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Everything posted by bigd1

  1. Sorry now I'm awake and re read your add it says how much it is DoH !!
  2. My Tech 21 B/Compactor is making a distorted noise when in use. Would this be worth a repair or is it just f~&ked. If it's worth fixing does anybody know where I could get it repaired in the Manchester area. BIGd
  3. bump for price
  4. This is the "mutts nuts" in bass combos, the sound is fantastic. Very well made by SWR, and this is a pre Fender buying the company one as well. (what more could you ask for ?) Full spec can be found here [url="http://www.swrsound.com/support/manuals/pdfs/wm10_12_15_om.PDF"]http://www.swrsound.com/support/manuals/pd...10_12_15_om.PDF[/url] (it's the last section, so just scroll down) I bought this new from the Bass Centre about 6 yrs ago, very well looked after, no marks, scratches always been kept in custom made padded cover (inc in sale) Offers around £450 please. Ta very glad BIGd
  5. I need to sell this combo, but have no idea on price. I've had it about 6yrs bought new from the Bass Center. In like new condition, always had a custom made cover to keep it clean & warm. Sounds fantastic, It really is the best sounding amp/combo I've ever used, and I've had a few over the years. Full info on the amp can be found here (it's the last section) [url="http://www.swrsound.com/support/manuals/pdfs/wm10_12_15_om.PDF"]http://www.swrsound.com/support/manuals/pd...10_12_15_om.PDF[/url] Advise please. Ta very glad BIGd
  6. Bump bump bang !
  7. "Flat Planet" is looking for musicians, guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, vocalist and anything else ist. "Flat Planet" is a community disabled music group. The group play to show "it can be done" no matter what the physical problem might be. The group has been running for about 8yrs and has played at some great venues NEC Birmingham, Bolton Football club & Trafford park to name a few. The group play mostly middle of the road rock/pop music, but are always open to new ideas. We have just moved to new rehearsal rooms that are fully accessible with great facilities. We have just had a Lottery grant that has allowed use to purchase instruments and equipment that can be used by new group members. If you or you know of anybody who may be interested in joining FLAT PLANET please get in touch with BIGd1 (Dale) on this forum or by email [email protected]. The group is only open to disabled people but, if your carer/ support person is a muso they can take part in the group. We meet every Tuesday 10am till about 2:45pm in the center of Oldham. Ta very glad BIGd [email protected]
  8. Thanks guys now sorted.
  9. Bought this at last years Bass day in Manchester. I was going to build a cab for it but have now sorted a head & cab, so no longer needed. Never been out of the box, less than 12 months old. Build yourselves a nice light cab. with loads of power. £80 I can do pic's if needed. BIGd
  10. Sorry I was in bit of a rush but like you said, I think we may have been talking all night if I hadn't had to go. Great seller Item as described. Even helped load into my car (bonus points) BIGd
  11. [quote name='artisan' post='171069' date='Apr 6 2008, 11:25 PM']say somewhere around the £100-£150 mark. for all i know it might just be a wire thats come off but hey i want's me a 4x10 oohh serious GAS weekend.[/quote] It's a bit more than I want to pay sorry, I only want it as a cab to leave at the rehearsal rooms & as a possible extension to my SWR combo. Hope you get sorted. BIGd
  12. I'm no good at guess the price, you must have an idea what you might let it go for, go on give me a clue. BGId [quote name='artisan' post='170827' date='Apr 6 2008, 06:27 PM']hi mate-i've got a gallien krueger sbx115-11 cab that's not working. i'm not really certain whats wrong with it-not had it checked yet,but i'm wanting a nice 4ohm 4x10 so make me an offer & i may sell you it.[/quote]
  13. Does anybody know where I can buy a empty cab from ? pref North west or west Yorkshire area. done some searches but don't seem to be able to find owt. Any help would be gladly appreciated. Ta very glad BIGd
  14. £250 if you want to buy, but would really like a trade for a head. BIGd
  15. bum bum bum bump
  16. Made in Japan Bass Collection JZ series, top quality instrument. This bass was bought new from the Bass Centre Manchester for £750 when B/Coll where making great instruments, not the cheapo ones that have just started to be sold by the Bass Centre London. It was purchased late 90's early 00's (can't find my receipt for exact date) Just before B/Coll stopped trading in the Uk for the first time. Ebony board, maple neck, upgraded with Seymour Duncan bass lines pups, Badass bridge, gotoh Macheads, Active, gold hardware, plays great just never gets played, fretless just not for me. Comes with hiscox case. £275 or trade for rack mount head. BIGd [attachment=7135:pic__s_2007_082.jpg] [attachment=7136:pic__s_2007_090.jpg]
