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About mikeydee

  • Birthday 25/05/1969

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  1. So I managed to figure this out.... Once I put my glasses on and looked through a big lens I could see some writing on the PCB. This abled to figure out that one of the wires was OUT but the other one appeared to be 8 or infinite symbol... After a bit more thinking I realised that it was a curly lower case g (meaning ground). That was the breakthrough. Despite the bass looking terrible it plays really well and is actually pretty comfortable. LOL
  2. I am trying to fix this bass. The wiring got mangled with many of the little wires dropping off. I need help working out where they go. I called JHS about it and whilst helpful did not have any info. Does anyone have a similar vintage guitar that uses the G105 pre amp and would be willing to help?
  3. Listed on gumtree for £s with full description and pics but free to collector from Bristol bs6. Available most evenings
  4. That looks just what I need. PM'd
  5. Hi there folks, I wonder if anyone has the same bass guitar as me and can comment on the pickup output level. It the P Bass American Deluxe with a N3 (noiseless?) bridge pickup and 3 band active circuit. The pick ups are set to about 6-7mm below the string and have a limited range of adjustment that does not help much. For me the passive next pick up is rounded, fat and loud (as I would expect) but the jazz bass output is a bit weedy. If you switch the guitar to the active setting then the jazz bass output is about as loud as the precision pickup in passive mode and of course the neck pickup goes up in proportion too. It's not a massive deal but it means messing with my amp in between songs. Just wondering if this was normal behaviour. I don't have another Jazz bass to compare which is a pity.
  6. If you ever come near Bristol ...
  7. Hi there, I'll pay £35 if you can ship, or get it to Bristol. Mike
  8. Any warranty left? If I follow correctly then the power amp seems to be ok because you connect the bass to the FX return and all seems fine - even when the fault is present. So if the pre amp is cutting out then that could be: dodgy FX connectors or other external loop connectors like pre amp out etc OR flaky internal cable connections - both of these faults usually respond to a little tapping so you should give each connector a little tap say with a wooden spoon tip. If you are able to venture inside safely it could be valve that is not well seated in its base - would also respond to tapping externally in all likelihood. One thing additional is that the clicks you mentioned: is this tiny clicks that you hear from valves as they warm up or is it relay clicks (assuming you know what I am getting at). If the latter then, it could be an internal fault around the amps power supply delivering inconsistent voltage usually due to bad connections, joints etc. Mike
  9. Yep UK mains hum is 50hz and will occur from pickup on previous amp valve heaters. This minimised through twisted pair wiring. 100hz noise is what is left on the power supply after rectification and smoothing. In a push pull or class ab amp which is most amps with multiple valves this imperfection is cancelled out by the push pull circuit. In a class a it is left there. The cathode bypass caps job is to filter it out and on the first preamp too. Replacing that cap is inexpensive and worth doing
  10. Sounds like a great project by the way. Inn terms of sounds we could do with some reference tones but my take is that. . . . hum is 50 - 120hz and sounds like hmmmmmm Buzz is a mixture of frequencies and sounds like buzzzzzzzz often picked up from airborne sources like fluorescent tubes, dimmers and fridges but also picked up on mains like my dimmer light at home Hiss is high and sounds like hisssssssss And then there is Clicks Pops Crackle That's enough
  11. If it is the amp I am thinking of it is a class a output stage with two valves. I would expect that if one of the valves is red plating then so would the other as they are connected to the same cathode bias resistor. Reasons why this wouldn't be the case are the valves are not will matched or perhaps if the input coupling caps are leaking. Worth checking for dc on the grids? Lot of strain on the cathode resistor and cap. If that is dried up then the amp will hum. By the way hum and buzz are different sounds and mean different fault conditions. Sound clips can really help.
  12. I tried to find the schamtic for this but its not on the Fender site. If you have it post a link. If the buzz is a bit like when you have guitar lead not plugged in then my bet is that either the pot/switch is damaged internally, or the component that the pull knob bypasses/includes is damaged or has a bad joint. Try wiggling the knob side to side to see if it is the pot and give it a bit of a tap around the cabinet area to see if a bit of vibration triggers it. Control pots often get damaged by handling in and out of cars etc.
  13. I Don't know about that particular mixer but I regularly contact yamaha for spares and they are very helpful and their parts and shipping prices are reasonable. I have done this as trade and none trade so unless something has changed in their policies it sounds like your repair man doesn't want the work. You can reach them on the phone at 08448111116 I think you should ask them a. About other repair places, b. If they will repair and c. Cost of new board.
  14. Sounds like a good plan. I would expect it to be up to £120 shipped so your second hand one seems reasonable. Good luck with the fix.
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