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4 Strings

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Everything posted by 4 Strings

  1. Pups will be ready next week. Apart from these, the bass is now virtually complete. The dots have arrived from Japan - 60mm this time! Just a couple of decisions still to be made. The pups, upon the suggestion of Allighat0r, may go green. We'll have a look with them natural and make a decision. This has a nice look though (note they couldn't get the ripples gong the same way as the neck either): [url="http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/BlueandMaple_zpsd7bfd92a-1.jpg.html"][/url] Now, here's a thing, I play with my thumb on the top of the pup on my MM. The length of the Jazz pups (and the equally long cover made for the bridge MM pup) is greater meaning my thumb will be quite a distance from the top string. Something to get used to? The standy-uppy idea is faltering. Heath made some little feet to my instruction, tbh they didn't enhance the look of the bass enough to make them a good compromise of function over form! Also, an honest talk from the expert's experiences of repairing necks and headstocks of basses which have fallen over (and his own, similar disaster many years ago with a Jaydee!) means our luthier would never put a bass anywhere other than a proper stand, and never leaning on it's neck. I'm thinking on. I'd be disappointed not to have some sort of easy stand without lugging a stand around with me, but maybe it wasn't a good idea in the first place. Not giving up yet. Lastly, the darker infill over the fret tangs. These would normally be the same colour as the wood, I wondered about using a darker (walnut) coloured filler for the top edge of the neck to make the frets easier to see. Utility bass, crap bass player, no dots on the front etc. Upon playing my current bass I found I could see the frets anyway so opted to ditch this idea. Heath hasn't done the filling of the top just yet, in case I change my mind (change my mind?!) - bless him. He actually liked the idea and has made the cuts in the top edge specifically even etc to make them look nice. He's going to send me a pic of a fretless he made which has something similar to mark the frets for a decision to be made. Is it next week yet?
  2. Email? Bastards. Onwards and upwards, absolutely. Plenty more fish in the sea etc, hope it works out for the best.
  3. The waiting game. So close and yet so far. Others seem to wait patiently for months for pickups, everyday seems like a month for me. I think it's only been a week. Thing is, they were ready once, but, as I understand it, the P sounding J shaped pup was made for the bridge size J pup, not the neck end, but the covers made by Heath were both the same (neck) size. The J pup is being altered to fit. I think dims were sent back and forth and the cover made accordingly, but there we are, all is being fixed. As a side issue, there's a sort of race with my drummer going on, he's ordered a special finish Mapex kit with maple shells. This has been delivered but with a broken and wrong sized bass drum and toms an inch short and so has gone back. Was looking like I was going to win after all! (He ordered his way back in April). He hasn't gone green, I think I'm pleased, the guitarist has a green Eggle - would all be getting a little weird!)
  4. Thanks! I suppose I hadn't gone down the line of thinking about colouring the neck! Mainly because, originally I wanted it to look like the stripey wood you see on many upright bass necks. Once Heath had found the piece of wood, this area was satisfied. A trans green neck is going through my mind now....
  5. Frets are in, body now polished with several coatings of wax and oil, controls and bridge all in, neck profile carved to a heavyish asymmetric (so that I can have a play and hone - can only take wood off from this point!) and neck wax and oiled and the strings are on!!!! Just waiting for pups and dots. In the meantime Heath is looking a the standy-uppy ideas.
  6. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1382453061' post='2252311'] Earth Wind & Fire tonight! [/quote] Great! Verdine was one of my bass practice 'tutors' in that I sat and played along to him, copying some great licks. He's a wonderful bass player, even if (in my opinion) a bit tasteless when it comes to some of his solos on Youtube. I'll look forward to seeing him too. Gonna be a great show for bass players!
  7. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1382452682' post='2252302'] yep - not overly familiar with much of their material - I'll have a look around online to see if it the kind of thing that floats my boat. [/quote] If John Mayer has his usual Trio you'll be treated to Pino in a very comfortable situation, well worth a watch.
  8. Really sorry to hear this, a nasty hit. Surely there must be a solution that doesn't involve selling your trusty cab though. Temporary pups?
