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4 Strings

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Everything posted by 4 Strings

  1. Everything here is good advice and true. Yes, you won't be wasting your tim if you discuss with Alex. Yes, these cabs are best driven by an amp with plenty of juice. Yours should be ok, discuss with Alex. You'll find the sound and output levels of these cabs at least equal to the best in the world. Their size and weight, or at lack of it, is life changing. Cannot recommend highly enough, if you have the dough, they're worth it. I have a Compact and Midget T, for me they are unbelievable. To find what's best for you, discuss with Alex.
  2. Jaydee were at their most influential, these are fabulously made, sound of the period and are remarkable value.
  3. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1356881408' post='1914640'] Why? Cos it looks good?!! [/quote] I think its more giving it the modified look, as if the white pup has been installed in place of the original due to it happening to create magical combination with this particular guitar.
  4. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1356648528' post='1912121'] Alarmingly, he 'bought' this for £71.00: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Precision-Jazz-Bass-PJ-Style-Electric-Bass-/181026754614?nma=true&si=iuKej0XsFvNcPX638edWnImIdlM%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=p2047675.l2557[/url] ...did his business on it and has it up for sale for £198.00 here: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/J-Bass-a-dual-tone-pickup-type-J-bass-in-metalic-blue-/190775365513?"]http://www.ebay.co.u...-/190775365513?[/url] The guy has more front than Brighton. And I should know. I've thrown up on it. P [/quote] Having something up for sale and selling something are two different things. This is also for sale, cheaper and far more likely to be selling: http://www.dv247.com/guitars/squier-jazz-bass-guitar-black-rosewood--40732
  5. [quote name='SlapbassSteve' timestamp='1356356989' post='1909453'] '[color=#333333][font=Arial, sans-serif, Verdana][size=3][i]It is as good as straight out the box from a shop' [/i][/size][/font][/color] Whatever. Also amazed our 'pro guitar fixer' hero doesn't know the difference between a P- and J- bass too come to think of it- that has to be an easter egg put in for our benefit surely..? [/quote] Amazes me that you could get a brand new bass, straight out the box from a shop for this sort of money that is original and works ok anyway.
  6. Seems to be a theme forming, MM to GB to BF. Anyone else with this chain?
  7. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1356306079' post='1909123'] Here's his new opus, apart from a misplaced comma, nothing too controversial save some mis-matched, pickups! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/J-Bass-a-dual-tone-pickup-type-J-bass-in-metalic-blue-/190760060877?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c6a2f87cd"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/J-Bass-a-dual-tone-pickup-type-J-bass-in-metalic-blue-/190760060877?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2c6a2f87cd[/url] [/quote] Don't forget the goodwill!
  8. 4 Strings

