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4 Strings

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Everything posted by 4 Strings

  1. [quote name='cybertect' timestamp='1374961172' post='2155354'] As I'm new here, here's my '79 Sabre, which I've owned since 1994. I was after a 'Ray, but they were slightly out of my price range; I found this for sale at £800 in a shop on Denmark Street and fell in love. The salesman said they'd bought it from the bass playing brother of a fairly well known British jazz guitarist, but much to my embarrassment I've forgotten who it was. It's certainly not led a sheltered life, but it plays fine. I've not really felt the need to get a Stingray since [/quote] Why would you, this bass looks like it could tell some stories! Hope you're adding to the 'mojo'
  2. [quote name='cytania' timestamp='1374748375' post='2152668'] This is guitar collectors adding basses to their collections. No consideration made to playability or indeed bass history. It's ticking boxes, first Gibson electric bass, first Rickenbacker bass etc [/quote] +1 This is a list that we don't need to take seriously.
  3. All wear the cocktail dresses, rather like the Swedish bus drivers who wore skirts as they were told they couldn't wear shorts in the hot weather. Be sure to wear a pair of DMs to boot!
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1374684952' post='2151877'] If you're a covers band accepting money to entertain people, I'm afraid playing the 'artistic integrity' card isn't really an option... [/quote] Where's that 'like' button?!
  5. [url="http://www.diy.com/nav/fix/handtools-storage-workwear/protective-clothing-safety-equipment/ear-protection/ear_defenders/B-and-Q-Premium-Ear-Defenders-12217505?ecamp=SEAPLA12748211&ef_id=UfAymAAABHhtIEhq:20130724200128:s&noCookies=false"]http://www.diy.com/n...noCookies=false[/url] £12, great ear defenders, she can be oblivious to your noodling
  6. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1374617361' post='2151079'] [attachment=139696:facepalm.jpg] [/quote] Exactly
  7. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1374523439' post='2149739'] I don't see that their lifestyle has any particular relevance to the disturbance you're obviously causing them. They're not disturbing you are they? (well, apart from their complaints about your noise of course). [/quote] Yes, their tele is hindering our music
  8. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1374596066' post='2150698'] If you find a British builder that offers something you fall in love with , you are usually getting much more for your money with a British - made bass . , no doubt about that . [/quote] With some you can tell them what you'd love and they'll make it for you. Just done that with Ruach, £1320, will be ready at the end of August. I'm adding to the 'what I'd love' so it might go up a bit, but so far the price has gone down as the spiffing pieces of wood that were selected at my specification were a bit less than expected and the saving was passed on to me. It will be a less money than a brand new Stingray, for example, and will be a lot more for that money.
  9. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1374226851' post='2146576'] It's not really about the tele though is it? The point, surely, is that your neighbours should have the right not to have to hear [u]anything[/u] that you get up to if they don't want to. You're forcing them to hear stuff that they would rather not hear and therefore disturbing their peace. Not really fair is it? [/quote] The problem hasn't arisen as it's been managed as described, but that's the point, what you've said is obvious, what isn't so obvious is their tele is forcing issues in my household, and always seems to be used as the measure; 'well, I could hear it above the tele", as if that's the worst possible thing that could happen. (Other neighbours' comments are more along the lines, 'well we can sometimes hear it but it never goes on for long, how is getting on now?'
  10. There is a definite lesson here, that we should all be man enough to accept when we are next faced with a similar situation:- [b][i]"Guitarists generally talk out the back of their neck."[/i][/b] - especially with regard to bass playing and gear. The words pinch and salt come to mind.
  11. [quote name='RichF' timestamp='1374358433' post='2148101'] [/quote] Still looking for the 'Like' button! Would this be St Mark's?
  12. [quote name='oli@bass' timestamp='1374047600' post='2144499'] That's nice! A true classic! [/quote] Thanks, its going through a busy time, its slabness was out gigging again in the sun. Oh the neck....
  13. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1374178796' post='2146240'] We all bought fenders... didn't we? [/quote] Well, yes, but not any more.
  14. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1374173928' post='2146165'] Why? It's all noise, one isn't inherently better than the other. Some people like to play music, some people like to watch TV, and they're all a pain in the arse if they do it too loud. [/quote] It's not the noise from both, rather the assumption that the music has to stop because the all important tele may be disturbed. The tele, now indirectly disturbing the music.
