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Everything posted by mojobass

  1. thionking of changing effects around so this is first up. its a digitec bp50 multi effects. At present i only use it as a boost to give a bit extra low end through the eq settings. its in very good nick not sure if ive still got the manual but its pretty easy to get around! loads of usefull effects and loads of pre programmed ones that i definately wouldn't use such as distortion, fuzz etc looking for £40 posted
  2. Ive had this a while, bought it to use as a recording mic for gigs but never did! its as new, comes with fluffy dog cover and also Rycote windshield cover, carry case and lead. Don't really know if anyone has use for one? heres a link to see what it is: [url="http://www.andertons.co.uk/studio-microphones/pid11058/cid604/audio-technica-at835b-condenser-shotgun-mic.asp?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=pricecomp&utm_campaign=GoogleShopping"]http://www.andertons.co.uk/studio-micropho...=GoogleShopping[/url] I'd hapily take £100
  3. sorry should have made it clear originally, this is a BASS gig bag, and i'm up in sunderland
  4. got this recently but no longer needed excellent nick nice thick padding offering great protection. £20 posted
  5. if this is still here in a couple of weeks i could well be tempted
  6. seriously...no one interest in such a great acoustic bass?
  7. bump £180??
  8. no interest?
  9. could possibly post it but would just be in its hard case and dont know how reliable that would be?
  10. pics taken today:
  11. would £200 be ok?
  12. this is possibly up for sale, i dont really want to sell but it gets absolutely no use and hasnt for ages so i guess it could be surplus. its immaculate, natural colour 4 string. lovely acoustic tone and very veratile eq system. comes with hard case also immaculate. looking for £200 but would definately need collecting from the North East will get some pics of it up as soon as i can but for reference heres a pic of the web: [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.jimlawrence.net/BASSES/Washburnfull.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.jimlawrence.net/BASSES/Washburn.html&usg=__bjMzjCWkCGVeOlY1HsINDAO40Ww=&h=679&w=307&sz=47&hl=en&start=0&tbnid=ELj_JRxgKMvaNM:&tbnh=182&tbnw=85&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwashburn%2Bab10%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1362%26bih%3D526%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1099&vpy=97&dur=1825&hovh=334&hovw=151&tx=86&ty=166&ei=jCNnTLPsFZGG4QbfubXTCA&oei=jCNnTLPsFZGG4QbfubXTCA&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0"]http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http...1t:429,r:16,s:0[/url]
  13. great basses these I had one a while ago, lovely sounding dead easy to play and very versatile. If i hadn't just picked up a stonkin deal on an eclipse a month ago i'd have it! free bump on me
  14. really looking for a trade as i need a head as i'm gigging regularly
  15. Looking to trade my immaculate Made in England (must stress this given reports of chinese ones!) MAG 600 head. it has been gigged but very well looked after. Ideally i'm after atrade for an ashdown LG1000 or other very small/lightweight head
  16. God I miss mine I wish I'd never sold it!! if i had the reddies i'd have it in a shot!!
  17. no interest?
  18. in my time ive had a series 2000 headless, two sharks, and an energy and ive regretted selling every single one of them!!!!!!!! ive got a washburn status at present if that counts!??
  19. sunny Sunderland
  20. Not sure really, I have seen an almost identical one go on ebay for nearly £450 IIRC, I gues i'd love to get as close to £400 as i could if possible, but like i say at the mo i'd prefer a trade and take it from there if no interest.
  21. some pics... [attachment=53185:DSCF7028.JPG] [attachment=53186:DSCF7030.JPG] [attachment=53187:DSCF7033.JPG]
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