    Guild B302

    [quote name='Roc' timestamp='1356194482' post='1907831'] Well, I'm definitely going to sell this. Any interest before Evil bay? [/quote] Try putting it in the Basses For Sale section
  9. [quote name='Shabbs' timestamp='1355844881' post='1903562'] Looking for a simple / basic pedal to scroll through the presets, when I search for midi compatable pedal I'm swamped with everything from £40 - £400. [/quote] May be a naive answer but sounds like those nearer £40 end would suffice.
  10. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1356138660' post='1907435'] ......[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] and they vanish into the anals of history."[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Genius.[/font][/color] [/quote] hee hee hee
  11. Oh, no, not another one, you don't use a Musicman as well do you?
  12. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1356125741' post='1907300'] ah yes, i see [/quote] But what happened to those guitars if they were not actually sold? Unless they're wrapped under the tree!
  13. Motown and soul: Bass 100% middle10-20% (subject to boost to detent if required) treble 0%, amp flat. Slap, wind on the treble. I'm using Newton Platinums at the moment, not zingy but plenty of life for my purposes with the treble off.
  14. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1356116872' post='1907172'] i see that ebay user `pelevincat` has spent £1184 with him since July on a stag vee, squire strat, a `telestrat`?? , a telestrat custom? , rg style gould , a purple rg style gould and a paul style gould!...........theres an odour of kippers here [/quote] See post no.87
  15. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1355963887' post='1905206'] The mid range control can help you out in some mixes, particularly if you don't want to play too hard - so basically the 3 EQ has a little more versatility. The 2 band has more bass and treble boost (IMO), however when dimed, you do lose mid range in the sound - the mid range comes back as you back off the tone controls. [/quote] This is about my experience too. I have a '79 Pre-EB 'Ray and a 3 EQ EBMM Stingray. Both are fab basses. Both have a slap 'switch' in that just whack up the treble control and slap away to an inspiring sound. I would say the Pre-EB has more depth available and also higher frequency but I find the mid control on the 3EQ bass very useful for getting rid of a bit of boom and boosting your place in the mix. Has quite a swing on it, too much of a tweak and you'll need to turn the volume down a bit. Bass up 100% on both all the time. The 3EQ is not the 2EQ with an additional mid control, the voicing is definitely different, but as has been mentioned, both sound like Stingrays. Be sure to buy one though, you will be disappointed with neither.
  16. Been there, done that, horrible isn't it. Not helping! I wonder if he has family, and if he does whether they will be getting themed Christmas presents.
  17. In changing this popular music world (as opposed to classical) I would suggest, in no particular order: [list] [*]Laurens Hammond (fab organs) [*]Jim Marshall (Big loud amps) [*]Thomas Edison (records) [*]James How (round wound bass strings) [*]George Martin (playing about with recording techniques) [*]Pete Townshend (loud, distortion and feedback pioneering with guitars) [*]Adolph Hitler (development of magnetic tape) [*]Ross Snyder (multi-track tape recording) [/list]
  18. I'm beginning to feel sorry now. He's got around 20 guitars on ebay and they don't seem to be shifting. If he spent £100 on the bits and original guitar he's got around £2000 sitting around in the form of something no-one wants. Might start to think, 'maybe I'll have another go at the active bass to make it work properly and put the all the knobs back' but that will involve more expenditure without allowing him to raise the price. Hope this was spare money. Keeping me awake.
  19. If makers start putting on adjustable nuts one of the main improvements by our old friend MD Phillips will be lost.
  20. For what its worth, I described this mod to Jeff Genz and got the following: [i]"Hello Greg,[/i] [i]Your experiment sounds like it is a true winner for your needs.[/i] [i]The ability to modify to tonal characteristics of the Streamliner by swapping tubes is part of the beauty of this design.[/i] [i]I think your choice of a 12AT7 in V1 makes perfect sense.[/i] [i]Thank you for commenting and we appreciate you continued to play GB.[/i] [i]Regards,[/i] [i]Jeff"[/i]
  21. Another satisfied customer! I hope the worldwide valve market is prepared for the new demand for ECC81/12AT7s! (Another Barefaced user too, is a Streamliner and a BF cab the perfect combination?)
  22. [quote name='DaveFry' timestamp='1355917537' post='1904358'] Just a little nit-pick about " Superstition " and guitar solos ; Stevie Wonder was a child star . All his earnings were held in trust until he was 21 , which also was the time his contract with Motown expired . On reaching that age he declined to renew the contract and finding himself comfortably well off decided to block-book the most advanced studio of the day , Electric Ladyland ( Hendrix's old studio ). Down the corridor in the next studio was Jeff Beck . They used to contribute to each other's albums . One day Stevie wanted to thank Jeff for a guitar track and asked him if he could give him something in return . Jeff replied " Well, I really liked that track you were working on when I arrived ( that day ) " . Stevie said " I can't give you that one , but come back tomorrow and I'll have something for you . ". The next day Stevie gave Jeff " Superstition " . He had written it overnight with guitar in mind . The Jeff Beck Group recorded and released it . Stevie liked the " original " so much that he recorded his "own" version later . - Sorry for the OT . Back to Arseholes in pubs ........ [/quote] Which one was the hit?
  23. Overkill in a pub. (before I learnt just the littl'un would be enough) [attachment=125509:2012-11-24 20.32.25.jpg]
  24. Got a battery box in the back, so def active. The description is just generic and should have included details about this bass, even to say it's now active and should describe the preamp (maybe lucky and its an East), you'd expect that even from an ebay ad. Shouldn't the neck bolt plate have an 'f'? For that sort of money from a retailer I'm sure you'd be within your rights to check any stamps in the neck pocket and neck end. Just can't read the serial no. Does it check out? No reason why any of this should mean a bad bass, it'll be a different sound from the electronics to standard (maybe a good thing?) and, unless the neck has problems - often up the dusty end Fender necks get a little bump around the area of attachment.
  25. I think it was only Everybody Dance in which 'Nard did the 'chucking' (not heard it called that before), you see him just using fingerstyle on everything else. The playing on the intro, especially, of that song is amazing.
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