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Posts posted by bigd1

  1. I have been to every Bass Day since they started, great day now even better since venue change. The venue works really well as food and drinks are available in the cafe. Workshops and demo performances are usually of top standard, and do seem to get better each year. Bargain at only £20.


  2. I've not got a Gibson I can trade but I do have a Gordon Smith Graduate Slimline . Coil taps on both pups, fantastic hand made guitar. Comes with gig bag or hardshell case. Never been giged bedroom use only.


    If you are interested I can do some pic's of my Gordon Smith.


  3. A metronome is great for practice. I do think a drum machine is just as good and is probably a little more interesting to play along to.
    These are just tools to help you become a better player, in an ideal world playing with other musicians is always best but, would a room full of musicians sit playing crotchet beats while you learn to play them in time ?.
    2wheeler you don't live to far from me, I have about 30years experiance as both a classical and rock/blues musician. I would be more than willing to help you with your timing etc, PM me if interested to arrange.


  4. EBS OctaBass for EBS compressor Please. I bought this and have used it once, just not for me. My Tech 21 compressor has gone by-by so need a new compressor.

    This is what EBS say.

    The EBS OctaBass analog octave divider creates a single note one octave below the pitch of the played note, adding a new dimension to your sound.

    Intelligent Tracking
    The incredibly fast tracking allows for rapid playing techniques. The pedal also recognizes two or three-note chords.

    Technical Specifications:
    Nominal Input Level -8 dBv
    Input Impedance 200 kohms
    Dry Bandwidth +0 / -2 dB 20 - 20k Hz
    Dry Level min / max -oo / 0 dB
    Octaver Bandwidth +0 / -3 dB 10 - 110 Hz
    Octaver Level Gain min / max -oo / 12 dB min
    Octaver Filter Slope 18 dB/oct.
    Low Pass Triggering Threshold -70 dBv @200 Hz
    Dimensions (L x W x H) 2.8 x 4.5 x 1.4” (70 x 115 x 35 mm)
    Weight 450g (1 lb.)
    Power Requirements 9 V DC Regulated, 5 mA


  5. I've been a giging musician for about 30 years. Never taken a back up bass, don't see the need . Although I always change the battery before a gig and give my bass a once over and check all is well.
    I do carry a DI box plus a Leatherman tool, set of strings, extra lead & batteries.


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