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4 Strings

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Everything posted by 4 Strings

  1. Was it them or you?
  2. I make my own, Neutriks and Van Damme, same as OBBM from whom I would otherwise buy leads. No frills but reliable stuff that you know isn't going to muck up your sound and will last until you leave it behind somewhere. (The Neutriks allow a huge lump of solder and the clamping system is far superior to the bent bit of metal type). I have also used their 'Silent' plugs to avoid the crunching of plugging into a live amp - I know, I know, of course your shouldn't but things happen. Not had a problem with them and quite like the fact I don't have to keep running to the amp every time I plug/unplug the bass. (Just a note, despite finding good deals for the loose jacks and cable it still costs around the same as buying complete leads from OBBM. Why anyone buys from elsewhere I'll never know).
  3. The only new Peavey thing I ever bought was way back in the 80s, a tall, 2x15 cab. Not blackwidows as I actually didn't like the sound of them in the shop. Great cab, never saw the limit of it, always belting out loads of clear bass and it came on castors. When it came to sell a little group came to see it. Despite the ad clearly saying they weren't BWs they thought they were. Anyway gave it a demo and pinned them to the wall with excruciatingly loud but clear and defined volume and they were impressed, but couldn't bring themselves to buy it as it didn't say 'BW' on the front. Ridiculously it was bought by a disco man who only wanted the drivers. An empty Peavey 215 cab still lingers in my old church (afaik).
  4. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' timestamp='1319739522' post='1418042'] Really liking the look of these cabs - how much are they going to sell for and do you have any retailers stocking them? Would be keen to try them out. [/quote] Be interested to see how you think they sound compared with a Barefaced. Are they more professional looking because they are painted grey and have more writing on? Great to see so many makers on the scene, would love to try them all!
  5. Nothing wrong with Peavey stuff, mine's been great, just that it looks like an amateur metal band.
  6. I have an American Deluxe Jazz with the option, but I get the feeling that by the time I've unwound and reinstalled the strings I will have forgotten the sound to make a close A-B comparison. However, if there is a difference would it not be to do with anchoring the string directly to the body rather than through the bent bit of tin?
  7. 1997 American Jazz Deluxe, no straplocks. Would have been nice, had to put on my own.
  8. The finish on it is, of course, awful and stripping and refinish would be great. Personally I wouldn't have worried about the reshaping, all part of the guitar's story. Why not go for a new body if you want the original shape? The wood isn't sacred. I'd add though that I'm quote jealous of this, great buy and I'd love to hear it!
  9. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1319105222' post='1409870']Unsurprisingly, my '52. [attachment=91581:IMG_7821.jpg][/quote] Don't expect that to go out the house let alone offered for sale
  10. Just to repeat what someone else said, use your ears. You'll hear any distress way before it all goes wrong, its carrying on when the cab is in having trouble that causes damage. You've got loads of power available, using two cabs raises one off the ground and the difference just this makes in volume for monitoring is amazing. Oh, just to add, listen to people like Bill and Alex.
  11. Perhaps they'll follow this with the Disney marketing thing where they announce that there is inadequate supply and shops have only a few, so we all rush out to buy one quick. Will it be better than my HA500?
  12. Ok, thanks. I think that's clear. Though I might be extending the life of my little 2.5s, I'll keep my eye open for the proper thing now.
  13. [quote name='sockdeluxe_mikey' timestamp='1318856802' post='1406921'] I don't want to be facetious, but after a near full-on electric shock due to a defeated ground running through my amp it has got to be my socket tester. They're not much money, but I would recommend it to ANYBODY. It scared the absolute hell out of me and I was lucky to get away with a numb left arm for 20 minutes. [/quote] Goodness, I've had my lips tingled enough times but nothing like that! Prefer a buzz to a numb arm!
  14. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1318711403' post='1405548'] That's brilliant. Have they just cut and pasted a headstock on or a whole neck? [/quote] Someone on one of the other sections was complaining about paying a fortune for a new 'Ray only to suspect it was the neck of one on the body of another. Seems like they're making a habit of it.
  15. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1318537830' post='1403587'] Loving the irony of that - a bootleg (blackleg?) MU sticker! [/quote] Ok, I've looked but I can't see what's wrong with it.
  16. [quote name='alanbass1' timestamp='1300897753' post='1173489'] It will be my '62 Precision, which my dad bought for me back in '75 (he couldn't afford a new one!). She's been round the world a few times with me since. [/quote] Wow, that's a real keeper. Hope it stays to be part of your will (in a nice way you understand!)
  17. .... bass guitars! In the end, then, it wouldn't be my pride and joy, a Pre-EB Stingray which I dearly love but would get most money it would be the most useful and adaptable bass which can do Motown, funk and rock well, my American Jazz Deluxe, not as good but less valuable. Not sure what would make me let my amp go either, old Hartke HA5500, with the crossover. Swapped from a Basschatter (nice guy - hope he's as happy with the HA3500 on his side of the deal as I am with mine). Can't see me replacing it while it still works. Anyway, enough now, the thought of losing my Stingray has upset me.
  18. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1318773443' post='1406003'] why is it most modern worship songs have the basis of u2s with or without you in there somewhere ? [/quote] I know exactly what you mean, frustrating to the hilt when the next 'new' song is introduced with that exact chord sequence again. There's some good stuff around too though, less of it but one thing we learn at church is to look at our blessings!
  19. [quote name='soopercrip' timestamp='1318490469' post='1402709'] I can't find any info on them anywhere, all google comes up with is a bass player called Sakai and a P bass copy on a forum. Anyone know anything about them? Maybe it's another plywood copy but it doesn't look like it is. Guess I'll have to wait and see what I get. Andy [/quote] Regrettably I think that's what it will be, let us know, here's hoping. Even if it is, we all need a noodling banger lying around on which to play around when watching the box etc.
  20. Anyone? Being offered spare 10" from a Transporter cab which would for my XL. Are they the same?
  21. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1318602882' post='1404246'] [/quote] This is winning for me, for trying to be conservative but ending up like a splat of yellow bubblegum.
  22. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1318341120' post='1400822'] [/quote] On behalf of my teenage hero, Ouch!
  23. I've been a Christian most my life now and have played in churches for almost as long. The best training ground for playing by ear and predicting sequences was a Full Gospel Hall, the songs were started by the congregation, band strikes up immediately at wherever in the song it was started and whatever key. Learnt about levering off fifths to change key at the end of the verse to a key everyone could sing. Band was piano, C3 Hammond +Leslie(!) bass, guitar and drums, all really great musicians - except for the bass who was still learning. I played my Jaydee through the church Fender Bassman 4x10. Anglican church now in a suburb so loads of musicians, 4 rotas in fact, but I'm the only bass player so I'm on most weeks. Usual Chris Tomlin and Hillsongs etc plus some hymns - bit more tricky but much better writing! Due to my Full Gospel training I'm the only one who doesn't have to shuffle sheets of music between songs. American Jazz Deluxe through the battered old church Trace 115 combo.
  24. [quote name='Vibrating G String' timestamp='1318542903' post='1403678'] This link should be dismissed because it contains testing and not just boasting and blind faith and tonal decisions based on the color of the wood. [/quote] Damn, while I agree with your general view about the effects of woods I was hoping to agree with what you actually say. Oh well.
  25. Sorry, just seen this http://basschat.co.uk/topic/157749-gibson-killing-the-rainforest/
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