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Everything posted by bigd1

  1. Went today (Sunday) not much on the bass front but ok otherwise. Watched Doug Wimbish........ Oh dear me what a pile of crap !, He was 20 mins late starting, then his set was just how many noises can I get from a load of processors/foot pedals. He didn't to me show any skill as a bass player. I know this sounds harsh but I really think any of us could have made that kind of noise just as well if not better. I don't like to down any fellow musician but this really was crap ! A very disappointed BIGd
  2. You have mail
  3. PMed
  4. You have a PM BIGd
  5. A good way I have used is, each member of the band brings a book to rehearsal, player 1 chooses a page number, player 2 paragraph, P3 line & P4 number of word along line. It can be done a few times till you come up with something you like. I was in a band called "Dr White & the heavy Bleeders" in the late 70's, don't think you would get away with it now. Still makes me smile though. Taz very glad BIGd
  6. I have 3797 basses and I play um all ....... every day ..... twice. BIGd
  7. bigd1

    2X18 feedback

    Great to meet, paid in cash, even after the main item he wanted went walkabout. Ta very Glad BIGd
  8. Sold to the Man in Leeds Ta very much
  9. it seems this has been taken from our rehearsal room. If you are offered a SR16 very cheap down the pub, with no psu or any foot peddles (Holmfirth Area) please let me know (bit of a long shot I know but hey) Ta very glad BIGd
  10. Saddleworth just outside Oldham. BIGd [quote name='BassBunny' post='56750' date='Sep 6 2007, 11:06 PM']Whereabouts are you Mr D?[/quote]
  11. Now £50+post BARGAIN you like YES, you buy ??
  12. b bb bbbb bbbbbb bbbb ump..........
  13. Guitar extension cab 2X12 !50w stereo or mono, with marshall plastic cover (never been used from new) BIGd
  14. With foot switch, all working, very good condition £60 + post BIGd
  15. if you have been in bands for as long as me......(long time) you do come across musicians who you think are not very good or as you put it suck. My way to deal with this is to tell the person in question they are not quite right for this band/ group but thank them for there time etc. They my be rubbish for you but in a different group/setting who knows. Never easy to get rid of someone but sometimes it needs to be done, but there is always a good way and a bad way. You could just YOU SUCK now F%CK O$F up to you as to what might be best. You choose.
  16. Do you think big box powders get your whites really white ? BIGd Ps. not whishing to gloat but, it's gona be dam hot again today. The heat & the farmers muck spreading.................great mix !
  17. I'm on the top of the Pennines right in the middle of tYorhshire & tLancashire in Saddleworth, but it's very hot today here. As you asked I like it hot...........oh feck! you got me doin it now........... Made me Laugh anyhow BIGd
  18. It seems that all that is on this forum of late is "what is best" kind of topics. Good god enough man !. We used to have really good topics not just pointless crap like this. BIGd grumpy old git coz it's tttttttttttttttttttttttooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt.
  19. Would you sell the 4X10 alone, if yes how much would you be looking for for it ? BIGd
  20. Just been in Sound Control Manchester (Salford) MM SUB in a green. This bass has a scratch on the back of the neck, don't get in the way when playing, and with the scratch being on the back of the head/top of neck, o0nly you need know its there. If you haggle you should get it for £500, that's what I got it down to. I was dealing with Ben or you could talk to Chris (the big boss man). Looks like a bargin to me, just not my type of bass.
  21. Going, going................................................................... gone, to a good home.
  22. MIKE OMG don't belive I didn't see that ............................ made me laugh anyhow DOH !!
  23. erm it's a kind of bump thing...................... you know !
  24. Would you be interested in a trade ? Korg for an Accoustic guitar of similar value ?
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