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Everything posted by bigd1

  1. [quote name='slobluesine' timestamp='1360427198' post='1970213'] ffs someone needs to get the floyd into therapy and help them all get over Syd Barrett hey, what a feckin yawn they all are with him. i'm not a floyd fan so dont get what all the fuss is with SB, what exactly was so great about him? [/quote] Perhaps seeing a best friend and band member die on the inside because of drugs was maybe to big a thing to just "get over" !!
  2. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1360428030' post='1970248'] Yep, that's the key point in these sorts of debates. Can't argue with anyone who dislikes The Beatles (or any other band) because it's all subjective, and that's fine, but trying to deny their place in music history is just plain stupidity akin to believing the world is flat or man never walked on the moon. [/quote] I have not said I don't like the Beatles, nor have I said they weren't a big influence to a lot of modern day music. What I have said is I don't believe the Beatles changed all music and musicians as your original statement tried to say. I also never said that nothing was around before the Blues or Classical music, I do believe you said that. All I am saying is yes the Beatles were a good band but, come on, they didn't change everything that ever happened in music after 1963, as per your comments.
  3. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360427470' post='1970223'] I know a lot of great jazz musicians who say they were influenced by the Beatles. They changed music -- not just rock and pop. Rock and pop were nothing at all like what they did prior to their hitting the scene. [/quote] No Blues, Folk or Classical music around before this band then ?? You really believe ONE band changed everything !
  4. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360426823' post='1970199'] An incredibly unaware statement. They influenced everyone who followed -- even you, whether you know it or not. Because anyone you listened to after 1965 was influenced by them in one way or another. Bernstein called then geniuses. Herbie Hancock considered them the best composers of the 20th century and the worlds best bassists regard Paul as one of the most influential people to play the instrument. Sometimes musically snobbery ironically backfires. [/quote] So who influenced them ? I find it quite unbelievable the way people who are really into the Beatles think this way. They were a good pop band, the thing they had in there favour was they are the first real pop band. Nothing more they really didn't invent everything that happened in music after they had made it, just think about it, that statement is just so silly.
  5. Purple Turtle is not really worth a visit, cheapo stuff nothing of even cheap quality. Not sure if they are still trading.
  6. Bad news, although you are still able to play and make music of sorts, not a total stop !! thank goodness. I have health problems that really make playing very difficult. I end up fighting the idea of quitting, usually in the car on my way home from rehearsals or gigs. Not sure I could cope with that one just yet. Very tough thing to have to decide on. Well done and hope this work out for you. All the best, and the very best of health for the future. Ta very glad Dale
  7. Thebrig what a great question. This is my take on an answer, or at least what I think a musician is........ A Musician is some one who makes music. What form that takes, is what defines you as a musician. In basic terms you are a musician if you can bang 2 stones together, pluck a string, press a key on a keyboard, make a sound on brass or use your voice. Being a musician for me is that I make music, other people my disagree and think I make a din !! but that's music. I would say it's not if you can remember a few bars of music, a full cover song. If this was the case free form would then not be music (I would be in the camp of it's not, but everyone to there own ). it is an expression thing, it's full of emotion it can say something you may find difficult to express. it covers in everything in life. If you make a sound YOU think is musical, I believe that makes you a musician. Having the skills of understanding theory, and being able to play a cover song, etc, etc, and etc, all add to you being a musician. So YES you are a MUSICIAN. Ta very glad BIGd
  8. Lets face it, he's not knicked it to keep it, he'll probably sell it down the pub for quick money. It wouldn't surprise me if he thinks it's for an Xbox or something. Hope it turns up soon....... scum.
