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Everything posted by mep

  1. One or 2 original songs if they are good enough and are well received. The songwriters will usually want to play more and believe their songs are better than they actually are which can cause tensions. In one band we played 1 original song which was well received and left it at that. In my current band the singer and guitarist wrote a song years ago. it comprises 2 chords and is very linear and doesn't go anywhere. They hsve talked about bringing it into the set and would if they could. I told them the song is stinky poo and no way would I play it. Their inflated egos needed puncturing.
  2. Some years ago i was in a Sterophonics tribute band. We made sure we nailed the songs. We didn't make an attempt to look like them. I did get a second hand P bass instead of using my pointy Charvel. Our singer was Welsh which helped with the sound inbetween songs.
  3. 2 4 6 8 motorway. Tom Robinson Band
  4. Hi and welcome. Great intro. Enjoy Basschat.
  5. We had a couple of gigs recently during restrictions that went well. Our next gigs are later in August. Despite the lifting of restrictions I'm concerned about future pub gigs. Loads of people mixing in a crowded poorly ventilated space shouting and singing whilst infection rates soar. Let's see how it pans out over the coming weeks.
  6. Tried out my AH200 lockdown purchase tonight along with my borrowed Marcus Miller Jazz. Bit let down by the really old strings but it did the business and sounded fine out front. I would need to try it with Stingray to see how it compares to my RM500EVOII.
  7. Yeah it was never a fender, only had their tuners. The only brand name evident so bit rich calling it a fender. Looks a bit of a dog.
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