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4 Strings

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Everything posted by 4 Strings

  1. Ron Carter? New one on me Btw, regarding Carol Kaye, have a look here, scroll down to where 'Bernadette' is in blue and go up 3-4 lines. http://www.carolkaye.com/www/library/basshits.htm This refers to the Diana Ross version here. http://youtu.be/Qj0wQB9_tBY I can go along with this. Its good bass playing, of course, but I think with all due respect to Carol (and plenty is due) this is an example of why she's famous for paying bass on so many tracks rather than for her inspirational playing. Its pretty clearly a written line, virtually identical to Jamerson's (apart from the dreadful intro and the slower tempo sapping some life) but without the colour. The mono-tonic rhythm is more precise and repeated and there is little flourish. Jamerson was able to (and did) do those without sounding too busy or flash and had floods of feel. There's a Dionne Warwick version too, I'd let Kaye have that one too if she wants.
  2. Jerry Jermott' playing at Fillmore doesn't sound like the studio track, which I would have guessed it would if he'd played on the recording. I'm staying with Rainey (or Kaye!) The Fillmore one seems to get slower! As for the original, apart from having a bit of a soft spot for Tammi Terrell, I have to say the other JJ is an expert at this isn't he?
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1345723036' post='1780841'] It wasn't Carol Kaye either. [/quote] Are you sure?
  4. Chuck would make sense, thanks, especially that sort slappy bit right at the beginning. Where do you find out from google? Def not JJ, the Tammi Terrell/Marvin Gaye version def is JJ (also superb bass playing, a classic!). It seems to me like a semi-written bass part, ie some sections are required to follow other instruments and repeats etc whereas others the bass player is allowed to vamp and the bass player hasn't been able to develop it much but, from his experience and ability, interprets the music with panache. One day, I'll get there. One day.
  5. Buy this, someone, just buy it even if you're half interested, how can £800 for a quality handmade bass in that condition be anything less than a bargain? They have the fastest neck you'll find too.
  6. So, in conclusion; technically they are equal (ie both are parallel) and will make no difference to amp or speaker which way you connect. However, 2 separate leads give the marginal bonuses of security during a single lead failure, and fewer connections for the signal to pass to the second cab. Perhaps some modern micro amps are saving space with one output, or saving pennies. Your Trace gave both, just used different sockets for each. For the OP's amp, just get a speaker lead with XLRs and one with jacks and you can run separate leads. Can tie wrap them together so everyone knows they aren't mic leads etc. Note to Stu, presumably the additional XLR on the back of your Hiwatt is not passing the speaker signal as taking that to any sound desk will melt it. (One reason for using different plug/sockets for different purposes). I think the XLRs were popular then as pas were becoming big, 'professional' things and used XLRs, jacks were for small 'amateur gear'. Alembic and Jaydee even put them on their basses. When did we stop calling XLRs 'Cannons'?
  7. New valves aren't expensive, just give it a try. Surprised though, they normally last the lifetime of the amp. In the UK its a valve, a toob in the US. Had to release my irritating, apostrophe spotting there.
  8. ebay, useful 2m long, £1.97 inc p&p. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2M-UK-Mains-Power-Cable-Kettle-Lead-Standard-PC-TFT-IEC-/180373184623?pt=UK_Computing_CablesConnectors_RL&hash=item29ff14606f&_uhb=1#ht_1533wt_1042 Buy a spare and still have change from a fiver. Why make things complicated?
  9. Streamliner. Shame it isn't made in the UK otherwise I could recommend it without inhibitions.
  10. Can only congratulate you on your choice (and wherewithal, thems don't come cheap!) Streamliner 900 and Midget T/Compact combination here. Can't see how things can be better.
  11. I have the pleasure of studying this track as a cover, apart from the hair prickling singing and the lovely string parts, the bass playing is outstanding but I don't know who played. Any ideas anyone?
  12. Romford in sunny Essex.
  13. [quote name='Castagné' timestamp='1345579163' post='1779138'] I guess, no I'm sure you can hear the "original" pre EB Stingray bass sound here ( in L JOHNSON's hands ) : [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_KHpDWXV1A[/media] and here the pre EB Sabre's sound ( at 9:26 and on...) [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJqzRXVOLs0[/media] [/quote] Thanks for these, I can hear the 'Ray in the first clip, the Sabre sounds a bit too clanky to be 'typical' to me. Good playing though.
  14. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1345562138' post='1778879'] Thanks for putting these tracks up Paul. I have just been listening to them and am really impressed not just with the bass sound but with the music overall. It sounds to me as if youir band has got a very strong 70s classic rock vibe ( no bad thing in my book, I hasten to add!). That first track Justify really reminds me of Whos Next- era Who, Some other tracks put me in mind of Argent, some other bits have a touch of Mott The Hoople. All right up my street, and a really refreshing range of influences for a band in the current musical climate. I would be very interested to know what kind of ages you and the other guys in the band are . [/quote] I'd go along with these comments. Have a look at the photos for ages
  15. Sorry, been away, yep, still here. Come and give it a try.
  16. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1345504086' post='1778396'] Something worth considering is that when you hear the lemon song it is JPJ playing with complete freedom of thought and expression as Zep were there own bosses so to speak. With Jamerson, all those basslines we adore and love were created within a more restrictive environment; the 'hit factory'. It was his day job. The funk brothers were pretty much told what they would be playing (arrangement wise) and of course they got their freak on within that set up but they weren't calling the creative shots really. jamerson famously would not allow the motown stuff to be played at home complaining that he had to spend all day at work listening to that Sh*t. Jamerson was a jazz cat at heart and would play exactly that during his down time. I guess what I'm trying to get at in a long winded way is that Jamerson has blown us all away with his talent and yet we may never have actually heard him really being himself, creating what HE really wanted to... I also agree that music is not a competition by the way. Both these guys are killer talents. [/quote] Yep, big JJ fan here but I agree. Shame there's no recordings of him playing jazz. Or is there.....?
  17. Not sure the playing is Jamersonesque as much as the sound is. Both sound and playing are very good.
  18. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1345339133' post='1776496'] I too would like to hear/see more about this 76 Ray - I only played a 76 once before - seemed more mellow sounding than any other Ray that I've played. [/quote] Original strings? (I'd love a go myself!)
  19. I have to say that the short comings of jack plugs and seeing how silly people look if their jack comes out means that I habitually put the lead through the strap and also wrap it around something on the amp end too (handle etc). Also prevents the plug getting yanked downwards if I tread on my lead.
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1344161527' post='1760457'] Leave the pickups. See how the J-Retro works with your own first. [/quote] Absolutely, why would you change your pickups without knowing if you like them or not? Also the pre-ap is very powerful and sounds great (I have one with Dimarzios - came with the bass) but one of the downsides some would opine is that putting a preamp on loses some of the character of the pups. I've not played enough examples to judge but I can see the point. A small adjustment on any of the controls will make a bigger difference than changing pups.
  21. Sure its not Mr OBBM drumming up more work?
  22. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1343826572' post='1755835'] £259 in 1972 is equiv of nearly £3000 in current money and people reckon they are overpriced now! [/quote] All things are relative, all guitars are generally cheaper nowadays.
  23. Or better still, rubber feet. In fact, why not screw some in yourself?
  24. I bought this stand for no money, its my third one. It folds flat and goes into my gig bag pocket. Not good for Jazzes. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310138457604?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_998wt_946 Perfect
  25. [quote name='nick' timestamp='1342558620' post='1737164'] Red Beans LP by Jimmy McGriff. The funkier side of the late great Bob Babbit [/quote] Thanks for this, mate!
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