  9. Thanks, all, I know I'm not choosing the colour for everyone else, but I'm feeling better! The pups are flame maple (from the neck - unfortunately the pieces were not large enough to get the flame going in the same direction as that on the neck. Yes, they could go green too. I think I might see what they look like 'au naturel' first as it's kind of a one way ticket. (There's less than 2mm thickness on the top of them - scary routing! - which may not allow too much sanding back) [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/GreenPups_zps774591fd.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/GreenPups_zps774591fd.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  10. Thanks, RK and Myke, I need the reassurance. And a coffee. It was all going so well! I think it was just the look of the unfinished body is what was expected, this isn't. It would be easier if it was going to be a gloss finish, but it isn't. However, I'm sticking with it - Utility Bass, green! There's also the little matter of the standy-uppy bits. Still thinking about those. My latest thought is some short, wooden stubs ~50mm either side of the strap button with a soft rubber/silicon dome mounted on them (would look a bit like the ends of snooker cues). Heath is on the case.
  11. If you had a child and it grew up under your control and influence to be a bright, good kid, but then, when you had to start releasing him/her to their own decisions and the influences of the wider world, and see that these were different to yours and so your child changes. I wonder if the custom bass builder goes through this, perhaps even grieves when the time comes for the customer to choose the colour. You've seen the nice piece of Sycamore chosen for this project, the bits of ripple and other nice, natural markings. Perhaps it would be expected for custom basses to be examples of the amazing variety in natural wood finishes. Not so the Utility Bass. This has gone green! [url="http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Greenbass_zpsb3328b50.jpg.html"][/url] Bit of a shock to the system, I can tell you. Totally my choice, Heath, encouraging as ever likes it, his wife (also the owner of a green Ruach) loves it, my own 'er indoors really likes it. I think I'm getting over the feelings of shock and 'what have I done'. Here's the back: [url="http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Greenback_zpse400c4b6.jpg.html"][/url] Closeup of the controls: [url="http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Greencontrols_zps32e8a247.jpg.html"][/url] I hope I haven't ruined it in wanting to not have the 'obvious' finish. With the pups, bridge etc still to be fitted, and I think there is some waxing and oiling to on, I'm having faith - I think it will look amazing. Not as readily amazing as the originally desired orangey or even natural finishes, but I think it will become something special. Certainly unique! This end is pretty shiny: [url="http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Headstockandtuners_zps285da83d.jpg.html"][/url] I think we're just waiting for pups and (I think) the correct Luminlays (the last lot weren't) to arrive and sorting out the frets to finish. Heath is going for Jescar nickel frets to solve the tang issue, they will look silver and are made of a particularly hard nickel alloy, are very likely to last the lifetime of the bass. Getting nervous, bit like an approaching first date with someone being introduced by a friend!
  12. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1382137907' post='2248687'] ...Lloyd Cole (bitter and a bit sad) etc etc. Really pretty disappointing [/quote] Yes, he came across as rather hard work with quite a judgemental stare. Liked the guitar playing in his band, but I had to wonder how an act like this builds a fan base? Why would anyone think, 'Ooh, Lloyd Cole is playing at the Dominion, must go to all the effort and expense of getting tickets and getting my 'arris down there'? Wasn't bad or anything, just wonder how it happens.
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1382138369' post='2248693'] Fingernails down a blackboard time. Hideous. Andy you're right - there's a load of people around peddling this nonsense. Sing in your own voice, fer cryin' out loud. It's like listening to an impressionist. [/quote] While I quite enjoyed seeing the passion in the performance these are exactly the two points my lad made. Maybe I'm getting old.
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1382128779' post='2248557'] All my stingrays have arrived in the time it took to hand the cash over at the till [/quote] Haha, mine were always waiting for me for years before I even wanted them! What is the waiting time for a specially ordered Stingray? I thought 5-6 months.
  15. Little detail, the Luminiay luminous dots have arrived, it's a 50mm long rod (for near-on £20!) and Heath has to get 12 dots from this - 2mm deep only. Hope he's got a sharp knife! Talking of which I was given the choice of seeing the fret tangs on the top edge of the fingerboard or making the frets a tad shorter and filling the gap with like coloured filler. Along the top I thought, 'hmm, walnut colour filler so I can see the frets easily - Utility Bass'. But then I had a good old practice on my old bass this evening and the frets are easily seen without having to see the top of them, so like coloured wood (maple) it will be.
