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Everything posted by theheed

  1. A few months ago, I missed out on the old CMD102P on ebay. I was tiling the bathroom and completely lost track of time so didn't get to my PC. Only one person bid, and they got it for £350. To say I was gutted is a gross understatement!
  2. Thanks again. I've always liked the idea of a 2x10 traveler. Somehow, it seems a more managebale size to carry - less bulky on its end - than the 1x15. Also it was one of those which brought my attention to Markbass - I was in the Pantiles in Tunbridge Wells a while ago and listening to a jazz funk-ish quartet from Brighton with a female vocalist. They were on the bandstand outside and the bass was hitting me in the stomach in a really nice way. I talked to the guy afterwards about his setup - a Littlemark II and a Traveler 102. I was amazed at the volume and clarity and immediately fell in love with a brand I'd never really thought about before. Granted, his bass was a Goodfellow and way out of my budget, but I was completely blown away. By the way, if you're reading this post and are thinking , "That sounds like me. I played that gig in the Pantiles and some half-pi**ed skinhead bloke came up and waffled on about how good my rig was." thanks for a cool gig and the intro to Markbass. Andy
  3. Sorry about that. I meant I was tossing up between the Traveler 102P or the Traveler 151P. Thanks very much for your reply. It's good to hear other people's experiences. The Jeff Berlin is a 1x15 and did have tons of low end. I've seen the 151P for sale and in fact it's just been reduced. But to be honest, it's not the best looking cab in the world - a bit too yellow - although for the right price I wouldn't rule it out. There's also a guy raving about his new CMD121P combo, which looks incredibly small in the photo of him holding it - unless he's a dwarf of course! There's one of those going on ebay at the moment too. I'd love to hear what people have to say about the 2x10 though as I've never tested one of those. Thanks again for your comments.
  4. I'm in the process of trying to put together a second hand (or pre-loved) rig which will I will use in 2 different bands so needs to be completely portable - ie bass gig bag on my back, head in one hand and cab in the other. On crowded London transport. I've been hiring a Hartke 3500 and a 4x10 which has been more than loud enough for every gig we've done so far, so ideally need something with similar punch - but the portability outlined above. I've pretty much settled on Markbass - from what I've tried in the Bass centre and GAK (a Jeff Berlin) - I love the tone and was impressed by the output - IMO tighter and with more clarity and volume than a lot of 4x10s I've hired in the past. I've ruled out a 1x12 combo. as I think it may 'fart' at the volumes needed. So at the moment I'm wathcing a Little Mark II on ebay and may bid on that if it doesn't go daft in the last few minutes! Then I need to track down a cab. I want a Traveler. But the 2x10 or the 1x15? So Markbass users out there I need your opinions. How do they compare in tone and output? I suspect that the 2x10 may stay tighter but less 'in your chest' deep as the volume goes up. I know the Jeff Berlin had the depth but will it start farting if I use it over half volume? (As a rule we only fart in out band if the audience request it and the venue has the required ventilation.) Any view are welcome. Cheers Andy
  5. Level 42 - Hot Water (lots of slapped dead notes to carry the line along, will help build a bit of stamina) And when you're comfortable with that, have a crack at Sandstorm from Level 42 - The Early Tapes - it's kind of where Hot Water started life I think. Loads of thumb and left hand tap/deadening. Also Are You Hearing What I hear from Pursuit of Accidents - guaranteed wrist ache - as is the live version of Eyes Waterfalling.
  6. I can only find reference of a normal 4x10, not a lighter, Traveler version. I was trying to find the weight. Is this something they're discontinued? As I'm not that knowlegable about ohm-age, what are the disadvantages of these 8 ohm cabs as opposed to the 4 ohm you intend to get? How much are you looking for for each of the cabs. And would you sell separately? Sorry for all the questions. I'm only a bass player.
  7. Unfortunately, I can't take it off your hands. Just wanted to let you know in case you get another offer.
  8. I'll have a meeting with my financial controller - after she's finished putting the kids to bed.
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