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4 Strings

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Everything posted by 4 Strings

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1372854302' post='2130698'] No me obviously, but i do think Sam has the potential to do a good job when he gets older. He can already do a very nice "rock" ending. glad he is in to this and not bloody drums ;-) [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/davebass5/8582384739/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/davebass5/8582384739/"]Bass pose[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/davebass5/"]Dave Pearce (London)[/url], on Flickr [/quote] Lynott Jnr - The Boy is Back In Town!
  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1372840368' post='2130457'] ALRIGHT NOW soooo many people play what they think they remember [/quote] +1 - or think they can play it at all. This is a very classy bass track I have NEVER seen it played properly.
  3. Not much to update, the next real step will be sketching out body and head designs, wasn't able to do that last w/e (my fault), will try again this Sat. I asked Rubner if they could modify their tuners with a Fender style slot and core drill to the string post. "Of course' they replied, '€20 for the set, did I need any special dimensions or profiles'. Wow, very tempting, I love their 'French' style where the windy bit is separate to the gear/post bit (and so is extra work for the poor luthier to line it all up perfectly). Trouble is I use Hipshot de-tuner, and actually have one to use with a MM pattern. Hmm. Do I keep my detuner option (thus making my 'Utility Bass' even more useful) or go for beauty (not really the point of a Utility Bass)? [attachment=138172:Rubner French.jpg] I suppose I could ask if they could make de-tuner, but I wonder that the money would be better spent elsewhere. Or I could select, from their wide range, a design that looks pretty much like the Hipshot MM detuner and just have one slightly odd. They come in sets of 4, so if I didn't need the detuner I'd have a nice, full set.
  4. I Want You Back', especially that middle bit.
  5. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1372794034' post='2130164'] I was there, and as i said much earlier in this thread it was great. [/quote] I wasn't, but thought the same
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372772285' post='2129717'] No. Go to BigHandDisdainMMGit.com. [/quote] I did and I got this picture: [attachment=138127:bighand.jpg]
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372771048' post='2129690'] Me too, let's start a forum. FatBlokeFender4Chat.com. [/quote] Huh, I don't play a Fender. Can I just lurk with a MM?
  8. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1372635300' post='2128053'] Welcome into the fold, Brother. [/quote] +1, he's a master. Not the best clip of him but utterly compelling nonetheless, thanks. (Did that incarnation of the Bass of Doom have an ebony fingerboard?
  9. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1372710810' post='2129061'] Bedroom / kitchen practice stack... I DI 'usually' (ha, gigged twice in my life ) local second hand shops, 2 guitar practice amps for 15 quid each, with a behringer ultra g 4x12 emulator box up front and a bunch of pedals! I kinda like it! [/quote] I love the idea of a female bass player having a 'kitchen' rig!
  10. This bass has now gone. Such a bargain - I was almost tempted myself!
  11. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1372631818' post='2128012'] I must admit NC is a miserable bastard, however is also a genius and at certain times in my life I've been quite drawn to his music. [/quote] He's also used Norman W-R on occasion, any friend of Norman....!
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1372629285' post='2127974'] Spot-on to my way of thinking, guys. [/quote] Me too. Mumfords on at the moment, not a great fan at all but there are wooden musical instruments being played and imperfect vocal harmonies happening before me. I'm enjoying it very much.
  13. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1372531047' post='2126952'] I always put a strip of tape round my leads to make sure I can identify them at the end of the night after a few. Have done it to other items too [/quote] Nothing wrong with this, my main band has red tie-wraps around everything. Easy to take off if you really wanted to nick stuff but helps to identify our gear. Has been useful on occasion.
  14. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1372546376' post='2127154'] Just got into his stride for the encore - loved his tone on Satisfaction! [/quote] I'm not a big Stones fan but I've always loved Keef's tone since I heard Get Yer Ya Yas Out when I was much younger.
  15. I enjoyed that!
  16. Don't underrate Keef as a player, he's been doing it long enough and knows a bit. Charlie's good tonight...... >didn't mean to sound aggressive there!<
  17. [attachment=137964:Keef.jpg]
  18. That was Mick Taylor? Keef is famous for using 5 string guitars. Anyone know why? I'm loving it. Seem to have lost some of the groove of earlier incarnations but considering what's been going round in their veins for so many years I think they're amazing.