  9. I've never understood the "No Music" unwritten rule that is around popular music. It seems to me it is the only form that thinks you should remember a full set. I play Tuba in brass bands they would never do a gig without music, so why is it as a rock bass player I'm expected to do this ? ???? BIGd
  10. I have 4 basses, but I only ever take 1 with me to a gig. Never had the need, or reason to take a "backup". I always do a pre gig check, put new batteries in etc, but have never been let down by my G & L Asat. I would have thought you have even less to worry about with a passive bass (no battery problems). In fact the only "backup" I do take is strings, lead, battery plus a Leather-man . I have (this could be the wrong thing to say) never had a problem, not even a string break in 35yrs. I am very heavy handed. Due to this, and I like the sound, I use La Bella 110 flats. Don't know if that's why I haven't broken any. Ta very glad BIGd
  11. To sell stuff on BC, you have to put a price. This is not EVIL BAY. Please read the rules when you want to sell. Ta very glad BIGd
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1351937573' post='1857022'] Usually by being firm and rude. Unfortunately, p*ssed people don`t do reasoning very well, so you just have to convince them pretty quickly that it is them that will lose, no matter what happens. Had a similar incident in St Albans. A group of blokes walked past and were overheard saying "I`ll have a go on those drums later". no worries, just words. Then one tries to grab the mic - our singer was at him like a shot, told him to f*ck off. Said blokes mate gets involved, and he was told to f*ck off as well. When we started playing, all three of the front-line of the band just stared at these guys - for virtually the whole of the first set. We could see they were getting a bit uncomfortable, but that was the point - it`s our gear, leave it alone, we won`t surrender it lightly. By the end of the night, they were up, dancing, and our best mates for the evening. They realised we "wouldn`t take sh*t, so were decent blokes". If we`d tried reasoning with them, chances are our gear would have been trashed. [/quote] Works until said blokes decide to call your bluff. I think start with explaining to punter your equipment is not a toy etc, if this doesn't work as said before let the bar staff deal with it. We are not at the gig to provide sucurety, and we don't get paid enough to risk a full blown punch up where gear gets smashed by some arsehole who is pissed up. ta very glad BIGd
  13. You must have a asking price to put this on BChat as per forum rules, we are not EBay.. Ta very glad
  14. The adds that get me, and I've seen this a number of times "Must play a 5 string bass" Why ???
  15. You need to put a price or examples of what you are looking for trade wize :-)
  16. Chris Squire is the reason I wanted to be a bass player, and sill is. Megga player, amazing to see live in full on YES mode.
  17. Perhaps I have the wrong attitude, although I did think I understood the world of musicians. We have a band who need a dep, they are not your normal 4 rock/pop band, there are 8 musicians playing. The songs are not a great challenge to a experienced Bass Guitarist, but the band wants to (as we all do) put on a great show. So to be safe they want any deps to do 4 rehearsals, money is not great but when is it ever. What is the problem ? Some of you seem to think if they are only offering £50 it's an insult ? You are worth far more than that. Come on, get over yourselves, it's a gig, not very often you get to play with a group of 8. They NEED a bass player. How many of you who think this is beneath you play in this band, and have you done ANY gigs in the last few months, for any money ?? Get out and play, I have never worried about how much I'm getting paid, I like playing music far to mush to worry about that.
  18. picture would be good so we can see condition. Ta very glad
  19. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1348070693' post='1808873'] I've stopped loitering miserably in the shadows and taken to getting up and leaving after the first couple of songs, (you can usually tell after the first two songs), and trying a different pub. If you came to my local and started your set with a suitably raucous rendition of 'Line Up' I might stay for another pint. [/quote] The thing is as we play in bands, or at the very least play Bass guitar. Our way of listening is different than "Joe Public". "Joe" has come out for a chat with his mates and a couple of pints with a band playing. Most of the time they are not really listening. We as musicians go out to listen to the band. We want to see something different, new songs or even the old ones done in a new way. If a band then comes on and plays songs we have heard millions of times, played the same way, we are very disappointed. Meanwhile "Joe" is getting full of beer, talking away when [b]All Right Now[/b] is played by the band, him and his mates know this, they know the words and sing along. The band then play [b]Wishing Well[/b] He goes home thinking "what a great band, they played stuff we all knew, none of that new rubbish nobody knows the words for". [b]Say No More !! [/b]
  20. I think most of you seem to have missed the point that "The Customer is ALWAYS right". I don't like the songs on the list, but people who come out to listen to live bands DO ! Just because we play in a bands does not mean we can just play what we like, unless you are an originals group. If you are a covers band that's what you do, you play cover of songs what the punters want to hear. Not just what YOU like to play. Unfortunately most punters have limited music knowledge.
  21. As I understand it, 2 x100 watt amps is 2 amps pumping out 100watts each, its no louder, might be bigger but is still 2 100watt amps this is not 1 lot of 200. I think
  22. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1345122951' post='1773838'] I sincerely hope the Gallagher you are referring to is Rory & not Noel. [/quote] Rory all the way. Noel who ?
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