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Everything posted by bigd1

  1. Been playing bass for about 40yrs, never broken a string, and never taken a spare Bass, Amp etc to a gig. Although I do use 110 flat wounds, not sure if that makes a difference or not. I do hit the strings quite hard in some of my playing style but, no problems as of yet. I do take a spare set of strings, lead & battery to gigs though.
  2. See what happens when you start thinking !
  3. To most youngsters, the thing that looks cool is the lead guitar, vocalist etc. Not really the bass seat. I think you have to have and early liking for the job of the bass player, or as I have come across more than once when teaching, nobody else in the band wanted to play bass and we've all heard "it's got 4 strings do I thought it would be easier/quicker to learn than guitar. Ta very glad BIGd
  4. Please go see your Doctor, don't take or act on any advice from anybody until you know what you are dealing with. I really hope you get sorted quickly, and are well very soon. P.s nearly forgot don't take meds, nothing more that over the counter pain killers until you get checked out by your Doc. Be well Ta very glad Dale
  5. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1385235111' post='2286002'] I used to be a big Yes fan, but I find them as unlistenable as Dream Theater these days. Haven't a clue why, they just irritate me. I find the majority of the music I've listened to for decades pretty much unlistenable these days to be honest. [/quote] It's an age thing...........................
  6. I'm not just a big YES fan, I like most Prog bands Crimson, Genesis, Focus, Porcupine Tree, Steve Wilson, ELP and lots of others. I have all of D/T albums and I kind of put my liking of them down to my passion for Prog. Some of you have said you love , YES but can't get on with D/T, I could be wrong !! NNNNoooooo [b]Marvin[/b], I think you are correct, it is feel that's missing.
  7. I think I've seen D/T about 4 times live, and now I think about it the "no vibe" as pointed out above did seem to have effected the live show. The thing is the level of skill in the band is off the chart, but I do feel they seem to have dropped the ball a little in the vibe. Opeth are a fantastic band although I haven't seem them live yet.
  8. I've liked D/T right from the start, I think being a YES fan at hart is a big help as Like YES not every bodies cup of tea. I just wondered what BCers thought of the last few albums by D/T. To me they seem to have taken the "music perfection" too far, and the music has become a little like early computer music. It seems to lack feel and ebb and flow that makes music, music. I know the ethos of D/T is to make music at the highest level but have they sacrificed perfection for music ? The latest album is to me the worst of this theme, and really to my ears sounds like a computer churning out sounds, perfectly timed, pitched. placed and not very human. Ta very glad BIGd
  9. You have a PM Ta very glad BIGd
  10. You have a PM Ta very glad BIGd
  11. Ta very much.
  12. Very sad news, R.I.P
  13. I need some well made patch cables. I think somebody on ere does um, anybody know who ? Ta very glad BIGd
  14. I set up basses and guitars, not as a job or anything. I do for myself and band mates etc never had any complaints. I will check your bass out no problem but, I'm out of the country from Wednesday. I can let you know when I'll get back to when I'm back, if you still need me then no problem. I live in the Saddleworth area, not far from J22 M62. Ta very glad BIGd
  15. Only pedal I've ever used is a tunner, never felt the need for anything else. I like the sound of my bass and amp naked. Ta very glad BIGd
  16. I don't see any question here, for me this is a no brainer. Music in whatever form has to be enjoyable first. I have been a musician for 35yrs and done it all for the pleasure and love of it, I don't think I could play/perform if it wasn't. Being paid is for me a very nice extra for doing something I love. Money was never the reason I become and continue to be a musician. Although Music has never been my primary income. If it was all about money, and nothing else, I'd have to have a change of career. How could you possibly put in you hart and soul into making a great performance, if the only reason you are there is collect your pay packet at the end. I am sure professional musicians never start out with money as their driving force. Definitely got to be for the LOVE and ENJOYMENT, if you get paid as I said for me it's a BONUS.
  17. I have a 73 4001 in [size=4]Fireglo[/size] with original case, that has been valued by a bass specialist retailer at £2500, although what it's valued at and what it will sell for are very different things. As has been said, with the loan you have had £1200 sounds a great price to me. I don't think that is expensive for what seems to be a Rick in good condition, and you like this one, you may find it hard to get another one you like as much. Ta very glad BIGd
  18. I love it when band adds ask for bass players with a set number of extra strings for really no reason. I have played bass for about 30 years, in Prog, rock, blues and other things I can't put a name to. I have never needed a 5,6,8 or anything above a 4 string bass. Non bass players trying to tell the bass player what bass you need to play classic............. Ta very glad BIGd
  19. Just don't bother learning SLAP, complete waste of time and energy. Every time I hear someone play SLAP they always, and I really do mean always play the same riff. If you really want to sound like SLAP sounds, buy a drum kit, it will sound much more musical and be of greater use to your band mates. I thank you.......................... not keen on SLAP style of bass playing me ! Ta very glad BIGd
  20. The bass relay that is running through Basschat, has got a small recognition in this months new Guitarist Mag. I didn't think they new what basses were till I read that. Well done guys & girls. Ta very glad BIGd
  21. overdue bump
  22. I have a CME UF6 pro standard Master keyboard I am thinking of putting in the for sale section, this would be great for what you are trying to do. It would give the option of adding keyboard software to get more sounds etc at not a bit payout for full size synths. PM if you are interested having a look at the keyboard I have. bit of info http://www.doctoraudio.com/cmeuf6.html Ta very glad BIGd
  23. Well the power of Basschat wins again, Japanaxe is sending me a set of strap locks for nowt. How good is that !! Big thanks again. Ta very very glad Dale
  24. Has any body got the nut and washer for a [size=4]Schaller Guitar Strap Lock in black ? If you have can I buy it please ? [/size] [size=4]Flippin lost mine when playing a gig.[/size] [size=4]Ta very glad[/size] [size=4]BIGd[/size]
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