  15. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1373807305' post='2141780'] This. I had new neighbours (live in a semi and its the attached house) move in at Easter. I went around and said I was a bassist and to let me know if the sound is a problem as I'd look at soundproofing. When I checked a few weeks back they said they only hear me occasionally but it doesn't bother them at all. However, I don't play on the weekends until after 10am and always finish playing by 8pm in the evenings. [/quote] Apart from being about next door's tele, its all about communication. My two sons play too, bass and drums, we are an amazingly noisy family. The wife dropped a note into all neighbours to say to let us know if there's any problem. We've also asked on many occasions to give them the opportunity but they have all been ok, except for next door in one direction. The drums were the problem, so my wife and I sat on our next door neighbour's couch with our hands between our knees and came to an agreement with them, 6.00pm cut off. This was fine, he was home from school well before that. When there's an agreement people know what to expect and when it will end. There have been a few moments, both in summer, when the windows have been left open mistakenly and the (justifiable in my opinion) wrath of the now angry neighbour was brought to bear but he gets over it and things back to normal once its stopped. We've had gymn mats, sheets of 1"ply, all sorts on the floor to try and cut down the noise, in the end they were happiest when he set up in the extension on the concrete floor. Although physically nearer the sound carried a lot less. We've learnt not to take the mickey and respect their tele habits and not to make a noise their side in the evenings. They have been amazingly tolerant otherwise. However, I still resent someone's tele holding sway over someone else's musical practice.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1374165572' post='2146036'] You could say the same thing about most of the basses I've listed as well. Nearly all the hardware (except for makers like Gus and Wal who make most of their own) is from the far east or the US. And what about the wood? How much of that is UK sourced? [/quote] For the Ruach I'm having made, I'm doing my best, British sycamore body, the maple for the neck came from Canada unfortunately, but at least there's a bit of an empire link! Pups, electronics, strings, frets will be made in UK, but I'm looking for the bridge and tuners.
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1374163607' post='2146003'] Just playing devils advoctae really but, where are the components made for Ashdown and where are they assembled? Barefaced I know are constructed here but where are the drivers made and where does the wood, grilles and coatings come from? [/quote] Inspiration, Sussex, drivers, the US, unfortunately. The amps are the hard part, unless you can cope with a monster hand-made valve amp.
  18. Is there any UK firm which makes hardware? I'm looking for tuners and individual bridges.
  19. Is there any UK firm which makes hardware? I'm looking for tuners and individual bridges.
  20. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1374153692' post='2145868'] [/quote] Which way up is this?
  21. Going through the list, Patrick Eggle are missing. Our guitarist uses one regularly, warmer tone than his Strat, its a very nicely made guitar. They do basses too. http://www.patrickeggleguitars.com/milan4bass.html
  22. Straightaway - I want one of these:
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1374105216' post='2145438'] By no means definitive, but fairly comprehensive: [url="http://www.13guitarco.com"]13 Guitar Co[/url] [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/"]ACG[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/alpherinstruments"]Alpher[/url] [url="http://www.mbwebs.co.uk/scrim/instruments.htm"]Andrew Scrimshaw[/url] [url="http://www.bravewoodguitars.co.uk"]Bravewood[/url] [url="http://www.brianeastwoodguitars.co.uk"]Brian Eastwood[/url] [url="http://www.burnsguitars.com"]Burns[/url] [url="http://www.cliftonbasses.co.uk"]Clifton[/url] [url="http://crimsonguitars.com"]Crimson[/url] [url="http://www.eccleshallguitars.co.uk/index.html"]Eccleshall[/url] [url="http://www.enfieldguitars.com"]Enfield[/url] [url="http://www.eversonguitars.com"]Everson[/url] [url="http://www.fret-king.com/intro.htm"]Fret-King[/url] [url="http://www.gbguitars.co.uk"]GB[/url] [url="http://www.gedgreen.co.uk"]Ged Green[/url] [url="http://www.gordonsmithguitars.com"]Gordon Smith[/url] [url="http://www.gusguitars.com"]Gus[/url] [url="http://www.purple-chili.com/iceni-zoot/#"]Iceni-Zoot[/url] [url="http://jaydeecustomguitars.co.uk"]Jaydee[/url] [url="http://www.jchamiltonguitars.com"]J C Hamilton[/url] [url="http://www.johnbirchguitars.com/John_Birch_Guitars/Home.html"]John Birch[/url] [url="http://www.kinkadeguitars.co.uk/acoustic-bass"]Kinkade[/url] [url="http://www.legraguitars.co.uk/index.htm"]Legra[/url] [url="http://www.lettsbasses.co.uk/root/jlettsbassesmain.html"]Letts Basses[/url] [url="http://www.mansonguitarworks.com"]Manson[/url] [url="http://overwaterbasses.com"]Overwater[/url] [url="http://www.rimcustomguitars.com"]Rim[/url] [url="http://www.freewebs.com/rpbasses/"]R P Basses[/url] [url="http://www.ruachbassguitars.co.uk"]Ruach[/url] [url="http://www.seibass.com"]Sei[/url] [url="http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk"]Shuker[/url] [url="http://www.siggeryguitars.co.uk/index.html"]Siggery[/url] [url="http://www.simonleeguitars.com"]Simon Lee[/url] [url="http://www.squareoneguitars.com"]Square One[/url] [url="http://www.staccato-art.co.uk/HOME_FRAME.htm"]Staccato[/url] [url="http://www.status-graphite.com"]Status[/url] [url="http://www.walbasses.co.uk"]Wal[/url] [url="http://www.wilkesguitars.co.uk/index.htm"]Wilkes[/url] [/quote] Wow, impressive list, didn't know there were so many, and impressive work to make it! Going to have some fun giving them all a visit.
  24. Jaydee Ruach
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