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4 Strings

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Everything posted by 4 Strings

  1. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1346840474' post='1793810'] (I don't do this for a living and no-one is waiting for my next Opus to appear!!). [/quote] You have another? Can't wait!
  2. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1346834172' post='1793688'] As far as I'm concerned there's no better buzz than leaving the stage ( ususally thinking thank f#ck that's over,my self confidence levels are not high) with people telling me " Your tunes are great" and "your sociopolitical stance has made me question the way I live my life". [/quote] Undoubtedly. But there's also a buzz in having a whale of a time playing some great songs (made famous by someone else, most likely way more talented) with your mates and giving an audience a great time in having a dance and singalong with songs they love and would prefer to hear/see played live than by a dj, an getting paid for it to boot. That doesn't mean no-one wants to ever question the way they live as a result of the sociopolitical stance of a band, but not tonight, this event is purely to have a good time.
  3. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1346833363' post='1793675'] I'm going to write a tribute novel.... 'In a hole in the ground there lived a Boggit. Not a rotton, muddy, wet hole full of the ends of caterpillars and a mouldy smell, nor yet a arid, empty, dusty hole with nothing in it to lie down on or to drink: This was a Boggit hole and that means luxury. It had a square door like a cupboard, painted yellow, with a shiny, green copper knob on the side. THe door opened onto a wide, long hallway with half-panelled walls and floorboards provided with sturdy chairs and one peg for the Boggit's hat and coat - the Boggit hated visitors'. You wouldn't would you? [/quote] Been done, not necessarily that subject (although probably has).
  4. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1346772405' post='1792997'] Welsh Methodist in the 1970s and the annual family wedding since then. 'Mmmmm nnn ggggth emmmm ggu mmmunnnner' [/quote] I see your point, maybe get out to more? I remember a wedding in a church when no-one sang and the organist was clearly drunk. Sounds funny, but wasn't. Apart from that one miserable affair almost all churches and weddings I go to, singing and dancing is difficult to stop. Maybe if there was an unknown originals band playing there would be none. I do have a bit of a problem with solo tributes. Elvis mainly. If you don't like Elvis you won't go. If you really love Elvis you won't want someone murdering the King's songs and so won't go. Although I'm in the former camp I find it a lose/lose situation. Yes, an Elvis impersonator at a wedding, now I see where you're coming from!
  5. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1346771597' post='1792978'] My wife and I told the band at my wedding, 'don't play anything they can dance to'. And they didn't. And when people came up and asked 'can you play something we can dance to?', they said 'No'. I had a great time I find dancing at weddings to be a bit like singing in church; 98% of the people there doin't want to do it and only do it because they are forced to by threats or coercion. [/quote] Depends which weddings and which churches you've been to. My experience to both has been 98% the other way. (I'm in the 2% btw as I can neither sing nor dance.)
  6. Depends what you're out for. If you want a boogie and laugh with friends then covers, Motown etc is a great background and way more fun if by a (half decent) live band. If you want to gasp at musicianship this is not the place to be, get down the jazz club. If you want to see some imagination, creativity and maybe even something new, then you'll be wanting to see an originals band. They're probably not much fun if you just want a boogie though. Most people love to see live music, something I hope to always encourage and prefer them to be played by a live band than by a dj. Hence a quite big market for covers bands. I enjoy them all.
  7. Two people I know have made the trip to Denmark Street in the past two days just to wander, noodle, gasp at prices. I'm pleased it still has the attraction. I would imagine the shop assistants have to deal (or otherwise) with non-buying bowsers more than anywhere else, risking the finish on their stock each time someone fancies a go. I'm not at all surprised they are the way they are sometimes. One had such a good time he bought himself some leads!
  8. Perhaps 'Tribute' needs to be defined. If you wear the same gear, look and act like the band members and play/sing as accurately close as can be, is this a tribute? Or is a tribute band one who plays covers from just one source? Here's mine, we have great fun, earn some pin money, would say we're a Motown band (we do others too) but are often billed as a tribute. Is this a tribute band? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pke5s35Ado4&feature=share&list=ULPke5s35Ado4
  9. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1345742941' post='1781179'] I'ts pretty subtle; Chuck has his own slap style that he was developing around this time, supposedly completly independant of Larry Grahams influence.Try listening around the 1:00 mark ( he's slapping only , as opposed to slapping and popping ) . I know it's hard to make out , partially because his part combines rhythmically with the drums and also because he is using flatwound strings . But to me, it sounds as if Chuck is slapping a bit. [/quote] Have a listen to the first few bass notes on You're all I Need too. Pretty slappy.
  10. Whether you actually like them or not they really know what they're doing.
  11. [quote name='paulconnolly' timestamp='1346349888' post='1788223'] Yesterday it was Francis Dunnery's Man. Very mellow Today it's been King Crimson live at the Marquee 1971 and Nomeansno's Wrong [/quote] Bought the Hometown cd in a gig in someone's front room. Top guy, top player. Only did a couple of It Bites songs though!
  12. These lads http://youtu.be/UQZUizsC1tY but then I would....
  13. Thinking of You, Sister Sledge, our hero 'Nard playing. I can do the notes, if I get half way to hid groove and feel I'll be very pleased.
  14. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1346052535' post='1784393'] SunnO))) live: Turn it up as loud as possible! And some Stephen O'Malley [/quote] Wow, live and learn, never seen/heard anything like this before for over an hour. Drop 'B'?
