestions. Whatever you go for when smoothing or sanding use really fine wet and dry, and mask off the area around it.
  9. I unfollowed this discussion after the numerous off topic posts about VPN's. I thought I'd drop back in see if it had reverted back to being on topic, but in a crazy example of people getting really caught up in off topic discussions I'm now learning all about ULEZ and fines. I wonder what I'll read about in a days time?
  10. I've posted this before. Back during the lockdown era our band rehearsed with a guy they know on bass for a gig I wouldn't do. I got this text message from our guitarist. The 3 of us (singer, guitarist and myself) have been together for 20 years next year along with 4 different drummers, so replacing any of us would feel odd. Our son was drummer #3 and rejoined the band after 6 years of drummer #4 (Dave in the text). That was difficult enough for us until our son rejoined earlier this year and the band really felt it was back together. When you have a great line up it's not easy to to replace anyone.
  11. I don't belive there is. Looks like the thread got derailed with all the chat about VPN's!
  12. Bit late posting, but last week after our staff Christmas Party a few of us went on to the Apple and Parrott where it was Jam night. My colleague was on drums and we joined a guitarist and singer for Paranoid and Whole Lotta Rosie. Another colleague videoed some of it and the image below is a screen shot from the video.
  13. Still getting some!
  14. OK. I'm not using the app.
  15. Today some of the adverts at the top of the page on my mobile are wider than the rest of the page and it affects the menu and navigation. Has anyone else experienced this, and how do I solve it?
  16. Back in Brixham last night for our last gig of the year. Our drummer brought his electric kit as a test for a couple of small pubs we play. At first it didn't really work with a mono out to the desk, but with a L & R output into 2 channels it was OK. Our modest PA and monitors just about delivered the drums, but he'll look at other options next time. It was bit quiet at first possibly due to the weather, bit filled out for the second set.
  17. You get my vote for best shoes worn at a gig so far.
  18. Last night we played The Queens Arms in Brixham. It's been acfew years since we were last there. It's quite well organized with lights, speaker braketts on the wall and camera / TV too. It's fairly small and not much of a stage area, so we didn't bring the sub and have to keep the volume down as best we can, which isn't always easy with drums but he made a decent effort of playing quieter. It wasn't that busy until early in the second set when more people arrived. We played well and had some encouraging comments from people, including a family who just moved in nearby. I forgot my Hercules stand, but there isn't really much room so I used my spare jack plug stand as a backup, which you can just about see in the photo below. It was a great night and we performed. I was talking to the landlord after and he was interested in my BF210 cab, asking what it was and how it was perfect for the pub. He has some regular musician on a Wednesday and says the bass is rattling all his windows! He took me behind the bar where they store there equipment and there was a BF610 cab there! I joked that he needs to take a saw to it and remove 4 speakers. It's nice to get compliments about my gear. Like most musicians I sometimes worry about my FOH sound, even though I go out front for sound checks. On stage it's always cracking, but without a sub it doesn't have that low end punch out front. There was a slightly sour end to the night though. I've lost a really nice hat, that hasn't appeared yet, so I'll have to replace it with my gig money. Our guitarist who deals with the booking verbally agreed a fee, but was paid less. We are not sure why this is and haven't had a chance to discuss it with the landlord, and didnt eant to make a scene of it there. We haven't taken any bookings for next year yet, but will need to square it with the landlord before. Suffice to say if he doesn't offer us more like the going rate we won't be coming back.
  19. It was 1980 and I was 14 and in a school band. At our first gig we played Smoke on the Water, Babylons Burning and You shook Me All Night Long, but I don't remember the exact order.
  20. We played a Christmas Party for some Bikers last night in Paignton. They hired a function room in a good venue on the seafront, which was much better than the glass box they hired last year nearby. We used the venues parking spaces which was a bonus. A local gig for us all, so no big deal with storm Bert. There is a stage area that doubles as seating, so a balustrade in front of us. We had plenty of room and good setup and stage sound, although we couldn't hang our backdrop behind us. The venue turned all the lighting off when we started, it felt a bit dark, as they only had some Christmas decoration lighting. Our stage lights just about did us justice. There was some dancing at times, but a slight decline towards the end which was a bit surprising. We played well and I used my usual rig, Stingray into RM500 and BF210, which also went through the PA. They will book is for next year, and we will be increasing our party prices a bit.
  21. This is what you need! A Christmas present from Mrs Mep a few years ago, and my gigging t-shirt.
  22. @SteveXFRGreat song and video for Butane Skies. Who did the video? I'd love to record our band, but it's not easy unless you invest in some decent gear. The multiple cameras work well too.
  23. Great to hear. It's always good to see children follow in their parents footsteps. I'm sure he'll have a blast. Our son took up drums quite some time ago and is also our drummer, which we all appreciate.
  24. We played the Apple and Parrott in Torquay last night. They have their own PA, lights and sound guy which is great. I also park at work which is a 1 minute walk away. It started off a bit quieter than usual but really kicked off in the second set with the audience getting right into it. It was mostly the guys going for it, and a couple of them had some nice words to say afterwards. The sound out front is great, but the stage sound is aways odd. They were a monitor down and it was difficult hear the guitar. Even he was struggling to hear himself. I could hear myself ok but not so much through my rig, but the PA itself, which was pretty epic. At the end of the night I took some of the audience. Another fun night.
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