  19. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1372518382' post='2126721'] spot on - my thoughts entirely - but people like to be different, express their individuality so chose other basses - bit like Jeremy Clarkson says about cars, if everyone just acted logically, we would all drive VW Golfs (the car equivalent of the Fender Precision) I always like Leo's other creations [/quote] Comparing to cars, I've regarded Precisions more like London Taxis (or, if you want to remain Stateside, the Checker cabs). Utilitarian, hardwearing, fairly timeless and iconic, adequate performance.
  20. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1372518184' post='2126720'] Given his background as a radio repairman, it's a minor miracle that Mr Fender conceived the basis for a pair of specialist instruments for which time and variety has produced no competitor of any significant volume. Agreed, Paul Tutmarc remains the unlauded inventor of the electric bass, certain details might have been better executed and the headstock design may have been nicked from Paul Bigsby. It's equally true that many people were involved in bringing the products to market. This does not detract from the general 'rightness' of the designs and execution, even allowing for cumulative improvements by Fender themselves and by others. We tend to see P's and J's just as themselves, uninfluenced by anything before or since. Some of us may detect a fifties styling. The truth is that both embody the precept of form following function, delivered through engineering rather than classic luthiery. Were there a better way of doing it, P's and J's would be forgotten by history and we'd most all of us be playing something radically different. One may add that Mr Fender's innovative approach to manufacture provided the means to lower the price point and open up the market to many more people than could have aspired to traditionally constructed instruments. Thing is, the story of Fender is the story of three successive companies. It's easy to forget that - only about 30 years ago - Fender was regarded as a dead duck by its owners CBS and sold for what history would regard as a negligible price. For Fender's current pre-eminence, credit should go to the late Mr Bill Schulz and his colleagues for a stunningly successful long-haul turnaround. The reasons P's and J's are still pretty much at the top of the marketplace are Leo's design and Schulz's gameplan. [/quote] What's the gameplan? Regarding price point, they have been considered to be priced highly, more so in days past than now, especially considering the quality of Fenders and their 'copies'.
  21. So, all the experiences are accidental damage (even is alcohol induced) rather than theft. I've never had any of my gear nicked at gigs in over 30 years of playing and I'm not one to be obsessively keeping things in cases and in view. I know it's happened, our drummer had someone swap drums in cases, he merrily took his cases home only to find a different kit in them! Must be a rare occurrence though, always seem to have friendly people showing interest in gear at gigs. (Had a cab and an amp nicked on separate occasions from locked buildings!)
  22. More trade offers, I needs the cash I'm afraid. Seems like the housing market with everyone just shifting along one but needing to sell their own first. Still a bargain for an immaculate bass!
  23. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1372500827' post='2126449'] I didn't get this at all. Unknown bass player plays vaguely similar riffs on four variants of a P-bass. Each has a different set-up (note the silly-low action on the '51 RI), different strings (particularly the 5-year-old Rotos on the '74), and obviously different pickups. Where was the informative comparison? What did this video tell me? [/quote] What if he was well known?
  24. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1372494316' post='2126341'] Not really that different... Most of the bands that we get to play with are playing music that has its roots in rock n roll and the blues. The biker rally was essentially 70s influenced rock bands so you would have expected to see some Fenders present. Maybe all the bands that played in the afternoon who I didn't get to see were using them! For the bands that the Terrortones share the bill with (not counting the hardcore Psychobillies who are strictly double bass users) on the whole Fender basses are no more prevalent than any other make. [/quote] I agree. I would have to suggest that, from my very limited experience, those who play at home with loop pedals generally have basses other than Fender.
  25. [quote name='clashcityrocker' timestamp='1372489057' post='2126284'] I've just sold a fender jazz to buy my Warwick. The Warwick is awesome but I'm already finding myself looking for a natural/maple jazz....that's what fender does for me,always need one floating about its a curse.help me [/quote] I'll sell you one. (ok it's sunburst!)
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