I just stumbled on this, here's a tale from the 60's, it doesn't involve booze however, intoxication of a chemical sort.
In Liverpool in the mid to late 60's we didn't go for booze, well a pint and I was we'll done in, maybe two brown mixed and then we was all basket cases. The band I was in at the time belonged to the Cavern Agency, they got us the gigs, which meant we played the Cavern a lot. Typically, Tuesday lunch, Tuesday night, Thursday lunch, Thursday night ( didn't have to move the gear !!). Friday was usually a double, Cavern first ( the gear was there) then some other gig. Saturday could be another Double featuring Cavern first, other gig second, then back to the Cavern for the "All Nighter". Then about once a month coinciding with the Cavern "All Nighter" was a Sunday afternoon "Marathon" at the "Sink" Harman Street, than back to the Cavern for another gig. So, where does the Buzz come in. One afternoon, Jud the Pill ( I kid you not) offered us some Dexedrine, his mate worked for Evans Medical and we could have them for 6d each, that's old money or 2.5p each in today's loot. Yes we said fairly knackered, we bought 6, one each, no result for about 10 minutes, we felt good, our "fan base' said we just seemed to take off, manic, good even. All I know is that I was awake for 24 hours talkin rubbish to anyone who would listen especially other pill heads.
No moral here I was 18 at the time, took em again once or twice, even took a Black Bomber once up for Days. That was then, now I don't drink before a gig as beer closes my throat and as I do the sing in' that's no good, half way through if I'm ok I'll take pint or two but mostly water.
Remember, the punters Do Not Know....