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Everything posted by ticker.hart

  1. Hi All, I have just set up a new covers band and it is proving to be prety good. We are going to go down the route of functions and social clubs to try and make a few quid compared with the usual low pub wages. We have decided to try to write the ultimate entertaining party set list, rather than just dredging out the songs we have been playing in other bands for years. We will then all learn the new set list before a few rehearsals etc. So I want to throw this thread open to song sugestions, what goes down well in your band? What song do you love to hear when you see a rock/pop covers band? We are open to modern and classic tracks, cheesy tunes, rock anthems, pop hits, slow smoochy tunes. Nothing to heavy or alternative as we do want to target functions etc. I obviously have a good Idea of the songs we should be doing but thought tapping into the wealth of knowledge and experience on this site could only add to the list! We are a 4 piece band in our twenties, guitar, bass, drums and vocals. Im a good bass player and we have an awesome guitarist. Please help us out with a few awesome tracks to add to our list. Many Thanks in advance!
  2. [quote name='OldGit' post='634433' date='Oct 23 2009, 01:52 PM']Yes. Keep records of everything you earn and spend on band related stuff. There's a long list of what you can claim from food, dry cleaning, travel, gear, maintenance, writing off capital value (that's your gear), phone calls , internet, computers if you use one to take bookings etc etc etc You'll not pay much.[/quote] How would I do that without having to do all my own tax returns. At the moment I don't do any paperwork for my tax as it is all done by the Navy. If I started claiming my musical earnings and expenses would i have to stop doing PAYE on my normal wages? More importantly, if I was spending more than I was earning as a musician, could I claim it against my overall income, ie pay less tax on my naval wage?!!!!!
  3. Hi, I am a good amatuer bass player and have a full time Job in the Royal Navy. I pay tax on my naval wages by PAYE (Pay as you earn). I don't earn much from playing my bass at the moment as I am only gigging about once a month and we are barely covering costs when playing pub gigs. I have started advertising myself on line for session and depping work as I consider myself to be a good bass player but due to my job I can't commit to a touring band, so session work suits me and gets me playing with some good muso's. This has already worked when i got to dep with an origional band at Guilfest this year. If the gig is apealling to me I will do it for free or for a small fee just to cover my own costs, petrol etc. My worry is that my adverts on business listings will attract the atention of the inland revenue. At the moment I am earning little or no money from my playing, but will they believe that? When you deduct the money I spend on kit, travel and rehearsal fees I am definately operating at a loss! Does anybody know where we stand legaly with this king of small cash income, of course I know that we all usually take the cash and that there is not normaly an auditable trail, but it is my adverts that i am worried about attracting attention. Any advice welcomed. Many thanks, WIll.
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