  16. [quote name='Nick Riffed' timestamp='1382126194' post='2248505'] I have seen bass players with amazing gear and not the slightest idea how to use it. I have seen bass players with relatively mediocre gear making it really work. Having the worlds best bass will not transform someone into the worlds best bass player. I can see it being a massive leap of faith to get someone to build you something wonderfully unique and special but not purely to say that so and so built this for me if it looks like every other J or P bass and sound fairly much the same too, especially if you have been charged an additional couple of grand for the priviledge. I think I would be a tad scared to take something rare, personal and unique to the sort of gigs I've played. If I would loose sleep if it was stolen, I won't gig it. If I couldn't take out my wonderful one off custom bass to show the to world, why would I bother getting one in the first place? I have never had a bass custom built or had to deal with a luthier but I have dealt with various types of tradesmen/craftsmen over the years. There seems to be very little mention of contracts of build schedules. Are you guys paying full whack up front? Are you putting up a deposit? What? I still have some doubts about whether a lot of these one offs aren't put together from bodies and necks that you can buy from various suppliers and slightly fettled with. You could be just forking out a load of dosh for someone to screw a neck on a body and bung some strings on it! If, like me, you tend to play pubs and clubs, when the punters are dancing on the tables I doubt the thought in their minds is how much your bass cost and who made it. [/quote] My custom Ruach is cheaper than a new Stingray, will arrive quicker and made of better quality materials and also made exactly how I want my bass to be. If it gets nicked, I'd have to order another, same as if a new MM got nicked.
  17. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1382050899' post='2247435'] The Luthier I worked for was working for well below minimum wage when he worked out the hours he'd put into an instrument vs the price he could charge for it.... [/quote] Which is why shops aren't involved. Same reason you can't buy BF cabs from a shop. Small businesses don't have the economies of scale to allow shops to take their cut and keep prices reasonable. My Ruach will be £13-1400, £7-800 of this is materials (including £60 just for the truss rod!) and there are several weeks of solid work involved. They are getting paid for the job, but this isn't massive income for them once you've also taken off workshop rent, tools purchase etc. They are at least as enthusiastic about the bass as me!
  18. Yes, I'll have to go through and redo the links. Oh well. didn't take as long as it could have! Also, I've received my colour samples, yes, a nice muddy green has been chosen! (Needed to be brave to finally commit to green I can tell you!)
  19. Bugger. I thought I'd be all good and tidy up the Photobucket thing onto an 'Album' and it appears the link has been lost. Just had a look at Photobucket and it doesn't offer the 'Default Album' as an option to move pics already in another album. Looks like I'll have to go through from scratch. Bugger.
  20. Oh, and did I mention, the fingerboard looks nice? After another coat and rub down. Can't wait to see this in the flesh, Heath described a deep gloss! [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/photo_zps954c7cd2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/photo_zps954c7cd2.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  21. Here's the unfinished neck. Can see the slight asymmetric profile, Heath's being conservative about this until I've had a play. Then finishing with oil and wax: [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/photo1_zps25e82128.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/photo1_zps25e82128.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Close up of the progress on the volute at the back: [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/photo2_zpsb43ec998.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/photo2_zpsb43ec998.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Further along the line with the neck/body join profile. [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/photo3_zps5b2b4a8b.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/photo3_zps5b2b4a8b.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  22. Didn't know there was a choice! Oh well, now I want silver ones, but only because I've got black! Got some neck carved pics, will put them up when I get the time (and on the right laptop!) Waiting for colour samples to arrive, Heath has mixed up a selection of greens for me with various amounts of muddiness and sent them by post - think he wants to make sure it's the right one!
  23. Gil Scott-Heron - I'm New Here. Quite dark in places!
  24. Work continues apace. Bridge routed in (even if one of the lock-downs is facing the wrong way!); [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Bridgerout_zpsba2fefbf.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Bridgerout_zpsba2fefbf.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Here's why these Hipshot bridges are a bit of a job. The string goes through a hollow, threaded shaft which pulls the whole thing tight into the body. Lots of different radii and depths to get this right. Can also see the controls cover so far. It's held on by powerful magnets to avoid using screws and needing a screwdriver to delve inside; [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Stringthrough_zps163ada1b.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Stringthrough_zps163ada1b.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Headstock looking sweet: [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Headstock_zps5a17ac36.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/Headstock_zps5a17ac36.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Neck with yet another coat and rub down; [URL=http://s1341.photobucket.com/user/4Strings1/media/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/fretboard_zps441657a9.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o760/4Strings1/Ruach%20Utility%20Bass/fretboard_zps441657a9.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Next will be carving the assymetric neck profile. It's going to be slim, basic measurements taken from my old 'Ray. Waiting for pups to arrive.
  25. Things have moved on, I remember feeling exactly the same when my youngest was on drums with his band when he was at school (give it a couple of secs to get going): http://youtu.be/3x-k2n5jtvE I'm regularly surprised with being proud of youngsters (and definitely not just my own!)
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