  15. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1346240479' post='1786824'] I have the Studiospares equivalent and would never be without it. It kind of focuses the sound to come straight out of the cab and totally cured stage boom I was experiencing in a couple of situations. [/quote] These are £25 and so less of a risk?
  16. Would this work (for a small size cab, like a Midget)? http://www.studiospares.com/acoustic-tiles/universal-acoustics-jupiter-wedge-flat-300mm-burgundy/invt/466140/?htxt=%2FUvRjc0xAaKk26JwgsxcsV6E2gjpK53ITJCPcypNRrR6jhjYX3SDlEUFWaOdTpLU0xVcTayKYYOc%0Aw4t9gBa9qg%3D%3D
  17. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1339744824' post='1693513'] While I'm sure such foam pads can have an effect on the sound, I'd expect the actual effect to vary a lot depending on the weight of the cab/stack because this would affect the amount of compression of the foam and affect the way in which the foam absorbs the vibration, i.e. would change the 'frequency response' of the foam pad in terms of which frequencies are absorbed and by how much. [/quote] Perhaps with prolonged vibration the foam molecules align and you g[quote name='jcater' timestamp='1345540515' post='1778521'] £50 spare so decided to order one. Did try just with some foam underneath the cabs and found this to be a big improvement in places where the bass used to boom. No idea if this is going to be a good buy, but having read all the reviews / comments thought it was time to give it a go. [/quote][quote name='jcater' timestamp='1345540515' post='1778521'] £50 spare so decided to order one. Did try just with some foam underneath the cabs and found this to be a big improvement in places where the bass used to boom. No idea if this is going to be a good buy, but having read all the reviews / comments thought it was time to give it a go. [/quote] What did you find?
  18. .....too late. I would have said 'Maple'!
  19. Its called fuse discrimination. [attachment=116673:Fuse discrimination.jpg] The 30A fuse or breaker on your circuit board has to pass a lot more current without blowing than the plug on your amp. Also you'll need to run a short circuit through it a lot longer than through the fuse in your plug for it to blow. This is a good thing. You'll want it blowing as soon as poss though, hence the 'local' fuse.
  20. [quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1344013614' post='1758798'] Beauty! But isn't the main reason for buying a vintage instrument that it has been broken in, wood has settled etc? That said, this must be miles better than a Classic. What a looker! [/quote] Only if you believe that makes any difference to an electric instrument. If the new owner is like me and would be frightened of touching it, let alone actually using it and 'breaking it in' I wonder that it will remain in this condition for the rest of time. Say, richardd, are you suggesting it may be a refin? A frighteningly desirable bass.
  21. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1345740031' post='1781145'] legend has it that the EU wanted to move towards a standard design for plugs. They did a study and it turned out that our UK ones were the safest by quite a long way. The french were not pleased and the idea of a play standard based on the safest option got dropped.... might be just legend! [/quote] Don't have to look too hard to see the UK plugs and sockets are better than Euro and US designs. French probably objected due to the cost of changing, no idea how you'd start to calculate that.
  22. [quote name='Wolverinebass' timestamp='1344961803' post='1771693'] I saw them in 2000 and I'll never see a better gig. Ever. Every time I've seen them on TV with Pino playing I want to be sick. Whilst he's great at what he does in the fretless/fusion type playing style, plus his extensive career as a session musician, he just isn't right for the Who. It's ironic in that one of his biggest ever gigs is arguably his biggest turkey or fish out of water scenario. His tone has virtually no treble cut in it at all and his disciplined approach is on a par with how different Kenney Jones and Keith Moon were stylistically. Such is the parallels in my viewpoint of this (in my opinion at least) erroneous replacement. Both Palladino and Jones are good or even great players in their own right, but for The Who, they just didn't/don't work. Just as truthfully you can say that Entwistle and Moon's style doesn't work with other people as well. Fair's fair. As with Jones' eventual sacking/non-invitation back post 1988, I hope they come to their senses and give Pino the boot and get someone who actually plays something like Entwistle. I am presently awaiting a call back from Pete Townshend..... [/quote] As a Who fan I'd go along with most of this. I still love to see them, just not the same without John. Now Zak, to me, is a more than suitable replacement for Keith, he plays off Pete as well, is as mobile round the kit and is exciting to hear and watch. I agree a more suitable replacement for John than Pino must be somewhere. Hope you get the call, Wolverine!
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1345748114' post='1781262'] I have had to make up a few Speakon to jack leads so i can use my heads with other peoples cabs either at gigs where we are sharing or at various rehearsal places, also the cable can be reversed so my Genz cabs can be used with someone else's head if it's me lending the cab or if my head went tits up! [/quote] The earlier Speakon sockets in amps had a jack socket in the middle of them so you could use either. Just seem to be Speakon only nowadays.
  24. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1345734849' post='1781058'] It's quoted as several players because it's on a greatest hits compilation. The new tracks included on the compilation , including the one in question, were all played by on by Rainey. [/quote] Odd that a greatest hits lp had some tracks especially made for it. Glad they did.
  25. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1345732866' post='1781031'] Ron Carter? New one on me [/quote] Ok, just looked him up. Thanks for that, seems like we all should know about him! Maybe if I was a bit more of a jazzer. Just going to do some listening!
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