  17. You have a PM
  18. How much for he head or what are you looking for in trades ?
  19. [quote name='paul, the' post='158055' date='Mar 15 2008, 04:46 PM']Did anyone else see the program on Irish music on BBC4 last night? They were talking about trying instill traditional values and promote distinct culture in order to ease the partition with the UK through pride. The politicians were looking for a figurehead for Irish music and auditioning fiddlers. On auditioning, they kept trying to get the musicians to perform flawlessly without 'mistakes'; akin to classical music. They didn't understand that it was the imperfectly perfect poor intonation that was so important for getting the right sound. To make relevance, it shows the importance of the connection with the culture behind the music and the understanding developed through a long-term association with it. This is where the creativity is born too. And the technical improvement comes from the joy of repetition from playing with others.[/quote] Believe me orchestral performances contain mistakes just like any other performance. Something that has started to happen of late is, because classical groups are now using Pro Tool and the like to record. They now will do as many takes as needed to get a perfect patched together performance. The problem is audiences of new classical listeners are then disappointed when they hear the work played live. It is now causing problems with ticket sales. Just to throw a fresh spanner in the works, should we be trying to get a perfect performance, is slight timing and intonation mistakes what make the music live or should it all be, note and timed to perfection.
  20. I'm building a DIY cab but need to know the best place for things like corner protectors, speaker cover, handles and socket plate etc. Looking for on line mail order stores. Ta very glad BIGd
  21. [quote name='cheddatom' post='156633' date='Mar 13 2008, 12:00 PM']Obviously knowing theory doesn't stop you from experimenting with different notes and scales which aren't even described as such by theory. However, to do that you wouldn't need to know any theory either. A person who knows theory MIGHT stick to what they know and have learned as the correct way of doing things and/or the way things have always been done. A person who knows no theory would not be able to stick to standard scales and the like, because they wouldn't know what they are. I'm not saying people shouldn't learn and use music theory. I'm speculating on it's effects upon creativity and development as a musician as a whole.[/quote] I would have thought you would be no more experimental what ever method you have learned by. As I said before both methods need you to listen, that being the case when you learn by ear you are only learning the sounds around you that would be based on already acquired knowledge. By the nature of the ear method you have to have heard it to play it. A musician who can read music does not need to have heard the music to be able to play it, but knows what the written notes sound like again from pre gained knowledge. This would enable them to go through the piece visually knowing what it will sound like when played. I would say not one nor the other method leads to a greater skill when it comes to experimentation or improvisation, both methods give you the skills to do this. BIGd
  22. We all have seen and listened to musicians who claim to have no knowledge when it comes to theory. Pick up a musical instrument and start to make noises with it, you will find, if you keep trying you will probably start to string together sounds you like, stuff starts to sound good. But by the same method some will not sound so good. This is basic music theory. I started playing brass as my first instrument (Tuba). I have been a musician for over 30yrs. I find most musicians who learn by ear seem to think if they learn any theory it will in some way kill there ability to play what the hear. In my experience all good musicians play by ear, it's impossible not to. The basic thing we want to do when we first start to play an instrument is to make a noise. Although when I am teaching I find one of the things people sometimes forget to do when playing is just that listen to what is happening around them. Am I to loud/not loud enough, does this fit the music we are playing, am I in tune etc. These things apply whether you play reading dots or not, and all come under music theory. Jazz musicians base a solo on scales (as in all music), it is how they manipulate the given scale that makes it improvised (the soloists style), it's the same with a rock solo although using different scales. However you play music be it by ear or from printed music I don't believe one is better than the other (I've never believed that) but I do think they can If you want to improve as a musician you need both. Being able to read and write music helps you under stand what are hearing, share you ideas with other musicians & be able to play any music in print with all the correct notes, but you may need to hear it to help with style. Playing by ear, if you hear it you can probably play it , but not always. The argument as to what is best by ear or learn music theory will go on forever, and never come to a full agreement. I think a mix of both is best and when you look properly at either method they do both use parts of each other with out trying. BIGd
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